Board Regular
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- Mar 27, 2011
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ok so i am having difficulties with creating a recordset for a function. The recordset is suppose to execute the strings returned from the look up
the function is
and the whole code is
how to a create a recordset for the function i have. I want it to execute the returned results (being sql queries)
the function is
and the whole code is
Function getrecordset(str) As String
'create recordset object
Dim rs As adodb.Recordset
Set rs = New adodb.Recordset
With rs
.ActiveConnection = cn
'using the str variable open the recordset
.Source = str
End With
'if recordset NOT NULL
If Not (rs.BOF And rs.EOF) Then
getrecordset = rs(0)
getrecordset = Recordset
'getrecordset = "No Result"
getrecordset = vbNullString
End If
'close and destroy recordset object
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
Sub getresults()
Dim r As Integer 'row counter
Dim c As Integer 'column counter
Dim str As String
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim cn As adodb.Connection
Set cn = New adodb.Connection
With cn
.ConnectionString = "Password=" & password & ";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=" & username & ";Data Source=" & DatabaseEnv & ";Mode=ReadWrite;"
.Provider = "IBMDADB2.DB2COPY1"
' .Open
'End With
rs = "select * from worksheet" & Range("Environ1") & ("Environ3") & ("Environ4") & ("Environ5") & ("Environ7")
Set rs = Db.OpenRecordset
For c = 31 To 35 'columns AE to AI
For r = 2 To 39 'start with first row
If Cells(r, c).Value <> "" Then 'is there a value in the row?
str = Cells(r, c).Value 'this is the SQL string we need for the recordset
Cells(r, c - 5).Value = getrecordset(str) 'use a function to open the recordset and return the value to column 3
End If
Next r
Next c 'next column
End With
End Sub
how to a create a recordset for the function i have. I want it to execute the returned results (being sql queries)