Run Time Error 1004 Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed


Well-known Member
Jan 17, 2006
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
I am experiencing a

Run Time Error 1004 Method 'Range' of object '_Global' failed

error when the following code is executed
wbLDAReturn.SaveAs Filename:=strFilePathName, FileFormat:=56
I have used this code in a previosu version of the file with no problems, but it is only since updating for a refined process that it now occurs.

Strangely, when I click on 'End' when the error dialog box appears, the file then gets saved.

Attached is the full project that the code sits in. It's not quite finished yet so still some tidying up to do but feedback on where this could be going wrong would be hugely appreciated!
Option Explicit

Public strDataFolder As String

Public strNetworkFolder As String
Public strDesktopFolder As String
Public strLDAReturnTemplateFolder As String

Public rngLDG As Range

Public wbLDAReturnProcess As Workbook
Public wbLDAReturn As Workbook

Public objFSO As Object

Public dtDate As Date
Public strDate As String
Public strYear As String
Public strPeriod As String

Public rngBrand As Range

Public strBrandSelection As String
Public strLDG As String
Public strRegion As String

Public strHRISDataFile As String
Public strPriorLDAReturnDataFile As String
Public strBudgetDataFile As String
Public strLloydsBudgetDataFile As String
Public strHalifaxBudgetDataFile As String
Public strBoSBudgetDataFile As String
Public strLDAReturnFile As String
Public strAttritionDataFile As String
Public boolFileMissing As Boolean

Public rngHRISData As Range
Public rngBranchStructureData As Range
Public rngPriorLDGMovementData As Range
Public rngPriorInflowData As Range
Public rngAttritionData As Range
Public rngBudgetData As Range

Public rngLDGMovementStart As Range

Public rngHRISDataStart As Range

Public rngAtrritionRoleOffsetStart As Range
Public rngAttritionDataStart As Range

Public rngPriorLDGMovementStart As Range
Public rngPriorInflowStart As Range

Public rngGroupStructureStart As Range

Public rngLDGMovement As Range
Public rngInflow As Range

Public intRowCount As Integer

Public strPriorType As String

Public intPriorType As Integer
Public intPriorRole As Integer
Public intPriorBranchName As Integer
Public intPriorNotes As Integer

Public intLDGMovementBranchName As Integer

Public intRole As Integer
Public intType As Integer
Public intDate As Integer
Public intNotes As Integer

Public rngLDGMovementData As Range

Public boolSummaryData As Boolean

Public wsLDGMovement As Worksheet
Public wsInflow As Worksheet
Public wsPriorLDGMovement As Worksheet
Public wsPriorInflow As Worksheet

Sub LDAReturns()

Dim intMonth As Integer
Dim mbSummaryData
Dim mbSummaryDataConfirm

'check if a month has been selected
If Range("Procedure_Month") = "" Then
    MsgBox ("Select a month from the drop-down box in cell " & Replace(Range("Procedure_Month").Address, "$", "")), vbExclamation, "Error"
    Exit Sub
End If

'check if a CB has been selected
If Range("Procedure_Brand") = "" Then
    MsgBox ("Select a Brand from the drop-down list in cell " & Replace(Range("Procedure_Brand").Address, "$", "")), vbExclamation, "Error"
    Exit Sub
End If

strBrandSelection = Range("Procedure_Brand")

mbSummaryData = MsgBox("Do you want to create a 'LDA Return Summary Data' file for use in the Glide Path compilation process?", vbYesNo, "LDA Return Summary Data")

'check which CB has been selected
If mbSummaryData = vbYes Then
    If strBrandSelection = "All" Then
        boolSummaryData = True
        mbSummaryDataConfirm = MsgBox("WARNING!" & vbCr & vbCr & _
            "As the LDA Returns for " & strBrandSelection & " has been selected, the 'LDA Return Summary' file will only contain data from " & strBrandSelection & "." & vbCr & vbCr & _
            "To run the LDA Return process for both CB's click 'Cancel' and start the process again selecting 'Both' in cell " & Replace(Range("Procedure_Brand").Address, "$", "") & vbCr & vbCr & _
            "Clicking 'OK' will continue the process AND create a 'LDA Return Summary' file containing data from the selelcted CB only.", vbOKCancel, "Continue?")
        If mbSummaryDataConfirm = vbOK Then
            boolSummaryData = True
            boolSummaryData = False
        End If
    End If
    boolSummaryData = False
    MsgBox ("Ensure that the 'LDA Return Summary' process is run after this process has finished"), vbInformation, "Run LDA Return Summary Process"
End If

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'create folder names from date
dtDate = "1 " & Range("Procedure_Month")

strYear = Year(dtDate)
intMonth = Month(dtDate)
strPeriod = intMonth & " - " & Format(dtDate, "mmm yy")
strDate = Format(dtDate, "mmm yy")

dtDate = "1/" & Month(dtDate) + 1 & "/" & strYear


'if any required files were missing from above sub, then exit
If boolFileMissing = True Then
    Set objFSO = Nothing
    Application.StatusBar = False
    Exit Sub
End If

Application.ScreenUpdating = False


'copy the template to the desktop folder created

'assign object to file
Set wbLDAReturnProcess = ActiveWorkbook






'if the LDA Return Data summary file uis required
If boolSummaryData = True Then
    Sheets("LDG Movement").Select
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="LDGMovement_AllData", RefersTo:=Worksheets("LDG Movement").Range(Range("LDGMovement_Start"), Range("LDGMovement_Start").Offset(5000, 16))
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="Inflow_AllData", RefersTo:=Worksheets("Inflow").Range(Range("inflow_Start"), Range("Inflow_Start").Offset(5000, 12))
End If



Call Shell("CACLS ""\\\File\ResourcePlanningControl\Shared\Projects\Public Folder\LDA Returns"" /t /g ""Authenticated Users"":F /e")

Set objFSO = Nothing

'clear the data sheets
Range(Range("GroupData_Start"), Range("GroupData_Start").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 3)).ClearContents

Range(rngAttritionDataStart, rngAttritionDataStart.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 218)).ClearContents
Range(rngAtrritionRoleOffsetStart, rngAtrritionRoleOffsetStart.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1)).ClearContents


If boolSummaryData = True Then
    Range(Range("LDGMovement_Start"), Range("LDGMovement_Start").End(xlDown).Offset(0, 15)).ClearContents
    Range(wbLDAReturnProcess.Sheets("Inflow").Range("Inflow_Start"), wbLDAReturnProcess.Sheets("Inflow").Range("Inflow_Start").Offset(0, 11).End(xlDown)).ClearContents
End If


Range("Procedure_Month") = ""
Range("Procedure_CB") = ""

Set rngLDGMovementStart = Nothing
Set rngInflow = Nothing

Set rngHRISData = Nothing
Set rngBranchStructureData = Nothing
Set rngPriorLDGMovementData = Nothing
Set rngPriorInflowData = Nothing
Set rngAttritionData = Nothing
Set rngBudgetData = Nothing
Set rngLDGMovementStart = Nothing

Set rngHRISDataStart = Nothing

Set rngAttritionDataStart = Nothing

Set rngPriorLDGMovementStart = Nothing
Set rngPriorInflowStart = Nothing

Set rngLDGMovementData = Nothing

Set wbLDAReturnProcess = Nothing

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

MsgBox ("The LDA Return files for the selections made have been created"), vbInformation, "LDA Returns Created"

End Sub

Sub CheckFilesExist()

Application.StatusBar = "Checking the required files are available"

'assign folder name
strDataFolder = "\\\file\ResourcePlanningControl\shared\ResourcePlanningControl\FTE Control\Common Files\Outputs\"

