Problems with slow code, can this be coded differently to speed it up.


New Member
Dec 23, 2012

I have a small project that i am developing and its coming along OK. The problem I have is the clunky code I think, it takes to long to populate, its not too bad on my i7 processor but when I move it to my tablet its not quick enough.

I will explain the purpose of the application.

I have a sheet that holds all the data called "MatsData" and a userform called "frmcontract"

There are two listboxes "Listbox1" & "Listbox2" The category name from cell "C" in "MatsData" populates into the "Listbox1" whichever category that is chosen in "Listbox1" is transferred to "Listbox2". When you have completed choosing the categories you hit the + button to create the document; this is where it slows up, I know the code looks complex and it does for me. I had this code written by a friend and he is unavailable to help, I cannot work it out due to my limitations I am relatively new to vba and only pick things up from you good guys, I would appreciate if someone could shed some light on this. How do I attached the file.


Excel Facts

Select a hidden cell
Somehide hide payroll data in column G? Press F5. Type G1. Enter. Look in formula bar while you arrow down through G.
You might get some help if you post your code.
Upvote 0
Welcome to the forum. We are here to help.

Without seeing the code, it is hard to tell you how to speed it up.

Here are the standard things to improve speed.
1) Do not select things. Work with the cells rather than a selection object. Avoid code like:

2) turn off recalculation when doing a lot of work.
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

<do lots="" of="" stuff="">[ do stuff ]

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

3) turn off screen updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

<do lots="" of="" stuff="">[ do stuff ]

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

If you can post the slow code within code tags we can see what is causing it to be slow. It may be that it just has too much to do.</do></do>
Upvote 0
Welcome to the forum. We are here to help.

Without seeing the code, it is hard to tell you how to speed it up.

Here are the standard things to improve speed.
1) Do not select things. Work with the cells rather than a selection object. Avoid code like:

2) turn off recalculation when doing a lot of work.
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

<do lots="" of="" stuff="">[ do stuff ]

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

3) turn off screen updating
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

<do lots="" of="" stuff="">[ do stuff ]

Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
Application.ScreenUpdating = True

If you can post the slow code within code tags we can see what is causing it to be slow. It may be that it just has too much to do.</do></do>
'OK here it is

Public Function tabExists(tabName As String) As Boolean
Dim c As Integer
c = 0

While c < Worksheets.Count

  If Worksheets.Item(c + 1).Name = tabName Then
    tabExists = True
    Exit Function
  End If
  c = c + 1

tabExists = False

End Function
Private Sub btnpop_Click()
   If Not tabExists("Materials and Workmanship") Then
       Sheets.Add.Name = "Materials and Workmanship"
      Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Cells.Clear
   End If
   Dim currentNo As Integer
   Dim hasheader As Boolean
   Dim cnt As Integer
    For lngindex = 1 To ListBox2.ListCount
    Dim posindex As Long
    Dim newstr As String
    posindex = InStr(1, ListBox2.List(lngindex - 1), "-", vbTextCompare)
    newstr = Mid(ListBox2.List(lngindex - 1), posindex + 1, 2000)
        For Each Item In Worksheets("MatsData").Range("C:C")
            If Item.Value <> "" And Item.Row > 1 And Item.Value = newstr Then
                    For Each item2 In Worksheets("MatsData").Range("D" & Item.Row + 1 & ":D" & Item.Row + 220)
                        If item2.Value <> "" Or Worksheets("MatsData").Range("E" & item2.Row) <> "" Then
                        Dim myval
                        myval = Trim(Worksheets("MatsData").Range("E" & item2.Row).Value)
                        If Worksheets("MatsData").Range("C" & item2.Row - 1) <> "" Then
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(Item.Value)
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(Worksheets("MatsData").Cells(item2.Row - 1, Item.Column - 2).Value)
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A" & currentNo + 1).Font.Bold = True
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Font.Bold = True
                            currentNo = currentNo + 1
                        End If
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A" & currentNo + 1).Font.Bold = Worksheets("MatsData").Cells(Item.Row, Item.Column - 2).Font.Bold
                            If item2.Value = "" Then
                                'MsgBox (myval)
                                Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(myval)
                                Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Font.Bold = True
                                Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(item2.Value)
                            End If
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(Worksheets("MatsData").Cells(item2.Row, item2.Column - 2).Value)
                            cnt = cnt + 1
                            currentNo = currentNo + 1
                            'currentNo = currentNo - 1
                            Exit For
                        End If
            End If
            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Activate
            currentNo = currentNo + 1
Next lngindex
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A1:B" & currentNo).VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignTop
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A1:B" & currentNo).HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignLeft
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A1:B" & currentNo).Columns.AutoFit
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B:B").ColumnWidth = 80
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B:B").WrapText = True

