Run Error 13


Active Member
Jan 31, 2010
Dear All,

What seems to be wrong with this code? It is giving me a runtime error 13????
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
 Dim r As Long
    With Sheet1
         r = Application.Match(MRITRBox.Value, .Range("G:G"), False)
        .Cells(r, 20).Value = MRITRUpd.Value
    End With
End Sub

Excel Facts

Format cells as date
Select range and press Ctrl+Shift+3 to format cells as date. (Shift 3 is the # sign which sort of looks like a small calendar).
r = Application.Match(MRITRBox.Value, .Range("G:G"), [COLOR=red]0[/COLOR])
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The Match function might not be finding a match and returning an error.

Why not try VBA Find?
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This particular line
r = Application.Match(MRITRBox.Value, .Range("G:G"), False)
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This is untested but perhaps you could use it or something similar instead of Application.Match
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
Dim rngFnd As Range
    With Sheet1
        Set rngFnd = .Range("G:G").Find(MRITRBox.Value)
        If Not rngFnd Is Nothing Then
            ' if found
            .Cells(rngFnd.Row, 20).Value = MRITRUpd.Value
        End If
    End With
End Sub
Note if nothing is found nothing will happen, but you won't get an error.
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What is MRITRBox ? Is it a Text Box?
Text boxes contain.....well....Text..
You won't find a match to a text value in a column of numbers (G).


r = Application.Match(Val(MRITRBox.Value), .Range("G:G"), 0)

Hope that helps.

Note, the reason for 0 instead of FALSE is a little nitpicky..but using FALSE is technically incorrect (even though it works).
The Match function is looking for an argument of either -1, 0, or 1 (it is NOT a True or False argument)

Using TRUE = 1, FALSE = 0. But there is no equivelant for -1.
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Hi norie,

Your code worked! Thanks a lot. Now I can rest for a while..been breaking my head for hours. I am just wondering why the previous code didn't work?
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