I use the below code for auto-generating a schedule, and its works fine.
But i want a extra line with de weeknumber showed, and i can't get it to work
The making of the line is with this code => .Cells(2, StartPos + Dag).Value = ?
but the code thats need to be on the ?-place , is a mystery for my
can someone help me ?
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub Rooster_5PLD()
Dim Schrikkeljaar As Boolean
Dim Datum As Date, Nieuwjaar As Date, Pasen As Date
Dim Koninginnedag As Date, Bevrijdingsdag As Date, Hemelvaart As Date
Dim Pinksteren As Date, Kerstmis As Date
Dim Ochtend As Integer, Middag As Integer, Nacht As Integer, Ploeg As Integer
Dim StartPos As Long, CDN5Pld As Long, Dag As Long, Maand As Long, Jaar As Long
Dim WeekdagNaam As String
Dim Werkblad As Variant, DagenInMaand As Variant, Dagen5Pld As Variant
Werkblad = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mrt", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", _
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec")
Jaar = Range("Nieuwejaar")
DagenInMaand = Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
Dagen5Pld = Array(0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335)
StartPos = Range("PersData_Jan").Column - 1
Schrikkeljaar = (Jaar Mod 4 = 0 And Not Jaar Mod 100 = 0) Or (Jaar Mod 400 = 0)
If Schrikkeljaar Then DagenInMaand(2) = 29
Nieuwjaar = DateSerial(Jaar, 1, 1)
Pasen = Paasdag(Jaar)
Koninginnedag = DateSerial(Jaar, 4, 30)
If Weekday(Koninginnedag, vbSunday) = 1 Then Koninginnedag = DateSerial(Jaar, 4, 29)
If Jaar Mod 5 = 0 Then Bevrijdingsdag = DateSerial(Jaar, 5, 5)
Hemelvaart = Pasen + 39
Pinksteren = Pasen + 49
Kerstmis = DateSerial(Jaar, 12, 25)
Ploeg = Range("Ploeg") '1 = Blauw, 2 = Rood, 3 = Geel, 4 = Groen, 5 = Wit
' If Jaar > 2006 And Not Schrikkeljaar Then Dagen5Pld(2) = 32 'Rooster (22123)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Maand = 1 To 12
For Dag = 1 To DagenInMaand(Maand)
Datum = DateSerial(Jaar, Maand, Dag)
Select Case Datum
Case Nieuwjaar
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "NJ"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Pasen, Pasen + 1
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "PA"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Koninginnedag
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "KO"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Bevrijdingsdag
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "BE"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Hemelvaart
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "HE"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Pinksteren, Pinksteren + 1
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "PI"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Kerstmis, Kerstmis + 1
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "KE"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Else
If Weekday(Datum, vbSunday) = 1 Then
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
End With
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
End With
End If
WeekdagNaam = WeekdayName(Weekday(Datum), True, vbSunday)
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(2, StartPos + Dag).Value = ?