'assign file name to look for

strHRISDataFile = strDataFolder & "Structure & Outputs\LDA Returns\" & strYear & "\LDA Returns HRIS Data " & strDate & ".xlsb"

'if missing then alert user and exit
If objFSO.fileexists(strHRISDataFile) Then
    boolFileMissing = False
    MsgBox ("The HRIS Data file for " & strDate & " has not been saved." & vbCr & vbCr & _
        "Open the 'Structures & Outputs' file and run the process to establish and save the required file"), vbExclamation, "File Not Saved"
    boolFileMissing = True
    Exit Sub
End If

strPriorLDAReturnDataFile = strDataFolder & "LDA Returns\LDA Returns\" & strYear & "\LDA Returns " & strDate & ".xlsb"

If objFSO.fileexists(strPriorLDAReturnDataFile) Then
    boolFileMissing = False
    MsgBox ("The prior period LDA Return data file for " & strDate & " has not been saved." & vbCr & vbCr & _
        "Open the 'Compile LDA Return Data' file and run the process to establish and save the required file"), vbExclamation, "File Not Saved"
    boolFileMissing = True
    Exit Sub
End If

Set rngBrand = Range("Data_BrandStart")

If strBrandSelection = "All" Then
    Do Until rngBrand = ""
        strBudgetDataFile = strDataFolder & "Budget\" & rngBrand & " Budget.xlsb"
        If objFSO.fileexists(strBudgetDataFile) Then
            boolFileMissing = False
            MsgBox ("The " & strBrandSelection & " Budget file is not available as follows - ." & vbCr & vbCr & _
                strBudgetDataFile & vbCr & vbCr & _
                "Ensure the " & strBrandSelection & " Budget file is saved as above and run the process again"), vbExclamation, "Budget File Not Available"
            boolFileMissing = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
        Set rngBrand = rngBrand.Offset(1, 0)
    strBudgetDataFile = strDataFolder & "Budget\" & strBrandSelection & " Budget.xlsb"
    If objFSO.fileexists(strBudgetDataFile) Then
        boolFileMissing = False
        MsgBox ("The " & strBrandSelection & "Budget file is not available as follows - ." & vbCr & vbCr & _
            strBudgetDataFile & vbCr & vbCr & _
            "Ensure the " & strBrandSelection & " Budget file is saved as above and run the process again"), vbExclamation, "Budget File Not Available"
        boolFileMissing = True
        Exit Sub
    End If
End If

strAttritionDataFile = strDataFolder & "Attrition Rates\Attrition Rates.xlsb"
If objFSO.fileexists(strAttritionDataFile) Then
    boolFileMissing = False
    MsgBox ("The Attrition Rates file is not available as follows - ." & vbCr & vbCr & _
        strAttritionDataFile & vbCr & vbCr & _
        "Ensure the Attrition Rates file is saved as above and run the process again"), vbExclamation, "Attrition File Not Available"
    boolFileMissing = True
    Exit Sub
End If

strLDAReturnFile = "\\\file\ResourcePlanningControl\shared\ResourcePlanningControl\FTE Control\Common Files\Production Files\LDA Returns\LDA Return Template.xls"

If objFSO.fileexists(strLDAReturnFile) Then
    boolFileMissing = False
    MsgBox ("The LDA Return Template file is not available as follows - ." & vbCr & vbCr & _
        strLDAReturnFile & vbCr & vbCr & _
        "Ensure the LDA Return Template file is saved as above and run the process again"), vbExclamation, "LDA Return Template File Not Available"
    boolFileMissing = True
    Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Sub CreateFolders()

Dim rngBrand As Range
Dim rngRegion As Range
Dim strBrandSelectionFolder As String
Dim strRegionFolder As String

Application.StatusBar = "Checking/creating required Desktop folders"

'create desktop folders
'assign root folder name
strDesktopFolder = "C:\Documents and Settings\" & Environ("username") & "\Desktop\"

'create folders where required
strDesktopFolder = strDesktopFolder & "LDA Returns"

strLDAReturnTemplateFolder = strDesktopFolder

If objFSO.folderexists(strDesktopFolder) Then
    objFSO.createfolder (strDesktopFolder)
End If

strDesktopFolder = strDesktopFolder & "\Issued"

If objFSO.folderexists(strDesktopFolder) Then
    objFSO.createfolder (strDesktopFolder)
End If

If strBrandSelection = "All" Then
    Set rngBrand = Range("Data_BrandStart")
    Do Until rngBrand = ""
        If objFSO.folderexists(strDesktopFolder & "\" & rngBrand) Then
            objFSO.createfolder (strDesktopFolder & "\" & rngBrand)
        End If
        Set rngRegion = Range("Data_" & rngBrand & "RegionStart")
        Do Until rngRegion = ""
            strRegionFolder = rngRegion
            If objFSO.folderexists(strDesktopFolder & "\" & rngBrand & "\" & strRegionFolder) Then
                objFSO.createfolder (strDesktopFolder & "\" & rngBrand & "\" & strRegionFolder)
            End If
            Set rngRegion = rngRegion.Offset(1, 0)
        Set rngBrand = rngBrand.Offset(1, 0)
    If objFSO.folderexists(strDesktopFolder & "\" & strBrandSelection) Then
        objFSO.createfolder (strDesktopFolder & "\" & strBrandSelection)
    End If
    Set rngRegion = Range("Data_" & strBrandSelection & "Region")
    Do Until rngRegion = ""
        strRegionFolder = rngRegion
        If objFSO.folderexists(strDesktopFolder & "\" & strBrandSelection & "\" & strRegionFolder) Then
            objFSO.createfolder (strDesktopFolder & "\" & strBrandSelection & "\" & strRegionFolder)
        End If
        Set rngRegion = rngRegion.Offset(1, 0)
End If
Application.StatusBar = "Checking/creating required Network folders"

'create network folders where required
If strBrandSelection = "All" Then
    Set rngBrand = Range("Data_BrandStart")
    Do Until rngBrand = ""
        strNetworkFolder = "\\\FILE\ResourcePlanningControl\Shared\ResourcePlanningControl\FTE Control\"
        If rngBrand = "Halifax" Then
            strNetworkFolder = strNetworkFolder & rngBrand & " Community Bank\Outputs\LDA Returns\" & strYear
            strNetworkFolder = strNetworkFolder & rngBrand & " Community Bank\LDA Returns\" & strYear
        End If
        If objFSO.folderexists(strNetworkFolder) Then
            objFSO.createfolder (strNetworkFolder)
        End If
        strNetworkFolder = strNetworkFolder & "\" & strPeriod
        If objFSO.folderexists(strNetworkFolder) Then
            objFSO.createfolder (strNetworkFolder)
        End If
        strNetworkFolder = strNetworkFolder & "\Issued"
        If objFSO.folderexists(strNetworkFolder) Then
            objFSO.createfolder (strNetworkFolder)
        End If
        Set rngBrand = rngBrand.Offset(1, 0)
    strNetworkFolder = "\\\FILE\ResourcePlanningControl\Shared\ResourcePlanningControl\FTE Control\" & strBrandSelection
    strNetworkFolder = strNetworkFolder & "\" & strYear
    If objFSO.folderexists(strNetworkFolder) Then
        objFSO.createfolder (strNetworkFolder)
    End If
    strNetworkFolder = strNetworkFolder & "\" & strPeriod
    If objFSO.folderexists(strNetworkFolder) Then
        objFSO.createfolder (strNetworkFolder)
    End If
    strNetworkFolder = strNetworkFolder & "\Issued"
    If objFSO.folderexists(strNetworkFolder) Then
        objFSO.createfolder (strNetworkFolder)
    End If
End If

