A named range of 6 cells ("MyRange") contains the names of 6 other named single-cell ranges (locations) within a worksheet.
Assuming a preceding loop that ultimately results in a 'selection.cut' of a certain range, how would I:
1. Loop through MyRange and then paste the preceding selection to that location? My effort is provided below, which bombs on the Application.Goto Range(rngLocation). I feel like I need to indirectly reference the names within MyRange.
Thanks -w0ok-
Assuming a preceding loop that ultimately results in a 'selection.cut' of a certain range, how would I:
1. Loop through MyRange and then paste the preceding selection to that location? My effort is provided below, which bombs on the Application.Goto Range(rngLocation). I feel like I need to indirectly reference the names within MyRange.
Sub Sample()
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim RngCell As Range
Dim rngLocation As Range
'Preceding loop code...Selection.Cut
For Each RngCell In Range("MyRange")
Set RngCell = rngLocation
Application.Goto Range(rngLocation)
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next RngCell
'Back into outer loop...End If
iterator = iterator + 1
End Sub