Run-time error '-2147417848 (80010108)': Automation error. The object invoked has disconnected from its clients.


New Member
Aug 4, 2015
So, I've got an issue with a macro I'm making. I get this error intermittently, maybe one out of three runs. Sometimes it will happen. Sometimes it won't. The error doesn't give me the debug option, so I'm not 100% sure what line is causing it. This is my first time writing a macro, so I apologize if it's messy. I've looked at every solution for this error I can find, but I can't find anything that solves my situation. This is being used for Windows 7/Excel 2013. The error occurs after the code is completed. I see the 100% completion bar. After I close out of the error excel crashes.

The macro accomplishes the following: allows a user to press a button to import data from external worksheets and creates a pivot table from said data.

Here's the main module:
Option Explicit

Sub Import()

Dim count As Integer, GetBook As String, directory As String, sheet As Worksheet, fileName As String, counter2 As Integer, counter3 As Integer, overallrow As Integer, currentrow As Integer, lastcol As Integer, counter4 As Integer, delcount As Integer, placeholder2 As Integer, placeholder1 As String, hour As Integer, counter5 As Integer
Dim datecol As Integer, replacearray(0 To 11) As String, replacedarray(0 To 11) As String, groupname As String, math1 As Double, math2 As Double, math3 As Double, pctCompl As Single, lastrow2 As Integer, lastcol2 As Integer
Dim total As Integer, counter As Integer, lastrow As Integer, Ctrl As Office.CommandBarControl

'Initialize Loading Bar
UserForm1.Finish.Visible = False
pctCompl = 0
progress pctCompl
'Initialize Loading Bar

'Arrays to clean up dates with extra 0s
replacearray(0) = "01/"
replacearray(1) = "02/"
replacearray(2) = "03/"
replacearray(3) = "04/"
replacearray(4) = "05/"
replacearray(5) = "06/"
replacearray(6) = "07/"
replacearray(7) = "08/"
replacearray(8) = "09/"
replacearray(9) = "010/"
replacearray(10) = "011/"
replacearray(11) = "012/"

replacedarray(0) = "1/"
replacedarray(1) = "2/"
replacedarray(2) = "3/"
replacedarray(3) = "4/"
replacedarray(4) = "5/"
replacedarray(5) = "6/"
replacedarray(6) = "7/"
replacedarray(7) = "8/"
replacedarray(8) = "9/"
replacedarray(9) = "10/"
replacedarray(10) = "11/"
replacedarray(11) = "12/"
'Arrays to clean up dates with extra 0s

'Variable Initialization
count = 0
currentrow = 2

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False

GetBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name

directory = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("E5").Value
fileName = Dir(directory & "*.xl??")
'Variable Initialization

'Input custom list for date ordering
Dim CustomList As Integer
'Check if the list exists.
CustomList = Application.GetCustomListNum(Array(Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C13").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C14").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C15").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C16").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C17").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C18").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C19").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C20").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C21").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C22").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C23").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C24").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C25").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C26").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C27").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C28").Value, _
Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C29").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C30").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C31").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C32").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C33").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C34").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C35").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C36").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C37").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C38").Value))

'Exit if the list is already there.
If CustomList > 0 Then
'Add the list if it does not exist.
    Application.AddCustomList (Array(Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C13").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C14").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C15").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C16").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C17").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C18").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C19").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C20").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C21").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C22").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C23").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C24").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C25").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C26").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C27").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C28").Value, _
    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C29").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C30").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C31").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C32").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C33").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C34").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C35").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C36").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C37").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C38").Value))
End If

CustomList = Application.GetCustomListNum(Array(Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C13").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C14").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C15").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C16").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C17").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C18").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C19").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C20").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C21").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C22").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C23").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C24").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C25").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C26").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C27").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C28").Value, _
Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C29").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C30").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C31").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C32").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C33").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C34").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C35").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C36").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C37").Value, Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets("Table").Range("C38").Value))
'Input custom list for date ordering

'Clean up workbook
For Each sheet In Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets
    If Not sheet.Name = "Table" And Not sheet.Name = "Data" Then
    End If
Next sheet

'Clean up workbook

'Set up headers
For counter2 = 1 To 25
    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, counter2).Value = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(1).Cells(12 + counter2, 5).Value
Next counter2
'Set up headers

'Import external worksheets
Do While fileName <> ""

    Workbooks.Open (directory & fileName)

    For Each sheet In Workbooks(fileName).Worksheets
        total = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets.count
        If sheet.Name = "1" Or sheet.Name = "2" Then
            Workbooks(fileName).Worksheets(sheet.Name).Copy _
            count = count + 1
        End If
    Next sheet


    fileName = Dir()
    pctCompl = pctCompl + 15
    progress pctCompl
'Import external worksheets