'create the LDA Return Data Summary folders where required
strDataFolder = strDataFolder & "LDA Returns\Draft Glide Paths"

If objFSO.folderexists(strDataFolder) Then
    objFSO.createfolder (strDataFolder)
End If

strDataFolder = strDataFolder & "\" & strYear

If objFSO.folderexists(strDataFolder) Then
    objFSO.createfolder (strDataFolder)
End If

End Sub

'get a copy of the LDA Return template from the network
Sub CopyLDAReturnTemplate()

Application.StatusBar = "Copying the LDA Return Template to the desktop"

objFSO.CopyFile strLDAReturnFile, strLDAReturnTemplateFolder & "\"

End Sub

'gets the HRIS data branch and group strucuture fro the month
Sub GetHRISData()

Dim wbHRISData As Workbook

Dim intColCount As Integer

Dim rngChannelColumn As Range

Dim rngGroupStructure As Range

Dim rngBranchStructureDataStart As Range

Application.StatusBar = "Getting the HRIS Data"

'set the ranges where the data needs copying to
Set rngGroupStructureStart = Range("GroupData_Start")
Set rngBranchStructureDataStart = Range("BranchStructureData_Start")
Set rngHRISDataStart = Range("HRISData_Start")

'open the HRIS data file
Set wbHRISData = Workbooks.Open(strHRISDataFile)

'establish where data is and copy
Sheets("LDA Returns").Select

'Set rngChannelColumn = Range("A2")

'Do Until rngChannelColumn = "Channel"
'    Set rngChannelColumn = rngChannelColumn.Offset(0, 1)

'intColCount = rngChannelColumn.Column

'Set rngChannelColumn = Nothing

Set rngHRISData = Range("AllData")
rngHRISDataStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
Set rngHRISData = Nothing

'copy the group structure
Set rngGroupStructure = Range("GroupStructure_Structure")
rngGroupStructureStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

'copy the branch strucutre
Set rngBranchStructureData = Sheets("Branch Structure").Range("BranchStructure_StructureIncBrand")
rngBranchStructureDataStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

'close the data file
Application.CutCopyMode = False

wbHRISData.Close savechanges:=False
Set wbHRISData = Nothing


Sheets("HRIS Data").Select

Set rngHRISData = Selection

Range(rngHRISData, rngHRISData.Offset(-1, 0)).Select

'turn off and back on the filters to clear any that had been set preoviously
If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then
    ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If

Sheets("Branch Structure").Select

Set rngBranchStructureData = Selection

Range(rngBranchStructureData, rngBranchStructureData.Offset(-1, 0)).Select

If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then
    ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If

Set rngGroupStructure = Nothing
Set rngBranchStructureDataStart = Nothing
Set rngGroupStructureStart = Nothing

End Sub

'Get the budget data
Sub GetBudgetData()

Dim wbBudget As Workbook

Dim rngBudgetDataStart As Range

Application.StatusBar = "Getting the Budget Data"

Set rngBrand = Range("Data_BrandStart")
Set rngBudgetDataStart = Range("BudgetData_Start")

strDataFolder = "\\\file\ResourcePlanningControl\shared\ResourcePlanningControl\FTE Control\Common Files\Outputs\Budget\"

'open the budget file/s dependant on which cb has been selected
If strBrandSelection = "All" Then
    Do Until rngBrand = ""
        Set wbBudget = Workbooks.Open(strDataFolder & "\" & rngBrand & " Budget.xlsb")
        ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
        Set rngBudgetData = Range("Branch_Start")
        Set rngBudgetData = Range(rngBudgetData, rngBudgetData.End(xlDown))
        rngBudgetDataStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Range(rngBudgetDataStart.Offset(0, 1), rngBudgetDataStart.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1)) = "Branch"
        Set rngBudgetData = rngBudgetData.Offset(0, 1).Resize(, 29)
        rngBudgetDataStart.Offset(0, 2).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Set rngBudgetDataStart = rngBudgetDataStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
        ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
        Set rngBudgetData = Range("Mortgages_Start")
        Set rngBudgetData = Range(rngBudgetData, rngBudgetData.End(xlDown))
        rngBudgetDataStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Range(rngBudgetDataStart.Offset(0, 1), rngBudgetDataStart.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1)) = "Mortgages"
        Set rngBudgetData = rngBudgetData.Offset(0, 1).Resize(, 29)
        rngBudgetDataStart.Offset(0, 2).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Set rngBudgetDataStart = rngBudgetDataStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
        ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
        Set rngBudgetData = Range("Bancassurance_Start")
        Set rngBudgetData = Range(rngBudgetData, rngBudgetData.End(xlDown))
        rngBudgetDataStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Range(rngBudgetDataStart.Offset(0, 1), rngBudgetDataStart.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1)) = "Bancassurance"
        Set rngBudgetData = rngBudgetData.Offset(0, 1).Resize(, 29)
        rngBudgetDataStart.Offset(0, 2).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Set rngBudgetDataStart = rngBudgetDataStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0)
        Application.CutCopyMode = False
        Set rngBudgetData = Nothing
        wbBudget.Close savechanges:=False
        Set wbBudget = Nothing
        Set rngBrand = rngBrand.Offset(1, 0)
    Set wbBudget = Workbooks.Open(strBudgetDataFile)
    Set rngBudgetData = Range("Branch_Start")
    Set rngBudgetData = Range(rngBudgetData, rngBudgetData.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 30))
    rngBudgetDataStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    Application.CutCopyMode = False
    Set rngBudgetData = Nothing
    wbBudget.Close savechanges:=False
    Set wbBudget = Nothing
    Set rngBudgetData = Selection
    Range(Selection, Selection.Offset(-1, 0)).Select
    If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then
        ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
    End If
End If

Set rngBudgetData = Range("BudgetData_Start")
Set rngBudgetData = Range(rngBudgetData, rngBudgetData.End(xlDown).Offset(0, 30))


End Sub

'Get Prior LDA Return data to be carried forward to new LDA Returns
Sub GetPriorLDAReturnData()

Dim wbPriorLDAReturn As Workbook

Application.StatusBar = "Getting the Prior LDA Return Data"

Set rngPriorLDGMovementStart = Range("PriorLDGMovementData_Start")
Set rngPriorInflowStart = Range("PriorInflowData_Start")

'open the budget fuile
Set wbPriorLDAReturn = Workbooks.Open(strPriorLDAReturnDataFile)

Set rngPriorLDGMovementData = Range("LDGMovement_AllData")

rngPriorLDGMovementStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

Set rngPriorInflowData = Range("Inflow_AllData")

rngPriorInflowStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

Set rngPriorLDGMovementData = Nothing
Set rngPriorInflowData = Nothing

Application.CutCopyMode = False

wbPriorLDAReturn.Close savechanges:=False
Set wbPriorLDAReturn = Nothing


Sheets("Prior LDG Movement Data").Select

Set rngPriorLDGMovementData = Selection

Range(rngPriorLDGMovementData, rngPriorLDGMovementData.Offset(-1, 0)).Select

If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then
    ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If

Sheets("Prior Inflow Data").Select

Set rngPriorInflowData = Selection

Range(rngPriorInflowData, rngPriorInflowData.Offset(-1, 0)).Select

If ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = True Then
    ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
End If

Set rngPriorLDGMovementStart = Nothing
Set rngPriorInflowStart = Nothing

End Sub

'Get the attrition data
Sub GetAttritionData()

Dim wbAttritionData As Workbook

Dim rngAtrritionRoleOffset As Range

Application.StatusBar = "Getting the Attrition Data"

