Retrieving data from last 90 days


Board Regular
Oct 26, 2005
Office Version
  1. 2016
  1. Windows
I have a spreadsheet which shows lines and lines of faults for various servers. What I need to be able to do is to show in a seperate worksheet how many failures there has been of a particular server in the last 90 days

Any ideas?

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Without more information it's difficult to suggest a way forward but....

If you have a dates in column A and server identities in column B something like


would count the number of rows within the specified range where the date is in the last 90 days and server is "xyz123"
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sumproduct would probably do the trick, but we need more info on the structure of your data table. which data is in what column?


whoops, excuse me barry. We posted at same time. :)
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Well I tried the formula based on what you said but I get back #REF. I have used the following formula

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Network Stats'!D7:D717>TODAY()-90),--(INDIRECT("'Network Stats'!"&rangetouse=svr)))

where rangetouse is a named cell where I insert range numbers and svr is a named cell where the server name is inserted.

The fault data is in a different worksheet to the one where the calculation will take place and is made up of

Server Names Column C

Failure date Column D

So basically what I am trying to do is to say how many failures there have been for a particular server over the last 90 days.
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I have now got it working using the formula I mentioned above, I had to rekey the information in the 'rangetouse' cell. Not sure why this was a problem but it is working fine now, thanks for your time.
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