referencing a different workbook


New Member
Sep 26, 2006
ok i have 2 workbooks. i have one to record data and one is a listing of all the standard output that should be achieved.

in my data recording workbook i have a column for a part number which i look at the other workbook and have to manually type in the standard output from the other workbook.

i was wondering if there was a way that i could have it so when i type in the part number the standard output would automatically fill in by having it be retrieved from the other workbook.

if anyone could give me an example or walk me through this that would be appreciated. i dont know if i explained it that well either but any help is appreciated.


Chad Jousma

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Hi cjousma.

in your output workbook go to the cell you want the data in then type the = sign>>activate you input workbook then click on the cell you want to copy over. You'll get something that looks like


then when you save or close the workbooks the full path name will update


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In a similar situation I used this formula to look up information about a member of staff. I took this from cell E6 of my spreadsheet.


where $C6 is a cell in the row of my spreadsheet where the name is. The if(... is just to make the cell blank if there isn't a name in column C.

Personnel.xls is the name of the other file and Personnel_List is a named range within Personnel.xls. The info I want is in the 4th column of Personnel_List

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thanks for the replies but thats not exactly what i am looking for. is there a way i can paste an image of the workbooks in here so i can show you what i am looking at. i am not that great at explaining things and it would be better if i could show you what i am looking at so you know exactly what i am asking. thank you.
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