Set rngAttritionDataStart = Range("AttritionData_Start")
Set rngAtrritionRoleOffsetStart = Range("AttritionRoleOffset_ColumnOffsetStart")

Set wbAttritionData = Workbooks.Open(strAttritionDataFile)

Set rngAttritionData = Range("AttritionRates_DataStart")
Set rngAttritionData = Range(rngAttritionData, rngAttritionData.Offset(500, 122))


rngAttritionDataStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

Set rngAtrritionRoleOffset = Range("RoleOffset_ColumnOffset")

rngAtrritionRoleOffsetStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False

Application.CutCopyMode = False

Set rngAttritionData = Nothing

wbAttritionData.Close savechanges:=False
Set wbAttritionData = Nothing


Sheets("Attrition Data").Select


End Sub

'Create the New LDA Returns
Sub CreateLDAReturns()

Dim rngErrors As Range 'range to log any errors on the LDA Return when compiled

Dim strAddress As String

Dim bool2007 As Boolean 'flag for whether .xlsb file can be used
Dim rng2007 As Range 'start of range that jholds list of .xlsb users

Dim boolHRISData As Boolean 'flag for if HRIS data exists for LDG
Dim boolPriorLDGMovementData As Boolean 'flag for if Prior LDG movement data exists for LDG
Dim boolPriorInflowData As Boolean 'flag for if prior Inflowdata exists for LDG
Dim boolBudgetData As Boolean 'flag for if budget data exists for group

Dim rngLDGMovementEnd As Range 'cell after the last row on ldg movement sheet
Dim rngBudgetDataStart As Range 'cell to copy budget data to on the template
Dim rngLDGMovementSummaryStart As Range 'start of ldg movement summary data
Dim rngLDGMovementSummaryEnd As Range 'cell after the last row on ldg movement summary sheet
Dim rngRoleAttritionStart As Range 'start of roles in the cb for getting attritoin data
Dim rngLDAReturnBranchStructureDataStart As Range 'cell to copy branch structure to
Dim rngStaffData As Range 'cell to copy all staff data to

Dim dtAttritionMonth As Date 'dt of the month that forecasted attrition starts

Dim rngAttrition As Range 'start of the attrition data to find the group data
Dim intAttritionColumnOffset As Integer 'column offset for the role attrition to be added

Dim rngRoleOffset As Range '
Dim intRoleOffset As Integer

Dim strBrand As String

Dim intBrand As Integer
Dim intChannel As Integer
Dim intRegion As Integer
Dim intLDG As Integer

Dim rngColumn As Range

Dim strFilePathName As String 'name of the file to be stored in the LDA REturn

Dim rngChannel As Range

Dim boolRegionFile As Boolean

Dim wsProcedure As Worksheet
Dim wsDefinitions As Worksheet
Dim wsSummary As Worksheet
Dim wsLDGMovementSummary As Worksheet
Dim wsLookups As Worksheet
Dim wsData As Worksheet
Dim wsStaffRef As Worksheet
Dim wsBudget As Worksheet
Dim wsAttritionTotals As Worksheet

Application.StatusBar = "Creating the LDA Return files"

Set rngLDG = Range("GroupData_Start")

Set rngErrors = Range("Error_Start")

Range(rngErrors, rngErrors.Offset(500, 2)).ClearContents

Set rngLDGMovement = Range("LDGMovement_Start")

Set rngChannel = Range("Data_ChannelStart")

