Is there a way in excel 2003 that a user can double click a cell and a user prompt asking to input data results? If I use code 1 I can use a macro it seems, but can it be modified so that a double click is required. Code 2 is what I thought of but it does not seem to work. Thanks.
Code 1
Code 2 (HSCBM is the workshhet name)
Code 1
Sub Data ()
Cells(3, "A").Value = InputBox("Enter Case Number Between 1 and 50", "You must Enter a Value")
Do While Cells(3, "A").Value < 1 Or Cells(3, "A").Value > 50
Cells(3, "A").Value = InputBox("Enter a number Between 1 and 50", "Input Out of Range!")
End Sub
Code 2 (HSCBM is the workshhet name)
Private Sub HSCBM_RD_BeforeDoubleClick_()
Cells(3, "A").Value = InputBox("Enter Case Number Between 1 and 50", "You must Enter a Value")
Do While Cells(3, "A").Value < 1 Or Cells(3, "A").Value > 50
Cells(3, "A").Value = InputBox("Enter a number Between 1 and 50", "Input Out of Range!")
End Sub