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = Format(Datum, "dddd")
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = CDate(Datum)
.Cells(21, StartPos + Dag).Value = Format(Date, "ww")
.Cells(22, StartPos + Dag).Value = Format(Datum, "dddd")
End With
End Select
Select Case Ploeg
Case 1
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 41
End With
Case 2
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End With
Case 3
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
End With
Case 4
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
End With
Case 5
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 2
End With
End Select
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Font.Bold = False
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Value = Empty
End With
CDN5Pld = (Jaar - 1900) * 366 + Dagen5Pld(Maand) + Dag
If Datum >= #9/1/2006# Then
Ochtend = 5 - (((CDN5Pld) Mod 10) \ 2)
Middag = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 2) Mod 10) \ 2)
Nacht = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 5) Mod 10) \ 2)
Ochtend = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 12) Mod 15) \ 3)
Middag = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 7) Mod 15) \ 3)
Nacht = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 2) Mod 15) \ 3)
End If
If Ploeg = Ochtend Then Sheets(Werkblad(Maand)).Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Value = "Ochtend"
If Ploeg = Middag Then Sheets(Werkblad(Maand)).Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Value = "Middag"
If Ploeg = Nacht Then Sheets(Werkblad(Maand)).Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Value = "Nacht"
Next Dag
If Datum < #3/1/2006# And Not Schrikkeljaar And Maand = 2 Then
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
If .Cells(5, StartPos + 22).Value = "Ochtend" And .Cells(5, StartPos + 23).Value = "" _
Then .Cells(5, StartPos + 27).Value = ""
If .Cells(5, StartPos + 23).Value = "Ochtend" And .Cells(5, StartPos + 24).Value = "" _
Then .Cells(5, StartPos + 28).Value = ""
If .Cells(5, StartPos + 25).Value = "Ochtend" And .Cells(5, StartPos + 26).Value = "" _
Then .Cells(5, StartPos + 27).Value = "Nacht"
End With
End If
If Not Schrikkeljaar And Maand = 2 Then
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Value = Empty
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Value = Empty
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Value = Empty
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Font.Bold = False
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Font.Bold = False
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Font.Bold = False
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End With
End If
Next Maand
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Function Paasdag(Jaar)
Dim c, G, H, i, J, L, PMaand, PDag As Integer
G = Jaar Mod 19
c = Jaar \ 100
H = (c - c \ 4 - (8 * c + 13) \ 25 + 19 * G + 15) Mod 30
i = H - (H \ 28) * (1 - (29 \ (H + 1)) * ((21 - G) \ 11))
J = (Jaar + Jaar \ 4 + i + 2 - c + c \ 4) Mod 7
L = i - J
PMaand = 3 + (L + 40) \ 44
PDag = L + 28 - 31 * (PMaand \ 4)
Paasdag = DateSerial(Jaar, PMaand, PDag)
End Function
I use the below code for auto-generating a schedule, and its works fine.
But i want a extra line with de weeknumber showed, and i can't get it to work
The making of the line is with this code => .Cells(2, StartPos + Dag).Value = ?
but the code thats need to be on the ?-place , is a mystery for my
can someone help me ?
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
Sub Rooster_5PLD()
Dim Schrikkeljaar As Boolean
Dim Datum As Date, Nieuwjaar As Date, Pasen As Date
Dim Koninginnedag As Date, Bevrijdingsdag As Date, Hemelvaart As Date
Dim Pinksteren As Date, Kerstmis As Date
Dim Ochtend As Integer, Middag As Integer, Nacht As Integer, Ploeg As Integer
Dim StartPos As Long, CDN5Pld As Long, Dag As Long, Maand As Long, Jaar As Long
Dim WeekdagNaam As String
Dim Werkblad As Variant, DagenInMaand As Variant, Dagen5Pld As Variant
Werkblad = Array("Jan", "Feb", "Mrt", "Apr", "Mei", "Jun", _
"Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Okt", "Nov", "Dec")
Jaar = Range("Nieuwejaar")
DagenInMaand = Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
Dagen5Pld = Array(0, 31, 60, 91, 121, 152, 182, 213, 244, 274, 305, 335)
StartPos = Range("PersData_Jan").Column - 1
Schrikkeljaar = (Jaar Mod 4 = 0 And Not Jaar Mod 100 = 0) Or (Jaar Mod 400 = 0)
If Schrikkeljaar Then DagenInMaand(2) = 29
Nieuwjaar = DateSerial(Jaar, 1, 1)
Pasen = Paasdag(Jaar)
Koninginnedag = DateSerial(Jaar, 4, 30)
If Weekday(Koninginnedag, vbSunday) = 1 Then Koninginnedag = DateSerial(Jaar, 4, 29)
If Jaar Mod 5 = 0 Then Bevrijdingsdag = DateSerial(Jaar, 5, 5)
Hemelvaart = Pasen + 39
Pinksteren = Pasen + 49
Kerstmis = DateSerial(Jaar, 12, 25)
Ploeg = Range("Ploeg") '1 = Blauw, 2 = Rood, 3 = Geel, 4 = Groen, 5 = Wit
' If Jaar > 2006 And Not Schrikkeljaar Then Dagen5Pld(2) = 32 'Rooster (22123)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Maand = 1 To 12
For Dag = 1 To DagenInMaand(Maand)
Datum = DateSerial(Jaar, Maand, Dag)
Select Case Datum
Case Nieuwjaar
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "NJ"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Pasen, Pasen + 1
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "PA"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Koninginnedag
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "KO"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Bevrijdingsdag
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "BE"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Hemelvaart
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "HE"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Pinksteren, Pinksteren + 1
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "PI"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Kerstmis, Kerstmis + 1
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = "KE"
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = Dag
End With
Case Else
If Weekday(Datum, vbSunday) = 1 Then
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
End With
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
End With
End If
WeekdagNaam = WeekdayName(Weekday(Datum), True, vbSunday)
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(2, StartPos + Dag).Value = ?
