I got a problem. The last sub doesnt work, I always get subscript out of range, whats my mistake?
Second question: Is there a way to just copy the array into the text file without using a while loop?
Help as usual appreciated !
Sub ECBFX(jCrcy As String)
Dim jData() As Variant
jData() = QTextFormat(jQText)
Call WriteData(jData())
End Sub
Function QTextFormat(jQText As String) As Variant
Dim jData() As Variant
Array is filled
QTextFormat = jData()
End Function
Sub WriteData(jData() As Variant)
Dim jCount As Long
Open "c:\test.txt" For Output As #1
Do Until jCount = UBound(jData)
Print #1, jData(jCount, 1), jData(jCount, 2)
Close #1
End Sub
Second question: Is there a way to just copy the array into the text file without using a while loop?
Help as usual appreciated !