I’m attempting to retrieve external data from one excel sheet to another excel sheet. -Data- -Get external Data- -New Database Query-, and highlight -Excel Files*- on the ‘Chose Data Source window’. Then by browsing or selecting -Ok-, chose the Excel file to connect. With the resulting message “This data source contains no visible tables” Why does the data source information need to be in a table? I am unable to enter the source sheet information into a table -Data-, -Table- ‘Row’, and or ‘Column’ input cell. With the resulting message “You must select a single rectangle that is more than one row high and more than one column wide”. So I do that and get a message “Input cell reference is not valid”. All I want is to automatically retrieve information from one sheet and place it in another… Seems simple. Lookup and Reference formula doesn’t seem to offer a solution either. Thanks, if you can assist.
Signed, Linux lover
This message was edited by tmarc on 2002-08-28 15:00
Signed, Linux lover
This message was edited by tmarc on 2002-08-28 15:00