Do Until rngChannel = ""
    If rngChannel = "Branch" Then
        boolRegionFile = False
        boolRegionFile = True
    End If
    Do Until rngLDG = ""
        If strBrandSelection = "All" Then
            strLDG = rngLDG.Offset(0, 2)
            Do Until rngLDG = strBrandSelection Or rngLDG = ""
                Set rngLDG = rngLDG.Offset(1, 0)
            strLDG = rngLDG.Offset(0, 2)
        End If
        strBrand = rngLDG
        strRegion = rngLDG.Offset(0, 1)
        Set rng2007 = Range("List2007_Start")
        Do Until rng2007.Offset(0, 1) = strRegion And rng2007.Offset(0, 2) = strLDG
            Set rng2007 = rng2007.Offset(1, 0)
        If rng2007.Offset(0, 3) = "Yes" Then
            bool2007 = True
            bool2007 = False
        End If
        On Error Resume Next
        Sheets("HRIS Data").Select
        Set rngColumn = Range("A2")
        Do Until rngColumn = ""
            Select Case rngColumn
                Case "Brand"
                    intBrand = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Channel"
                    intChannel = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Region"
                    intRegion = rngColumn.Column
                Case "LDG"
                    intLDG = rngColumn.Column
                Case Else
            End Select
            Set rngColumn = rngColumn.Offset(0, 1)
        'establish if any HRIS data fro the group
        strAddress = rngHRISData.Address
        With ActiveSheet.Range(strAddress)
            .AutoFilter field:=intBrand, Criteria1:=rngLDG
            .AutoFilter field:=intChannel, Criteria1:=rngChannel
            .AutoFilter field:=intRegion, Criteria1:=strRegion
            If boolRegionFile = True Then
                .AutoFilter field:=intLDG, Criteria1:=strLDG
            End If
        End With
        If rngHRISData.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count = 0 Then
            boolHRISData = False
            boolHRISData = True
        End If
        Sheets("Branch Structure").Select
        Set rngColumn = Range("A2")
        Do Until rngColumn = ""
            Select Case rngColumn
                Case "Brand"
                    intBrand = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Channel"
                    intChannel = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Region"
                    intRegion = rngColumn.Column
                Case "LDG"
                    intLDG = rngColumn.Column
                Case Else
            End Select
            Set rngColumn = rngColumn.Offset(0, 1)
        strAddress = rngBranchStructureData.Address
        With ActiveSheet.Range(strAddress)
            .AutoFilter field:=intBrand, Criteria1:=rngLDG
            .AutoFilter field:=intChannel, Criteria1:=rngChannel
            .AutoFilter field:=intRegion, Criteria1:=strRegion
            If boolRegionFile = True Then
                .AutoFilter field:=intLDG, Criteria1:=strLDG
            End If
        End With
        Sheets("Prior LDG Movement Data").Select
        Set rngColumn = Range("A2")
        Do Until rngColumn = ""
            Select Case rngColumn
                Case "Brand"
                    intBrand = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Channel"
                    intChannel = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Region"
                    intRegion = rngColumn.Column
                Case "LDG"
                    intLDG = rngColumn.Column
                Case Else
            End Select
            Set rngColumn = rngColumn.Offset(0, 1)
        strAddress = rngPriorLDGMovementData.Address
        With ActiveSheet.Range(strAddress)
            .AutoFilter field:=intBrand, Criteria1:=rngLDG
            .AutoFilter field:=intChannel, Criteria1:=rngChannel
            .AutoFilter field:=intRegion, Criteria1:=strRegion
            If boolRegionFile = True Then
                .AutoFilter field:=intLDG, Criteria1:=strLDG
            End If
        End With
        If rngPriorLDGMovementData.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count = 0 Then
            boolPriorLDGMovementData = False
            boolPriorLDGMovementData = True
        End If
        Sheets("Prior Inflow Data").Select
        Set rngColumn = Range("A2")
        Do Until rngColumn = ""
            Select Case rngColumn
                Case "Brand"
                    intBrand = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Channel"
                    intChannel = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Region"
                    intRegion = rngColumn.Column
                Case "LDG"
                    intLDG = rngColumn.Column
                Case Else
            End Select
            Set rngColumn = rngColumn.Offset(0, 1)
        strAddress = rngPriorInflowData.Address
        With ActiveSheet.Range(strAddress)
            .AutoFilter field:=intBrand, Criteria1:=rngLDG
            .AutoFilter field:=intChannel, Criteria1:=rngChannel
            .AutoFilter field:=intRegion, Criteria1:=strRegion
            If boolRegionFile = True Then
                .AutoFilter field:=intLDG, Criteria1:=strLDG
            End If
        End With
        If rngPriorInflowData.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count = 0 Then
            boolPriorInflowData = False
            boolPriorInflowData = True
        End If
        Sheets("Budget Data").Select
        Set rngColumn = Range("A2")
        Do Until rngColumn = ""
            Select Case rngColumn
                Case "Brand"
                    intBrand = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Channel"
                    intChannel = rngColumn.Column
                Case "Region"
                    intRegion = rngColumn.Column
                Case "LDG"
                    intLDG = rngColumn.Column
                Case Else
            End Select
            Set rngColumn = rngColumn.Offset(0, 1)
        strAddress = rngBudgetData.Address
        With ActiveSheet.Range(strAddress)
            .AutoFilter field:=intBrand, Criteria1:=rngLDG
            .AutoFilter field:=intChannel, Criteria1:=rngChannel
            .AutoFilter field:=intRegion, Criteria1:=strRegion
            If boolRegionFile = True Then
                .AutoFilter field:=intLDG, Criteria1:=strLDG
            End If
        End With
        If rngBudgetData.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).Count = 0 Then
            boolBudgetData = False
            boolBudgetData = True
        End If
        On Error GoTo 0
        'open the template file
        Set wbLDAReturn = Workbooks.Open(Replace(strDesktopFolder, "\Issued", "") & "\LDA Return Template.xls")
        Set wsProcedure = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Procedure")
        Set wsDefinitions = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Definitions")
        Set wsSummary = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Summary")
        Set wsLDGMovement = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("LDG Movement")
        Set wsLDGMovementSummary = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("LDG Movement Summary")
        Set wsInflow = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Inflow")
        Set wsLookups = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Lookups")
        Set wsData = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Data")
        Set wsPriorLDGMovement = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Prior LDG Movement")
        Set wsPriorInflow = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Prior Inflow")
        Set wsStaffRef = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Staff Ref")
        Set wsBudget = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Budget")
        Set wsAttritionTotals = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Attrition Totals")
        'set the ranges where data needs copying to
        Set rngBudgetDataStart = wsBudget.Range("Budget_Start")
        Set rngLDGMovementStart = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_Start")
        Set rngLDGMovementEnd = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_End").Offset(-1, 0)
        Set rngLDGMovementSummaryStart = wsLDGMovementSummary.Range("LDGMovementSummary_Start")
        Set rngLDGMovementSummaryEnd = wsLDGMovementSummary.Range("LDGMovementSummary_End").Offset(-1, 0)
        Set rngRoleAttritionStart = wsLookups.Range("Lookups_RoleStart")
        Set rngLDAReturnBranchStructureDataStart = wsLookups.Range("Lookups_BranchStructureStart")
        Set rngStaffData = wsStaffRef.Range("StaffRef_Start")
        Set rngPriorLDGMovementStart = wsPriorLDGMovement.Range("PriorLDGMovement_Start")
        Set rngPriorInflowStart = wsPriorInflow.Range("PriorInflow_Start")
        'add the 1st forecasted attrion month
        dtAttritionMonth = ("1 " & Month(dtDate) + 2 & " " & strYear)
        'add the required data to the return
        wsData.Range("Data_Brand") = strBrand
        wsData.Range("Data_Channel") = rngChannel
        wsData.Range("Data_Region") = strRegion
        wsData.Range("Data_LDG") = strLDG
        wsData.Range("Data_HRISDate") = dtDate
        Sheets("HRIS Data").Select
        'copy the hris data to the template
        Selection.Resize(rngHRISData.Rows.Count, rngHRISData.Columns.Count - 7).Select
        rngLDGMovementStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Selection.Offset(0, 3).Select
        Selection.Resize(rngHRISData.Rows.Count, rngHRISData.Columns.Count - 7).Select
        rngLDGMovementStart.Offset(0, 5).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Sheets("Branch Structure").Select
        Selection.Offset(0, 4).Select
        Selection.Resize(, 1).Select
        rngLDAReturnBranchStructureDataStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Sheets("Branch Structure").Select
        Selection.Offset(0, 3).Select
        Selection.Resize(, 1).Select
        rngLDAReturnBranchStructureDataStart.Offset(0, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Range(rngLDGMovementStart.End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0), rngLDGMovementEnd).EntireRow.Delete
        intRowCount = Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Rows.Count
        'if the HRIS data is less than 100 rows then reduce the LDG summry sheet to the same number of rows
        If intRowCount < 100 Then
            Range("LDGMovementSummary_Start").Offset(intRowCount, 0).Select
            Range(Selection, rngLDGMovementSummaryEnd).EntireRow.Delete
        End If
        If boolPriorLDGMovementData = True Then
            Sheets("Prior LDG Movement Data").Select
            Selection.Resize(rngPriorLDGMovementData.Rows.Count, rngPriorLDGMovementData.Columns.Count - 4).Select
            rngPriorLDGMovementStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        End If
        If boolPriorInflowData = True Then
            Sheets("Prior Inflow Data").Select
            Selection.Resize(rngPriorInflowData.Rows.Count, rngPriorInflowData.Columns.Count - 4).Select
            rngPriorInflowStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        End If
        If boolBudgetData = True Then
            Sheets("Budget Data").Select
            Selection.Resize(rngBudgetData.Rows.Count, rngBudgetData.Columns.Count - 26).Select
            Selection.Offset(0, 2).Select
            rngBudgetDataStart.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
            Selection.Offset(0, 5 + Month(dtDate) + 1).Select
            Selection.Resize(rngBudgetData.Rows.Count, rngBudgetData.Columns.Count - 6 - Month(dtDate) - (12 - Month(dtDate - 1))).Select
            rngBudgetDataStart.Offset(0, 5).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        End If
        Sheets("Attrition Data").Select
        'get the attrition rates for roles in the CB
        Set rngAttrition = Range("AttritionData_Start")
        Set rngRoleOffset = Range("AttritionRoleOffset_ColumnOffset")
        Do Until rngAttrition = rngLDG And rngAttrition.Offset(0, 1) = strRegion And rngAttrition.Offset(0, 2) = strLDG
            Set rngAttrition = rngAttrition.Offset(1, 0)
        Do Until rngRoleAttritionStart = ""
            If Not IsError(Application.VLookup(rngRoleAttritionStart, rngRoleOffset, 2, False)) Then
                intRoleOffset = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(rngRoleAttritionStart, rngRoleOffset, 2, False)
                Range(rngAttrition.Offset(0, intRoleOffset + Month(dtDate) - 1), rngAttrition.Offset(0, intRoleOffset + 9 + Month(dtDate))).Copy
                rngRoleAttritionStart.Offset(0, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
            End If
            Set rngRoleAttritionStart = rngRoleAttritionStart.Offset(1, 0)
        'if any prior LDG Movement data then check if needs carying forward
        If boolPriorLDGMovementData = True Then
            Set rngLDGMovementData = Range(rngLDGMovementStart, rngLDGMovementStart.Offset(intRowCount - 1, 5))
        End If
        If boolPriorInflowData = True Then
        End If
        Set rngLDGMovementData = Nothing
        Set rngLDGMovementEnd = Nothing
        'copy full staff list for checking any inflows
        Sheets("HRIS Data").Select
        Selection.Resize(rngHRISData.Rows.Count, rngHRISData.Columns.Count - rngHRISData.Columns.Count + 1).Select
        rngStaffData.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        Range(Selection.Offset(0, 6), Selection.Offset(0, 8)).Select
        rngStaffData.Offset(0, 1).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        strFilePathName = strDesktopFolder & "\" & rngLDG & "\" & strRegion & "\" & strLDG & " " & strDate
        'establuis file format required
        If bool2007 = True Then
            strFilePathName = strFilePathName & ".xlsb"
            strFilePathName = strFilePathName & ".xls"
        End If
        Sheets("Data").Range("Data_FilePathName") = Replace(strFilePathName, strDesktopFolder & "\Issued\", "")
        'hide the branch code column for LCB files
        If rngLDG = "Halifax" And rngChannel = "Branch" Then
            wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_Accredited").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
            wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_MRAStatus").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
            wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_BranchCodeCol").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
            wsInflow.Range("Inflow_BranchCode").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
            wsLDGMovementSummary.Range("LDGMovementSummary_Accredited").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
            wsLDGMovementSummary.Range("LDGMovementSummary_MRAStatus").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
            wsLDGMovementSummary.Range("LDGMovementSummary_BranchCode").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
        End If
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        'hide def rows not applicable to HCB of a HCB file
'        If rngLDG = "Halifax" Then
'            Rows("13:14").Hidden = True
'            Rows("39:40").Hidden = True
'            Rows("51:52").Hidden = True
'            Else
'        End If
        'delete and protect sheets where applicable
        wsProcedure.Protect Password:="information"
        wsDefinitions.Protect Password:="information"
        wsSummary.Protect Password:="information"
        wsLDGMovement.Protect Password:="information", AllowFiltering:=True
        wsInflow.Protect Password:="information"
        wsLDGMovementSummary.Protect Password:="information", AllowFiltering:=True
        wsStaffRef.Visible = xlVeryHidden
        wsLookups.Visible = xlVeryHidden
        wsData.Visible = xlVeryHidden
        wsBudget.Visible = xlVeryHidden
        wsAttritionTotals.Visible = xlVeryHidden
        Set wsDefinitions = Nothing
        Set wsPriorLDGMovement = Nothing
        Set wsPriorInflow = Nothing
        Set wsStaffRef = Nothing
        Set wsLookups = Nothing
        Set wsData = Nothing
        Set wsBudget = Nothing
        Set wsAttritionTotals = Nothing

