Returning a result to active row?


Well-known Member
Nov 16, 2005
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Good evening to everyone in this time zone,

I'm sitting here listening to the JCB song: and trying to puzzle out a problem that's been bugging me all week. Any assistance would be gratefully appreciated.

If I have a spreadsheet where I use a macro to enter data in a defined range of cells, is it possible to have that macro also record specific result in the active row but outside the range?

For example: My macro would place a value in the active cell in the range A1:J10. If I select cell C3 and run the macro, I would like another - different - result to be displayed in cell L3. If I then select cell F10 and run the macro, another result would be displayed in cell L10. So the column remains fixed as "L" but the row is dependent on the active cell.

Hopefully that makes sense and that it's feasible.

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Certainly sounds feasible.

But what value do you want to appear in column L?
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Very feasible. Something like?
Dim DestinationRange As Range

Set DestinationRange = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 12)
'your code
DestinationRange.Value = "Whatever" 'your code determines this

Does this help?
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Hi Norie,

The result is dependent on a user form and gathered input. I'd managed to get that part working fine, just not how to place it where I needed it.

Barrie, thank you! You've saved my sanity (though some would say too late). It works perfectly! :biggrin:
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