Protect a row based on a date


New Member
Nov 16, 2005
Hello and thanks for any help,

I have a spreadsheet with a date column and several other columns for that day's data input so that each day has its own row. What I would like to do is protect the data from previous days so it will not be accidentally deleted. In other words, If today > date in column A than that row is locked and protected.

I am new to this site, but I have looked through several threads and can't seem to find a solution to what I would like to do. I am a novice with macros, but am comfortable trying to mess around with them, any help is greatly appreciated.

Excel Facts

Prevent GETPIVOTDATA. Select inside a PivotTable. In the Analyze tab of the ribbon, open the dropown next to Options and turn it off
Try this; it should go in the ThisWorkbook module and will run whenever the workbook is opened:

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim ws As Worksheet, c As Range

Set ws = Sheets("Sheet1")

With ws
    .Unprotect 'unprotect sheet
    'check each cell in column A
    For Each c In .Range("A2", .Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
        If c.Value < Date Then 'if value in cell is < today
            c.EntireRow.Locked = True 'lock entire row
        Else 'otherwise
            c.EntireRow.Locked = False 'unlock entire row
        End If
    Next c
    .Protect 'protect sheet
End With

End Sub
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