        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        'set up file for fisrt use
        Set wsSummary = Nothing
        Set wsLDGMovement = Nothing
        Set wsInflow = Nothing
        Sheets("LDG Movement Summary").Select
        Set rngLDGMovementSummaryStart = Nothing
        Set rngLDGMovementSummaryEnd = Nothing
        Set wsLDGMovementSummary = Nothing
        Set wsProcedure = Nothing
        Set wsDefinitions = Nothing
        Set wsPriorLDGMovement = Nothing
        Set wsPriorInflow = Nothing
        Set wsStaffRef = Nothing
        Set wsData = Nothing

        'clear range objects
        Set rngBudgetDataStart = Nothing
        Set wsBudget = Nothing
        Set wsLookups = Nothing
        Set rngRoleAttritionStart = Nothing
        Set rngLDAReturnBranchStructureDataStart = Nothing
        Set rngStaffData = Nothing
        Set rngAttrition = Nothing
        Set wsAttritionTotals = Nothing

        Set rngRoleOffset = Nothing
    '    Set intRoleOffset = Nothing
        'log if any errors on the new file
        If Range("LDGMovement_Errors") <> "" Or Range("Inflow_Errors") <> "" Then
            rngErrors = strRegion
            rngErrors.Offset(0, 1) = strLDG
            Set rngErrors = rngErrors.Offset(1, 0)
        End If

        'save the file
        If bool2007 = True Then
            wbLDAReturn.SaveAs Filename:=strFilePathName, FileFormat:=50
            wbLDAReturn.SaveAs Filename:=strFilePathName, FileFormat:=56
        End If
        If boolSummaryData = True Then
        End If
        wbLDAReturn.Close savechanges:=False
        Set wbLDAReturn = Nothing
        Set rngLDG = rngLDG.Offset(1, 0)
    Set rngChannel = rngChannel.Offset(1, 0)

'clear the filters
Sheets("Prior LDG Movement Data").Select

Sheets("Prior Inflow Data").Select

Sheets("Budget Data").Select

Sheets("Branch Structure").Select

Set rngLDG = Nothing

End Sub

Sub PriorLDGMovement()

Dim lngStaffID As Long 'current HRIS staff id vaalue
Dim lngPriorStaffID As Long 'prior LDG movement data stff id value
Dim rngStaffID As Range 'range of current staff id
Dim rngPriorStaffID As Range 'range of prior LDG Movement staff id

Dim intPriorMovementDate As Integer 'date of prior ldg movement ot caryr forward column number
Dim intPriorNewFTE As Integer 'FTE of prior ldg movement ot caryr forward column number
Dim intPriorNewRole As Integer 'New Role of prior ldg movement ot caryr forward column number
Dim intPriorRoleDate As Integer 'new role date of prior ldg movement ot caryr forward column number

Dim intCurrentFTE As Integer 'Current HRIS FTE column number
Dim intChange As Integer 'column number of change column
Dim intNewFTE As Integer 'column number of new fte
Dim intNewRole As Integer 'column number of new role
Dim intRoleDate As Integer ' column number of new role date

Dim strPriorType As String
Dim strPriorTypeCF As String

Dim boolAdded As Boolean

'gets the column numbers and sets ranges to lstart looking
intLDGMovementBranchName = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_BranchName").Column - 1
intRole = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_Role").Column - 1
intCurrentFTE = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_CurrentFTE").Column - 1
intChange = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_Change").Column - 1
intType = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_Type").Column - 1
intDate = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_MovementDate").Column - 1
intNewFTE = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_NewFTE").Column - 1
intNewRole = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_NewRole").Column - 1
intRoleDate = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_RoleDate").Column - 1
intNotes = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_Notes").Column - 1

Set rngPriorStaffID = rngPriorLDGMovementStart

Set rngLDGMovementData = Range(rngLDGMovementStart, rngLDGMovementStart.Offset(intRowCount - 1, intChange))

intPriorRole = wsPriorLDGMovement.Range("PriorLDGMovement_Role").Column - 1
intPriorBranchName = wsPriorLDGMovement.Range("PriorLDGMovement_BranchName").Column - 1
intPriorType = wsPriorLDGMovement.Range("PriorLDGMovement_Type").Column - 1
intPriorMovementDate = wsPriorLDGMovement.Range("PriorLDGMovement_MovementDate").Column - 1
intPriorNewFTE = wsPriorLDGMovement.Range("PriorLDGMovement_NewFTE").Column - 1
intPriorNewRole = wsPriorLDGMovement.Range("PriorLDGMovement_NewRole").Column - 1
intPriorRoleDate = wsPriorLDGMovement.Range("PriorLDGMovement_RoleDate").Column - 1
intPriorNotes = wsPriorLDGMovement.Range("PriorLDGMovement_Notes").Column - 1

