Dear Sir,
I am facing an recon problem for matching debit and creit basis individual & summation of values also and mark the reference aginst the credit values. We need to mark off these debits with the credits ( single or multiple ) values. Is there any solution / macro available. Kindly guide.
Cell A1 is Header B1 Header
Data is avilable in cell A2 onwards and ref NO is B2 onwards
Debit Amt Ref
-1252332.00 15
-125325.00 1
-32525.00 2
-30000.00 16
-25000.00 3
-16000.00 4
-15225.00 5
-15000.00 6
-15000.00 7
-12000.00 8
-9000.00 9
-5555.00 10
-1282.85 11
-1253.25 12
-500.00 13
-125.00 14
10000.00 17
Credit Amt
1262.32 1
5000.00 6
5000.00 16
8000.00 1
10000.00 6
12000.00 3
12000.00 16
13000.00 3
13000.00 16
32525.00 2
115062.68 1
1252332.00 15
I have a set of debit values with a reference and I have a set of credit values which out reference numbers
I need to know from the debit valus a summation of which all the credits can be used and marking the debit refernce against the credit values
If the credit values have the reference then it should be identifed as matched and the other credit entries needs to be taken for next caluclation
for Ex.
Ref 16 = Rs.30000 which is matched below with Rs.5000, Rs.12000, Rs.13000
there is one more creidt is available for Rs.30000 but no debits hence is blank in the reference column
Hope you understand the logic like goal seek
Amt and ref will be in the same column . Is there any macro for matching and mentioning the reference numbers against credit values
Single debit and multiple credit and multiple credit and single debit also possible
Thanks in Advance.
I am facing an recon problem for matching debit and creit basis individual & summation of values also and mark the reference aginst the credit values. We need to mark off these debits with the credits ( single or multiple ) values. Is there any solution / macro available. Kindly guide.
Cell A1 is Header B1 Header
Data is avilable in cell A2 onwards and ref NO is B2 onwards
Debit Amt Ref
-1252332.00 15
-125325.00 1
-32525.00 2
-30000.00 16
-25000.00 3
-16000.00 4
-15225.00 5
-15000.00 6
-15000.00 7
-12000.00 8
-9000.00 9
-5555.00 10
-1282.85 11
-1253.25 12
-500.00 13
-125.00 14
10000.00 17
Credit Amt
1262.32 1
5000.00 6
5000.00 16
8000.00 1
10000.00 6
12000.00 3
12000.00 16
13000.00 3
13000.00 16
32525.00 2
115062.68 1
1252332.00 15
I have a set of debit values with a reference and I have a set of credit values which out reference numbers
I need to know from the debit valus a summation of which all the credits can be used and marking the debit refernce against the credit values
If the credit values have the reference then it should be identifed as matched and the other credit entries needs to be taken for next caluclation
for Ex.
Ref 16 = Rs.30000 which is matched below with Rs.5000, Rs.12000, Rs.13000
there is one more creidt is available for Rs.30000 but no debits hence is blank in the reference column
Hope you understand the logic like goal seek
Amt and ref will be in the same column . Is there any macro for matching and mentioning the reference numbers against credit values
Single debit and multiple credit and multiple credit and single debit also possible
Thanks in Advance.