 'New margin code, try this
    With ActiveSheet
        .PageSetup.PrintArea = .Range("A1", "B" & currentNo).Address
                With .PageSetup
                    .RightMargin = 10
                    .LeftMargin = 45
                    .TopMargin = 50
                    .BottomMargin = 40
                    '.CenterHeader = "Page # " & lNum & " of " & lTotal
        End With
    End With
' Puts border for Sheets
    Dim ColumnAB As Range
    Dim Cell As Range
    Set ColumnAB = Range(Range("A1"), Range("B" & currentNo).End(xlUp))
    ColumnAB.Borders.LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone
    ColumnAB.BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium


    For Each x In ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks
        Dim counter As Integer
        counter = x.Location.Row - 1

        Dim BreakColumn As Range
        Set BreakColumn = Range(Range("A" & counter), Range("B" & counter))
        BreakColumn.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlMedium
        Dim NextBreakColumn As Range
        Set BreakColumn = Range(Range("A" & counter + 1), Range("B" & counter + 1))
        BreakColumn.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlMedium

    Unload Me
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Move After:=Worksheets("MW Cover Sheet")
    With Selection.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 2
        .Pattern = xlSolid
   With Range("A1")
  .Value = Date
  .NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
       End With
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()


Unload Me

End Sub
Private Sub cmdfsh_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub
Private Sub cmddone_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub
Private Sub cmdmats_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    If ListBox1.ListIndex <> -1 Then
        ListBox2.AddItem (ListBox1.Text)
        ListBox1.RemoveItem (ListBox1.ListIndex)
    End If
    Dim oListBox As MSForms.ListBox
    Set oListBox = ListBox2
    Call SortListBox(ListBox2, 0, 1, 1)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdRemove_Click()
    If ListBox2.ListIndex <> -1 Then
        ListBox1.AddItem (ListBox2.Text)
        ListBox2.RemoveItem (ListBox2.ListIndex)
    End If
    Dim oListBox As MSForms.ListBox
    Set oListBox = ListBox1
    Call SortListBox(ListBox1, 0, 1, 1)
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
With Range("A1")
  .Value = Date
  .NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
End Sub

Public Sub PopCatCmbo()
    Dim r2 As Integer
        intCatNum = 0
    For r2 = 1 To 399 Step 1
    If Not Worksheets("MatsData").Range("C" & r2).Value = "" Then
           If r2 > 1 Then 'ignore headers
               ListBox1.AddItem (Worksheets("MatsData").Range("A" & r2).Value & "-" & Worksheets("MatsData").Range("C" & r2).Value)
           End If
    End If

End Sub
Sub SortListBox(oLb As MSForms.ListBox, sCol As Integer, sType As Integer, sDir As Integer)
    Dim vaItems As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim c As Integer
    Dim vTemp As Variant
     'Put the items in a variant array
    vaItems = oLb.List
     'Sort the Array Alphabetically(1)
    If sType = 1 Then
        For i = LBound(vaItems, 1) To UBound(vaItems, 1) - 1
            For j = i + 1 To UBound(vaItems, 1)
                 'Sort Ascending (1)
                If sDir = 1 Then
                    If vaItems(i, sCol) > vaItems(j, sCol) Then
                        For c = 0 To oLb.ColumnCount - 1 'Allows sorting of multi-column ListBoxes
                            vTemp = vaItems(i, c)
                            vaItems(i, c) = vaItems(j, c)
                            vaItems(j, c) = vTemp
                        Next c
                    End If
                     'Sort Descending (2)
                ElseIf sDir = 2 Then
                    If vaItems(i, sCol) < vaItems(j, sCol) Then
                        For c = 0 To oLb.ColumnCount - 1 'Allows sorting of multi-column ListBoxes
                            vTemp = vaItems(i, c)
                            vaItems(i, c) = vaItems(j, c)
                            vaItems(j, c) = vTemp
                        Next c
                    End If
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
         'Sort the Array Numerically(2)
         '(Substitute CInt with another conversion type (CLng, CDec, etc.) depending on type of numbers in the column)
    ElseIf sType = 2 Then
        For i = LBound(vaItems, 1) To UBound(vaItems, 1) - 1
            For j = i + 1 To UBound(vaItems, 1)
                 'Sort Ascending (1)
                If sDir = 1 Then
                    If CInt(vaItems(i, sCol)) > CInt(vaItems(j, sCol)) Then
                        For c = 0 To oLb.ColumnCount - 1 'Allows sorting of multi-column ListBoxes
                            vTemp = vaItems(i, c)
                            vaItems(i, c) = vaItems(j, c)
                            vaItems(j, c) = vTemp
                        Next c
                    End If
                     'Sort Descending (2)
                ElseIf sDir = 2 Then
                    If CInt(vaItems(i, sCol)) < CInt(vaItems(j, sCol)) Then
                        For c = 0 To oLb.ColumnCount - 1 'Allows sorting of multi-column ListBoxes
                            vTemp = vaItems(i, c)
                            vaItems(i, c) = vaItems(j, c)
                            vaItems(j, c) = vTemp
                        Next c
                    End If
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    End If
     'Set the list to the array
    oLb.List = vaItems
End Sub
Upvote 0
Public Function tabExists(tabName As String) As Boolean
Dim c As Integer
c = 0

