Problem in VLOOKUP Function


New Member
Apr 3, 2013
Hi there,
Can someone tell me why this code does not run. I'm new to excel and just playing around with some basic functions

Sub GetPrice()
Dim PartName As Variant
Dim Price As Double
PartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
Price = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(PartNum, Range("B2:C5"), 2, False)
MsgBox PartNum & "Cost" & Price
End Sub

The table is very basic and I've added it below.



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It looks like it should work.

What message did you receive?

How did you Dim Partnum?
Upvote 0
Hi Andrew,

Try this:

Option Explicit
Sub GetPrice()

    'Written by Trebor76
    'Visit my website
    Dim varPartNum As Variant
    varPartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
    If varPartNum = "" Then Exit Sub 'User clicked the Cancel button
    If IsError(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(" & varPartNum & ",B2:C5,2,FALSE)")) = True Then
        MsgBox "There is no entry for part number " & varPartNum
        MsgBox "The cost for part number " & varPartNum & " is " & Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(" & varPartNum & ",B2:C5,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
    End If
End Sub


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Hi Trebor76,

Understanding that this is "practice" code venture for Andrew_A, I was wondering how your code could accomodate a more realistic part number. One that is not just an integer of long, something like NSA123-44 and the like.

I tried Dim varPartNum As String but that did not play. So I'm guessing its in the Evaluate area of the code...?

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Hi there,
Can someone tell me why this code does not run. I'm new to excel and just playing around with some basic functions

Sub GetPrice()
Dim PartName As Variant
Dim Price As Double
PartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
Price = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(PartNum, Range("B2:C5"), 2, False)
MsgBox PartNum & "Cost" & Price
End Sub
The reason that your code is failing is that the PartNum being extracted from the InputBox is a String, whereas the values in B2:B4 of your sheet are Numeric.

The problem is the same as shown in this screen shot.

Excel Workbook
21232#N/AFails because F2 is Text
3245245Works because F3 is numeric

There are a couple of ways to fix your code.

1. Least preferred (by me) is to change the 'Price' line to
Rich (BB code):
Price = WorksheetFunction.VLookup(CDbl(PartNum), Range("B2:C5"), 2, False)

2. Preferred. Declare PartName as Double and stick with the 'Price' line that you had originally.
Rich (BB code):
Dim PartNum As Double

I think all variables should be declared. You can force yourself to do that by (in the vba window)
Tools|Options...|Editor tab|Check 'Require Variable Declaration'|OK

Note that with my suggested changes, the code will still fail if a value is entered in the InputBox that does not occur in the table. I was just addressing your question as to why your code was not working. :)
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Hi Howard,

If you were to use my code for non numeric as well as numeric part numbers, the code has to be changed to add quotes for the former but not for the later (as Peter discusses nicely above), i.e.

Option Explicit
Sub GetPrice()

    'Written by Trebor76
    'Visit my website
    Dim varPartNum As Variant
    varPartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
    If varPartNum = "" Then Exit Sub 'User clicked the Cancel button
    If IsNumeric(varPartNum) Then
        If IsError(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(" & varPartNum & ",B2:C5,2,FALSE)")) = True Then
            MsgBox "There is no entry for part number " & varPartNum
            MsgBox "The cost for part number " & varPartNum & " is " & Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(" & varPartNum & ",B2:C5,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
        End If
        If IsError(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(""" & varPartNum & """,B2:C5,2,FALSE)")) = True Then
            MsgBox "There is no entry for part number " & varPartNum
            MsgBox "The cost for part number " & varPartNum & " is " & Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(""" & varPartNum & """,B2:C5,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
        End If
    End If
End Sub


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Hi Robert,

Without the few modification I have made to your code it works well.

The mods I have made post the part number, the quanity of that part number and the price to the worksheet. On the sheet a few formulas keep a running total of all this info and a total cost of the items selected.

All my mods work fine except one.
The line in red will post the price of part numbers that are TEXT but will not post part numbers prices that are Numeric.

I don't know what to change to make that line post both.


Rich (BB code):
Option Explicit
Sub GetPriceNum_Text()
    'Written by Trebor76
    'Visit my website
    'Dim AMT As Long
    Dim varPartNum As Variant
    Dim varPartQty As Long
    varPartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
    varPartQty = InputBox("How many of this Part Number")
    Range("I100").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = varPartNum
    Range("J100").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = varPartQty
    If varPartNum = "" Then Exit Sub 'User clicked the Cancel button
    If IsNumeric(varPartNum) Then
        If IsError(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(" & varPartNum & ",B2:C10,2,FALSE)")) = True Then
            MsgBox "There is no entry for part number " & varPartNum
            MsgBox "The cost for part number " & varPartNum & " is " _
            & Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(" & varPartNum & ",B2:C10,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
        End If
        If IsError(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(""" & varPartNum & """,B2:C10,2,FALSE)")) = True Then
            MsgBox "There is no entry for part number " & varPartNum
            MsgBox "The cost for part number " & varPartNum & " is " _
            & Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(""" & varPartNum & """,B2:C10,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
        Range("K100").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(""" & varPartNum _
          & """,B2:C10,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
        End If
    End If
End Sub
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Hi Howard,

The logic is the same i.e. a line is needed if the entry is numeric like so:

Option Explicit
Sub GetPriceNum_Text()
    'Written by Trebor76
    'Visit my website
    'Dim AMT As Long
    Dim varPartNum As Variant
    Dim varPartQty As Long
    varPartNum = InputBox("Enter the Part Number")
    varPartQty = InputBox("How many of this Part Number")
    Range("I100").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = varPartNum
    Range("J100").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = varPartQty
    If varPartNum = "" Then Exit Sub 'User clicked the Cancel button
    If IsNumeric(varPartNum) Then
        If IsError(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(" & varPartNum & ",B2:C10,2,FALSE)")) = True Then
            MsgBox "There is no entry for part number " & varPartNum
            MsgBox "The cost for part number " & varPartNum & " is " _
            & Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(" & varPartNum & ",B2:C10,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
            Range("K100").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(" & varPartNum _
                & ",B2:C10,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
        End If
        If IsError(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(""" & varPartNum & """,B2:C10,2,FALSE)")) = True Then
            MsgBox "There is no entry for part number " & varPartNum
            MsgBox "The cost for part number " & varPartNum & " is " _
            & Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(""" & varPartNum & """,B2:C10,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
            Range("K100").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = Format(Evaluate("VLOOKUP(""" & varPartNum _
                & """,B2:C10,2,FALSE)"), "$#,##0.00")
        End If
    End If
End Sub


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Thanks Robert, thats gooder than gold.!!

I appreciate you taking the time beyond the original poster to help this lurker.

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That code is great.
I have a question. What would be added to your VB code in order to bring a description of the item, which would be in Column C, to Column N?
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