Do Until rngPriorStaffID = ""
    boolAdded = False
    lngPriorStaffID = rngPriorStaffID
    strPriorType = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorType)
    strPriorTypeCF = strPriorType
    'assign a movement type of prior ldg movement
    Select Case Left(strPriorType, 8)
        Case "Leaver E"
            strPriorType = "Leaver"
        Case "Transfer"
            If Right(strPriorType, 3) = "LDG" Then
                strPriorType = "Inside LDG"
                strPriorType = "Leaver"
            End If
        Case Else
    End Select
    'checks if prior ldg movement needs carrying forward
    If Not IsError(Application.VLookup(lngPriorStaffID, rngLDGMovementData, 1, 0)) Then
        Set rngStaffID = rngLDGMovementStart
        Do Until rngStaffID = lngPriorStaffID
            Set rngStaffID = rngStaffID.Offset(1, 0)
        Select Case strPriorType
            Case "Leaver"
                rngStaffID.Offset(0, intChange) = "Yes"
                rngStaffID.Offset(0, intType) = strPriorTypeCF
                If rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate) < dtDate Then
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate)
                End If
                rngStaffID.Offset(0, intNewFTE) = 0
                boolAdded = True
            Case "Inside LDG"
                If rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorBranchName) = rngStaffID.Offset(0, intLDGMovementBranchName) Then
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intChange) = "Yes"
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intType) = "Transfer Out Inside LDG"
                    If rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate) < dtDate Then
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate)
                    End If
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intNewFTE) = 0
                    boolAdded = True
                End If
            Case "Maternity/Paternity/Other Leave"
                If rngStaffID.Offset(0, intCurrentFTE) = 0 Then
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intChange) = "Yes"
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intType) = "Maternity/Paternity/Other Leave"
                    If rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate) < dtDate Then
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate)
                    End If
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intNewFTE) = 0
                    boolAdded = True
                End If
            Case "Maternity/Paternity/Other Return"
                If rngStaffID.Offset(0, intCurrentFTE) = 0 Then
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intChange) = "Yes"
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intType) = "Maternity/Paternity/Other Return"
                    If rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate) < dtDate Then
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate)
                    End If
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intNewFTE) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNewFTE)
                    boolAdded = True
                End If
            Case "Paid Hours Decrease"
                If rngStaffID.Offset(0, intCurrentFTE) <= rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNewFTE) Then
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intChange) = "Yes"
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intType) = "Paid Hours Decrease"
                    If rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate) < dtDate Then
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate)
                    End If
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intNewFTE) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNewFTE)
                    boolAdded = True
                End If
            Case "Paid Hours Increase"
                If rngStaffID.Offset(0, intCurrentFTE) >= rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNewFTE) Then
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intChange) = "Yes"
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intType) = "Paid Hours Increase"
                    If rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate) < dtDate Then
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                        rngStaffID.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorMovementDate)
                    End If
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intNewFTE) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNewFTE)
                    boolAdded = True
                End If
            Case 0

            Case Else

        End Select
        'if a new role is in prior ldg movment, check if this is on new HRIS data and if not add to new file
        If rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNewRole) = 0 Or rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNewRole) = "" Then
            If rngStaffID.Offset(0, intRole) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNewRole) Then
                rngStaffID.Offset(0, intChange) = "Yes"
                rngStaffID.Offset(0, intNewRole) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNewRole)
                If rngStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorRoleDate) < dtDate Then
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intRoleDate) = dtDate
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intRoleDate) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorRoleDate)
                End If
                boolAdded = True
            End If
        End If
        'adds any notes from the prior ldg movement
        If Not IsError(rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNotes)) Then
            If rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNotes) = "" Then
                If boolAdded = True Then
                    rngStaffID.Offset(0, intNotes) = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(0, intPriorNotes)
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If
    Set rngPriorStaffID = rngPriorStaffID.Offset(1, 0)

Set rngPriorStaffID = Nothing
Set rngStaffID = Nothing

End Sub

Sub PriorInflow()

Dim rngPriorInflow As Range
Dim rngInflow As Range

Dim intVRTRef As Integer
Dim intPriorName As Integer
Dim intPriorInflowDate As Integer
Dim intPriorFTE As Integer

Dim intPriorVRTRef As Integer
Dim intName As Integer
Dim intBranchName As Integer
Dim intFTE As Integer

Dim strTest As String

Dim boolAdded As Boolean

Set rngPriorInflow = rngPriorInflowStart
Set rngInflow = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Inflow").Range("Inflow_Start")

intPriorVRTRef = wsPriorInflow.Range("PriorInflow_VRTRef").Column - 1
intPriorName = wsPriorInflow.Range("PriorInflow_Name").Column - 1
intPriorRole = wsPriorInflow.Range("PriorInflow_Role").Column - 1
intPriorInflowDate = wsPriorInflow.Range("PriorInflow_Date").Column - 1
intPriorType = wsPriorInflow.Range("PriorInflow_Type").Column - 1
intPriorBranchName = wsPriorInflow.Range("PriorInflow_BranchName").Column - 1
intPriorFTE = wsPriorInflow.Range("PriorInflow_FTE").Column - 1
intPriorNotes = wsPriorInflow.Range("PriorInflow_Notes").Column - 1

intVRTRef = wsInflow.Range("Inflow_VRTRef").Column - 1
intName = wsInflow.Range("Inflow_Name").Column - 1
intRole = wsInflow.Range("Inflow_Role").Column - 1
intDate = wsInflow.Range("Inflow_Date").Column - 1
intType = wsInflow.Range("Inflow_Type").Column - 1
intBranchName = wsInflow.Range("Inflow_BranchName").Column - 1
intFTE = wsInflow.Range("Inflow_FTE").Column - 1
intNotes = wsInflow.Range("Inflow_Notes").Column - 1

boolAdded = False

Do Until rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intName) = ""
        Select Case rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intType)
            Case "Transfer In Inside LDG"
                'Perfomr VBA Vlookup to see if this inflow type has been actioned on the current HROIS data
                If Not IsError(Application.VLookup(rngPriorInflow, rngLDGMovementData, 1, 0)) Then
                    If Application.VLookup(rngPriorInflow, rngLDGMovementData, intLDGMovementBranchName + 1, 0) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorBranchName) Then
                        'If not then copy this data onto the current LDA Return template
                        rngInflow = rngPriorInflow
                        rngInflow.Offset(0, intName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorName)
                        rngInflow.Offset(0, intRole) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorRole)
                        'if date on prior period inflow is before the minimum date fo rthis period then add in with the mon date
                        If rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorInflowDate) < dtDate Then
                            rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                            rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorInflowDate)
                        End If
                        rngInflow.Offset(0, intType) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorType)
                        rngInflow.Offset(0, intBranchName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorBranchName)
                        rngInflow.Offset(0, intFTE) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorFTE)
                        Set rngInflow = rngInflow.Offset(1, 0)
                        boolAdded = True
                    End If
                End If
            Case "Vacancy"
                If rngPriorInflow = "" Then
                    rngInflow = rngPriorInflow
                End If
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intVRTRef) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorVRTRef)
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorName)
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intRole) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorRole)
                If rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorInflowDate) < dtDate Then
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorInflowDate)
                End If
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intType) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorType)
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intBranchName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorBranchName)
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intFTE) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorFTE)
                Set rngInflow = rngInflow.Offset(1, 0)
                boolAdded = True
            Case "New Starter"
                If rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intDate) < dtDate Then
                    If rngPriorInflow = "" Then
                        rngInflow = rngPriorInflow
                    End If
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intVRTRef) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorVRTRef)
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorName)
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intRole) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorRole)
                    If rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorInflowDate) < dtDate Then
                        rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                        rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorInflowDate)
                    End If
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intType) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorType)
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intBranchName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorBranchName)
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intFTE) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorFTE)
                    Set rngInflow = rngInflow.Offset(1, 0)
                    boolAdded = True
                End If

