I've used the script below with success, but for some reason, it won't work in this new worksheet:
I want to enter things like A, B, C, etc., in A, then run a macro to poplate with the correct values:
Selection.Replace What:="A", Replacement:="12345", LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=False
It works if only "A" is in the cell and it produces the result: 12345
But if the cell has AB, it produces 12345B.
And if ABC, it produces 12345BC.
I thought the "quotes" around "A" made it exclusive to only cells called, A, and not a part of a longer text. If I use wildcards "*A*", then the cell ABC would also be changed to 12345.
I tried using "1" but that produces a long math loop, so changed to alpha. Numbers would be GREAT, but I can't get that to work either.
Much appreciated.
I want to enter things like A, B, C, etc., in A, then run a macro to poplate with the correct values:
Selection.Replace What:="A", Replacement:="12345", LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, MatchCase:=False
It works if only "A" is in the cell and it produces the result: 12345
But if the cell has AB, it produces 12345B.
And if ABC, it produces 12345BC.
I thought the "quotes" around "A" made it exclusive to only cells called, A, and not a part of a longer text. If I use wildcards "*A*", then the cell ABC would also be changed to 12345.
I tried using "1" but that produces a long math loop, so changed to alpha. Numbers would be GREAT, but I can't get that to work either.
Much appreciated.