Record count in a text file


Board Regular
Dec 8, 2004
I want to determine the number of records in a text file beforeimporting the file into an Excel worksheet.

Is there a way to query the file for this information using VBA?

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Depends. If you are talking about a file where one records = one line, then you could use something like this:

' Open the file.  Read the whole thing into one big string.
    Open "myfile.txt" For Binary Access Read As #1
    strFile = String(LOF(1), " ")
    Get #1, , strFile
    Close #1
' create an array from the records in the string
    aryRecords = Split(strFile, vbCrLf)

' The number of records is the UBound of the array + 1.
    RecCount = UBound(aryRecords) + 1

Does this work?
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This is exactly what I had hoped to accomplish.

I didn't realize you could read in a string of 280000 records so quickly.

Thank you Mike!

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