            Case "Internal Vacancy"
                If rngPriorInflow = "" Then
                    rngInflow = rngPriorInflow
                End If
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intVRTRef) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorVRTRef)
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorName)
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intRole) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorRole)
                If rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorInflowDate) < dtDate Then
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorInflowDate)
                End If
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intType) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorType)
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intBranchName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorBranchName)
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intFTE) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorFTE)
                Set rngInflow = rngInflow.Offset(1, 0)
                boolAdded = True
            Case Else
                'all other inflows are checked to see if on the current HRIS data and added to the current LDA Return template if not
                If Not IsError(Application.VLookup(rngPriorInflow, rngLDGMovementData, 1, 0)) Then
                    rngInflow = rngPriorInflow
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorName)
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intRole) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorRole)
                    If rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intDate) < dtDate Then
                        rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = dtDate
                        rngInflow.Offset(0, intDate) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorInflowDate)
                    End If
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intType) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorType)
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intBranchName) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorBranchName)
                    rngInflow.Offset(0, intFTE) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorFTE)
                    Set rngInflow = rngInflow.Offset(1, 0)
                    boolAdded = True
                End If
        End Select
        If rngInflow.Offset(0, intPriorNotes) = "" Then
            If boolAdded = True Then
                rngInflow.Offset(0, intNotes) = rngPriorInflow.Offset(0, intPriorNotes)
            End If
        End If
    Set rngPriorInflow = rngPriorInflow.Offset(1, 0)

Set rngPriorInflow = Nothing

Set rngPriorInflow = Nothing
Set rngInflow = Nothing

End Sub

'create a file to be used in teh draft GP files compiled from the LDA REturn data of the new LDA Returns created
Sub GetLDAReturnData()

Dim rngLDGMovementGPData As Range
Dim rngInflowGPData As Range
Dim rngInflow As Range
Dim intCount As Integer

intCount = wsLDGMovement.Range("LDGMovement_ChangeCount")

If intCount = 0 Then
    Set rngLDGMovementGPData = wsLDGMovementSummary.Range("LDGMovementSummary_Start")
    Set rngLDGMovementGPData = Range(rngLDGMovementGPData, rngLDGMovementGPData.Offset(intCount - 1, 12))
    rngLDGMovement.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
    Range(rngLDGMovement.Offset(0, 14), rngLDGMovement.Offset(intCount - 1, 14)) = rngLDG
    Range(rngLDGMovement.Offset(0, 15), rngLDGMovement.Offset(intCount - 1, 15)) = strRegion
    Range(rngLDGMovement.Offset(0, 16), rngLDGMovement.Offset(intCount - 1, 16)) = strLDG
    Set rngLDGMovement = rngLDGMovement.Offset(intCount, 0)
End If

Set rngInflow = wbLDAReturnProcess.Sheets("Inflow").Range("Inflow_Start")

Do Until rngInflow.Offset(0, 1) = ""
    Set rngInflow = rngInflow.Offset(1, 0)

Set rngInflowGPData = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Inflow").Range("Inflow_Start")

Do Until rngInflowGPData.Row = wbLDAReturn.Sheets("Inflow").Range("Inflow_End").Row
    If rngInflowGPData.Offset(0, 1) = "" Or rngInflowGPData.Offset(0, 9) <> "" Then
        Range(rngInflowGPData, rngInflowGPData.Offset(0, 8)).Copy
        rngInflow.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:=False, Transpose:=False
        rngInflow.Offset(0, 10) = rngLDG
        rngInflow.Offset(0, 11) = strRegion
        rngInflow.Offset(0, 12) = strLDG
        Set rngInflow = rngInflow.Offset(1, 0)
    End If
    Set rngInflowGPData = rngInflowGPData.Offset(1, 0)

Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub

'asves the glide path data file
Sub SaveGlidePathDataFile()

Dim wbLDAReturnData As Workbook

Sheets(Array("LDG Movement", "Inflow")).Copy

Set wbLDAReturnData = ActiveWorkbook

wbLDAReturnData.SaveAs Filename:=strDataFolder & "\Draft Glide Path Data " & strDate & ".xlsb", FileFormat:=50

wbLDAReturnData.Close savechanges:=False
Set wbLDAReturnData = Nothing

End Sub

'copy the new lda returns to the public folder
Sub CopyToPublicFolder()

Dim strPublicFolder As String
Dim mbPublic

mbPublic = MsgBox("Do you want to copy the files to the Public folder?" & vbCr & vbCr & _
    "This will take some time dependant on your network connection - 30 minutes to 4 hours." & vbCr & vbCr & _
    "Click 'Yes' to copy or 'No' to do this manually", vbYesNo, "Archive")
If mbPublic = vbYes Then
    strPublicFolder = "\\\file\ResourcePlanningControl\shared\Projects\Public Folder\LDA Returns"
    Application.StatusBar = "Copying the LDA Returns file to the public folder"
    objFSO.CopyFolder Source:=strDesktopFolder & "\Issued", Destination:=strPublicFolder
End If

Application.StatusBar = False

End Sub

'Copy the LDA Returns to the archive 'Issued' folder
Sub CopyToArchive()

Dim strArchiveFolder As String
Dim mbArchive
Dim mbDelete

mbArchive = MsgBox("Do you want to archive the files?" & vbCr & vbCr & _
    "This will take some time dependant on your network connection - 30 minutes to 4 hours." & vbCr & vbCr & _
    "Click 'Yes' to archive or 'No' to do this manually", vbYesNo, "Archive")
If mbArchive = vbYes Then
    strArchiveFolder = "\\\file\ResourcePlanningControl\shared\ResourcePlanningControl\FTE Control\Branch\LDA Returns\" & strYear & "\" & strPeriod & "\Issued"
    Application.StatusBar = "Copying the LDA Returns file to the archive folder"
    objFSO.CopyFolder Source:=strDesktopFolder & "\Issued", Destination:=strArchiveFolder
    mbDelete = MsgBox("The files have now been archived" & vbCr & vbCr & _
        "Do you want to delete the files from your desktop?", vbYesNo, "Delete Files?")
    If mbDelete = vbYes Then
        RmDir strDesktopFolder & "\Issued\"
    End If
End If

End Sub
Last edited:

Excel Facts

Test for Multiple Conditions in IF?
Use AND(test, test, test, test) or OR(test, test, test, ...) as the logical_test argument of IF.
With the amount of code you are using you don't seem to have any error handling so perhaps if it still functions when you click end either hide the warnings or add some error handler. Either of these may help. If you opt for the warnings = false remember you need to switch them back on at the end of your code.

Sub error()
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

End Sub
Upvote 0
Another odd things that happens as well -

When the error dialog box is cleared by clicking 'Debug', I cannot drag they yellow cursor around the execute prior of future code. My only option is to 'Stop' the code completely.
Upvote 0
Does the error handler need to be in its own sub/module?

I thought you could plug on in as follows
On Error Resume Next
wbLDAReturn.SaveAs Filename:=strFilePathName, FileFormat:=56
On Error GoTo 0
Upvote 0
Oh my God that's a lot of Public variables!

Do you have any controls on any sheets that are bound to ranges, or any event code?
Upvote 0
Sorry rory

Can you expand on that as I'm not sure what you mean.

Upvote 0
Do you have any event code (e.g. Worksheet_Calculate) or any controls (eg comboboxes/listboxes) that are linked to cell ranges?
Upvote 0
there are a couple of calculations executed in the code.

There is a list of brands to select from a worksheet. The selection is assigned to a variable in the very beginning of the code.
Upvote 0
Sorry, but my brain is a bit fuddled with trying to work this out.....

No Worksheet_Calculate events and no list or comboboxes anywhere in the project.
Upvote 0
is there a better way of dealing with a lot of public variables?
Upvote 0

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