While c < Worksheets.Count

  If Worksheets.Item(c + 1).Name = tabName Then
    tabExists = True
    Exit Function
  End If
  c = c + 1

tabExists = False

End Function
Private Sub btnpop_Click()
   If Not tabExists("Materials and Workmanship") Then
       Sheets.Add.Name = "Materials and Workmanship"
      Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Cells.Clear
   End If
   Dim currentNo As Integer
   Dim hasheader As Boolean
   Dim cnt As Integer
    For lngindex = 1 To ListBox2.ListCount
    Dim posindex As Long
    Dim newstr As String
    posindex = InStr(1, ListBox2.List(lngindex - 1), "-", vbTextCompare)
    newstr = Mid(ListBox2.List(lngindex - 1), posindex + 1, 2000)
        For Each Item In Worksheets("MatsData").Range("C:C")
            If Item.Value <> "" And Item.Row > 1 And Item.Value = newstr Then
                    For Each item2 In Worksheets("MatsData").Range("D" & Item.Row + 1 & ":D" & Item.Row + 220)
                        If item2.Value <> "" Or Worksheets("MatsData").Range("E" & item2.Row) <> "" Then
                        Dim myval
                        myval = Trim(Worksheets("MatsData").Range("E" & item2.Row).Value)
                        If Worksheets("MatsData").Range("C" & item2.Row - 1) <> "" Then
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(Item.Value)
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(Worksheets("MatsData").Cells(item2.Row - 1, Item.Column - 2).Value)
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A" & currentNo + 1).Font.Bold = True
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Font.Bold = True
                            currentNo = currentNo + 1
                        End If
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A" & currentNo + 1).Font.Bold = Worksheets("MatsData").Cells(Item.Row, Item.Column - 2).Font.Bold
                            If item2.Value = "" Then
                                'MsgBox (myval)
                                Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(myval)
                                Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Font.Bold = True
                                Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(item2.Value)
                            End If
                            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A" & currentNo + 1).Value = Trim(Worksheets("MatsData").Cells(item2.Row, item2.Column - 2).Value)
                            cnt = cnt + 1
                            currentNo = currentNo + 1
                            'currentNo = currentNo - 1
                            Exit For
                        End If
            End If
            Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Activate
            currentNo = currentNo + 1
Next lngindex
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A1:B" & currentNo).VerticalAlignment = xlVAlignTop
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A1:B" & currentNo).HorizontalAlignment = xlHAlignLeft
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("A1:B" & currentNo).Columns.AutoFit
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B:B").ColumnWidth = 80
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Range("B:B").WrapText = True

 'New margin code, try this
    With ActiveSheet
        .PageSetup.PrintArea = .Range("A1", "B" & currentNo).Address
                With .PageSetup
                    .RightMargin = 10
                    .LeftMargin = 45
                    .TopMargin = 50
                    .BottomMargin = 40
                    '.CenterHeader = "Page # " & lNum & " of " & lTotal
        End With
    End With
' Puts border for Sheets
    Dim ColumnAB As Range
    Dim Cell As Range
    Set ColumnAB = Range(Range("A1"), Range("B" & currentNo).End(xlUp))
    ColumnAB.Borders.LineStyle = xlLineStyleNone
    ColumnAB.BorderAround Weight:=xlMedium


    For Each x In ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks
        Dim counter As Integer
        counter = x.Location.Row - 1

        Dim BreakColumn As Range
        Set BreakColumn = Range(Range("A" & counter), Range("B" & counter))
        BreakColumn.Borders(xlEdgeBottom).Weight = xlMedium
        Dim NextBreakColumn As Range
        Set BreakColumn = Range(Range("A" & counter + 1), Range("B" & counter + 1))
        BreakColumn.Borders(xlEdgeTop).Weight = xlMedium

    Unload Me
    Worksheets("Materials and Workmanship").Move After:=Worksheets("MW Cover Sheet")
    With Selection.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 2
        .Pattern = xlSolid
   With Range("A1")
  .Value = Date
  .NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
       End With
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()