.Cells(3, StartPos + Dag).Value = Format(Datum, "dddd")
.Cells(4, StartPos + Dag).Value = CDate(Datum)
.Cells(21, StartPos + Dag).Value = Format(Date, "ww")
.Cells(22, StartPos + Dag).Value = Format(Datum, "dddd")
End With
End Select
Select Case Ploeg
Case 1
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 41
End With
Case 2
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
End With
Case 3
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 6
End With
Case 4
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 35
End With
Case 5
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Interior.ColorIndex = 2
End With
End Select
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Font.Bold = False
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Value = Empty
End With
CDN5Pld = (Jaar - 1900) * 366 + Dagen5Pld(Maand) + Dag
If Datum >= #9/1/2006# Then
Ochtend = 5 - (((CDN5Pld) Mod 10) \ 2)
Middag = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 2) Mod 10) \ 2)
Nacht = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 5) Mod 10) \ 2)
Ochtend = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 12) Mod 15) \ 3)
Middag = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 7) Mod 15) \ 3)
Nacht = 5 - (((CDN5Pld - 2) Mod 15) \ 3)
End If
If Ploeg = Ochtend Then Sheets(Werkblad(Maand)).Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Value = "Ochtend"
If Ploeg = Middag Then Sheets(Werkblad(Maand)).Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Value = "Middag"
If Ploeg = Nacht Then Sheets(Werkblad(Maand)).Cells(5, StartPos + Dag).Value = "Nacht"
Next Dag
If Datum < #3/1/2006# And Not Schrikkeljaar And Maand = 2 Then
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
If .Cells(5, StartPos + 22).Value = "Ochtend" And .Cells(5, StartPos + 23).Value = "" _
Then .Cells(5, StartPos + 27).Value = ""
If .Cells(5, StartPos + 23).Value = "Ochtend" And .Cells(5, StartPos + 24).Value = "" _
Then .Cells(5, StartPos + 28).Value = ""
If .Cells(5, StartPos + 25).Value = "Ochtend" And .Cells(5, StartPos + 26).Value = "" _
Then .Cells(5, StartPos + 27).Value = "Nacht"
End With
End If
If Not Schrikkeljaar And Maand = 2 Then
With Sheets(Werkblad(Maand))
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Value = Empty
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Value = Empty
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Value = Empty
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Font.Bold = False
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(3, StartPos + 29).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Font.Bold = False
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(4, StartPos + 29).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Font.Bold = False
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Font.Underline = xlUnderlineStyleNone
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Font.ColorIndex = 1
.Cells(5, StartPos + 29).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
End With
End If
Next Maand
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Private Function Paasdag(Jaar)
Dim c, G, H, i, J, L, PMaand, PDag As Integer
G = Jaar Mod 19
c = Jaar \ 100
H = (c - c \ 4 - (8 * c + 13) \ 25 + 19 * G + 15) Mod 30
i = H - (H \ 28) * (1 - (29 \ (H + 1)) * ((21 - G) \ 11))
J = (Jaar + Jaar \ 4 + i + 2 - c + c \ 4) Mod 7
L = i - J
PMaand = 3 + (L + 40) \ 44
PDag = L + 28 - 31 * (PMaand \ 4)
Paasdag = DateSerial(Jaar, PMaand, PDag)
End Function