Remove path from file name


Active Member
Mar 20, 2002
Hello all: Is there a formula where only the data after the second or third \ be shown in a cell no mater what the path is? Thanks Dan

D:\A Print\D72PI010-R00.PDF
D:\A Print\Temp\D72PI010-R00.PDF

Formula in both cases would return just the file name D72PI010-R00.PDF

Excel Facts

Remove leading & trailing spaces
Save as CSV to remove all leading and trailing spaces. It is faster than using TRIM().
Needs a custom function. Alt +F11 then Copy paste this to a code module.
Usage the same as other functions
Function GetFileName(nm As String)
    L = Len(nm)
    C = L
    While Mid(nm, C, 1) <> "\"
        C = C - 1
    GetFileName = Right(nm, L - C)
End Function
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Works great Brian! Played with Len & Right but could never put nothing together that worked. Thanks again for your help. Dan
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dim Files
dim FileName as string

Files = split(path,"\")
FileName = Files(ubound(files))

This way doesnt loop around but is not better then the abouve just another approach.
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Thanks Bandit: Will remember both ways. Thank both of you for all your help. Dan
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Thanks Fairwinds: Works well also, Im not sure what the (@) symble is doing but the formula does work, Thanks Dan
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The @ sign is replacing the last instance of / in the full file name, afterwhich it is used as the search criteria to the FIND function.
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Thanks Jon: I never have used the ( @ ) symble like that before, will have to play with that one. Thanks again Dan
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dantb said:
Thanks Jon: I never have used the ( @ ) symble like that before, will have to play with that one. Thanks again Dan

The @ symbol could have been any unlikely-to-be-found character -- the intent here is to SUBSTITUTE the right-most slash with a unique character on which to key a search.
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