This code worked before the weekend and I pulled a successful (for the most part) extraction from my db. Now today I need to re-run it but it's saying there's a type mismatch.
'r' was an integer which didn't seem right but it's still not working as a string. It's frustrating when code works before the weekend and doesn't work after.
*EDIT* User error
'r' was an integer which didn't seem right but it's still not working as a string. It's frustrating when code works before the weekend and doesn't work after.
' Extract
' by
' 15/04/2011
' Press F5 on this function to clear the immediate window
Public Function ClearImmediateWindow()
Application.SendKeys "^g ^a {DEL}"
End Function
' Extracts HOLEID, From, To, m, Au g/t (f), Comment
' A F G H Z AB
' Where Column AB has no Pulp Metallics
' E has no DUP, BLK, STD, QTR, HLF
Sub Extract()
Dim r As String ' Current row
Dim cnt As Integer ' Matched criteria counter
cnt = 1
Dim H_HOLEID, F_FROM, T_TO, M_M, A_AUGTf, C_COMMENT As String ' Holds the information to extract
Debug.Print ""
Debug.Print "ROW" & " " & "Sample #" & " " & "Hole ID" & " " & "From" & " " & "To" & " " & "m" & " "; "Au g/t (f)" & " " & "Comment"
Debug.Print ""
For i = 2 To 15571 ' Count through the entire database
r = CStr(i) ' Convert row to a string
' Matches criteria in description
If InStr(Range("A" & r), "GAR") And Not InStr(Range("AB" & r), "Pulp Metallics") And Not InStr(Range("E" & r), "DUP") _
And Not InStr(Range("E" & r), "BLK") And Not InStr(Range("E" & r), "STD") And Not InStr(Range("E" & r), "QTR") _
And Not InStr(Range("E" & r), "HLF") Then
cnt = cnt + 1 ' Increase matched item counter
' Assigns values to variables for further play such as printing or inserting
H_HOLEID = Range("A" & r).Value
F_FROM = Range("F" & r).Value
T_TO = Range("G" & r).Value
M_M = Range("H" & r).Value
A_AUGTf = Range("Z" & r).Value
C_COMMENT = Range("AB" & r).Value
' Places extract along the right hand side of the database, ready
' for copy and paste into extraction sheet
Range("CE" & cnt) = H_HOLEID
Range("CF" & cnt) = F_FROM
Range("CG" & cnt) = T_TO
Range("CH" & cnt) = M_M
Range("CI" & cnt) = A_AUGTf
Range("CJ" & cnt) = C_COMMENT
End If
Next i
Debug.Print "Total " & CStr(cnt) & " Results!"
End Sub
*EDIT* User error
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