I have created this function to open csv file and look for a data in the file by the criteria of Date.
I created the ato test function and everything was good. The right answer came out
In the test ,call GetPrice(1, "2011-05-30"), one is the file name and the date is the line of the data i wanna get
But I tried using both =GetPrice(1, "2011-05-30") and =GetPrice(1, 2011-05-30) on worksheet, none of them could work
I have created this sub to call problem and find the price of the stock I wanna get
I created the ato test function and everything was good. The right answer came out
In the test ,call GetPrice(1, "2011-05-30"), one is the file name and the date is the line of the data i wanna get
But I tried using both =GetPrice(1, "2011-05-30") and =GetPrice(1, 2011-05-30) on worksheet, none of them could work
Function GetPrice(ByVal Stock_code As String, ByVal Stockdate As String)
Dim Fsys As New FileSystemObject
Dim FileStream As TextStream
Dim myws As Worksheet
Dim Row_ As Integer
Dim TempStr As String
Dim TempArray() As String
Dim myStockCode As String
Dim i As Integer
myStockCode = ToRic(Stock_code)
Set FileStream = Fsys.OpenTextFile("C:\Users\Desktop\VBA\VBA self learning\Data\" & myStockCode & ".csv")
'OpenTextwhile: Make sure you know where the path is
Set myws = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("sheet1")
Row_ = 1
While FileStream.AtEndOfStream = False
TempStr = FileStream.ReadLine
TempArray = Split(TempStr, ",")
If InStr(TempStr, Format(Stockdate, "yyyy/mm/dd")) > 0 Then
For i = 0 To UBound(TempArray)
Debug.Print TempArray(UBound(TempArray))
Exit Function
End If
Row_ = Row_ + 1
End Function
I have created this sub to call problem and find the price of the stock I wanna get
Sub test()
Call GetPrice(1, "2011-05-30")
End Sub