Unload Me

End Sub
Private Sub cmdfsh_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub
Private Sub cmddone_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub
Private Sub cmdmats_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
    If ListBox1.ListIndex <> -1 Then
        ListBox2.AddItem (ListBox1.Text)
        ListBox1.RemoveItem (ListBox1.ListIndex)
    End If
    Dim oListBox As MSForms.ListBox
    Set oListBox = ListBox2
    Call SortListBox(ListBox2, 0, 1, 1)

End Sub

Private Sub cmdRemove_Click()
    If ListBox2.ListIndex <> -1 Then
        ListBox1.AddItem (ListBox2.Text)
        ListBox2.RemoveItem (ListBox2.ListIndex)
    End If
    Dim oListBox As MSForms.ListBox
    Set oListBox = ListBox1
    Call SortListBox(ListBox1, 0, 1, 1)
End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
With Range("A1")
  .Value = Date
  .NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
   End With
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
End Sub

Public Sub PopCatCmbo()
    Dim r2 As Integer
        intCatNum = 0
    For r2 = 1 To 399 Step 1
    If Not Worksheets("MatsData").Range("C" & r2).Value = "" Then
           If r2 > 1 Then 'ignore headers
               ListBox1.AddItem (Worksheets("MatsData").Range("A" & r2).Value & "-" & Worksheets("MatsData").Range("C" & r2).Value)
           End If
    End If

End Sub
Sub SortListBox(oLb As MSForms.ListBox, sCol As Integer, sType As Integer, sDir As Integer)
    Dim vaItems As Variant
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    Dim c As Integer
    Dim vTemp As Variant
     'Put the items in a variant array
    vaItems = oLb.List
     'Sort the Array Alphabetically(1)
    If sType = 1 Then
        For i = LBound(vaItems, 1) To UBound(vaItems, 1) - 1
            For j = i + 1 To UBound(vaItems, 1)
                 'Sort Ascending (1)
                If sDir = 1 Then
                    If vaItems(i, sCol) > vaItems(j, sCol) Then
                        For c = 0 To oLb.ColumnCount - 1 'Allows sorting of multi-column ListBoxes
                            vTemp = vaItems(i, c)
                            vaItems(i, c) = vaItems(j, c)
                            vaItems(j, c) = vTemp
                        Next c
                    End If
                     'Sort Descending (2)
                ElseIf sDir = 2 Then
                    If vaItems(i, sCol) < vaItems(j, sCol) Then
                        For c = 0 To oLb.ColumnCount - 1 'Allows sorting of multi-column ListBoxes
                            vTemp = vaItems(i, c)
                            vaItems(i, c) = vaItems(j, c)
                            vaItems(j, c) = vTemp
                        Next c
                    End If
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
         'Sort the Array Numerically(2)
         '(Substitute CInt with another conversion type (CLng, CDec, etc.) depending on type of numbers in the column)
    ElseIf sType = 2 Then
        For i = LBound(vaItems, 1) To UBound(vaItems, 1) - 1
            For j = i + 1 To UBound(vaItems, 1)
                 'Sort Ascending (1)
                If sDir = 1 Then
                    If CInt(vaItems(i, sCol)) > CInt(vaItems(j, sCol)) Then
                        For c = 0 To oLb.ColumnCount - 1 'Allows sorting of multi-column ListBoxes
                            vTemp = vaItems(i, c)
                            vaItems(i, c) = vaItems(j, c)
                            vaItems(j, c) = vTemp
                        Next c
                    End If
                     'Sort Descending (2)
                ElseIf sDir = 2 Then
                    If CInt(vaItems(i, sCol)) < CInt(vaItems(j, sCol)) Then
                        For c = 0 To oLb.ColumnCount - 1 'Allows sorting of multi-column ListBoxes
                            vTemp = vaItems(i, c)
                            vaItems(i, c) = vaItems(j, c)
                            vaItems(j, c) = vTemp
                        Next c
                    End If
                End If
            Next j
        Next i
    End If
     'Set the list to the array
    oLb.List = vaItems
End Sub
Upvote 0
It appears to me that you are going to be looping and looking at a lot of data that you shouldn't.

For Each Item In Worksheets("MatsData").Range("C:C")

is going to look at eery cell in column C. This is bad enough when there where 65535 cells in Excel but now it is over a million in Excel 2007+ and you are doing it for every item in listbox2 (which I have no idea how many that is) This is probably your biggest slow down.

There are a number of things I would do differently for efficiency but they are trivial.

Also, the last bit of code looks weird but really won't hurt anything.

    With Selection.Interior
        .ColorIndex = 2
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        With Range("A1")
          .Value = Date
          .NumberFormat = "dd/mm/yyyy"
        End With
    End With

Selects ALL the cells not the used cells. Again in the newer versions of Excel this can be HUGE.

Then the weird bit is that within the "with Selection.Interior" you change what is selected. Since nothing is done after that it won't cause any issue but it is a little weird.

Hope this helps you.
Upvote 0

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