'Initialization for data importation
counter = count
lastrow = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(3).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
lastcol = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(3).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
lastrow2 = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
lastcol2 = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
'Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(1).Cells(20, 20).Value = lastcol
Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, lastcol2 + 1).Value = "CID/ACT"
'Initialization for data importation

'Move imported worksheet data to the data worksheet
Do While counter > 0
    For counter2 = 1 To lastcol
        If Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, counter2).Value = "hour" Or Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, counter2).Value = "Hour" Or Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, counter2).Value = "hours" Or Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, counter2).Value = "Hours" Then
            hour = counter2
        End If
    Next counter2

    For counter2 = 1 To lastrow
        For counter3 = 1 To lastcol
            If Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(3).Cells(counter2, counter3).Value = "AESM" Or Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(3).Cells(counter2, counter3).Value = "TERE" Or Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(3).Cells(counter2, counter3).Value = "MERE" Or Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(3).Cells(counter2, counter3).Value = "ESS" Then
                For counter4 = 1 To lastcol
                    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(currentrow, counter4).Value = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(3).Cells(counter2, counter4).Value
                    If Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(3).Name = "1" Then
                        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(currentrow, lastcol2 + 1).Value = "ACWP"
                        placeholder2 = Val(Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(currentrow, hour).Value)
                        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(currentrow, hour).Value = placeholder2 * -1
                    ElseIf Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(3).Name = "2" Then
                        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(currentrow, lastcol2 + 1).Value = "EAC"
                    End If
                Next counter4
                currentrow = currentrow + 1
            End If
        Next counter3
    Next counter2


    pctCompl = pctCompl + 30 / count
    progress pctCompl

    counter = counter - 1
'Move imported worksheet data to the data worksheet

'Data formatting
For counter2 = 1 To lastcol
    If Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, counter2) = "Date" Then
       datecol = counter2
    End If
Next counter2

For counter2 = 1 To lastrow
    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, datecol).Value = "" & Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, datecol).Value
Next counter2

pctCompl = 80

For counter2 = 0 To 11
    For counter3 = 1 To 2
        For counter4 = 1 To lastrow
            Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter4, datecol).Replace What:="/", Replacement:="-", LookAt:=xlPart, _
                SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
        Next counter4
    Next counter3
Next counter2
'Data formatting

'Update loading bar
pctCompl = 90
progress pctCompl
'Update loading bar

' Creates a PivotTable report from the table on Sheet1
' by using the PivotTableWizard method with the PivotFields
' method to specify the fields in the PivotTable.
Dim objTable As PivotTable, objField As PivotField

' Select the sheet and first cell of the table that contains the data.

' Create the PivotTable object based on the Employee data on Sheet1.
Set objTable = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).PivotTableWizard

' Specify row and column fields.
Set objField = objTable.PivotFields("Group")
objField.Orientation = xlRowField
objField.Position = 1
Set objField = objTable.PivotFields("CID/ACT")
objField.Orientation = xlRowField
objField.Position = 2
Set objField = objTable.PivotFields("Date")
objField.Orientation = xlColumnField

' Specify a data field with its summary
' function and format.
Set objField = objTable.PivotFields("Hours")
objField.Orientation = xlDataField
'objField.Function = x1Sum

'Pivot Table Formatting
objTable.GrandTotalName = "Total"
objTable.PivotFields("Group").SubtotalName = _
    "? Delta"

Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).PivotTables(1).ColumnGrand = False
'Pivot Table Formatting

Application.DeleteCustomList CustomList

lastrow = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
lastcol = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column

Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Name = "EAC Tool"

pctCompl = 80
progress pctCompl

'This inserts an event macro into the newly created pivot table worksheet
 Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
    Dim VBP As Object, VBC As Object, CM As Object
    Dim strProcName As String

    Set wb = Workbooks(GetBook)
    Set ws = wb.Sheets(2)

    Set Ctrl = Application.VBE.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=578)
    If Ctrl.Enabled = True Then Ctrl.Execute
    Set VBP = wb.VBProject
    Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents(ws.CodeName)
    Set CM = VBC.CodeModule

    strProcName = "Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate"

    With wb.VBProject.VBComponents( _
        .InsertLines Line:=.CreateEventProc("PivotTableUpdate", "Worksheet") + 1, _
        String:=vbCrLf & _
        "    Application.Run GetBook & ""Format"""
    End With
    Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = False
'This inserts an event macro into the newly created pivot table worksheet

'Pivot table formatting for awhile
For counter2 = 1 To lastrow
    For counter3 = 1 To lastcol + 2
        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).NumberFormat = "?#,###,###,###.00;?#,###,###,###.00"
    Next counter3
Next counter2

For counter2 = 5 To lastrow
    For counter3 = 3 To lastcol
        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlGreater, _
        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions(Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions.count).SetFirstPriority
        With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions(1).Font
            .Color = -16752384
            .TintAndShade = 0
        End With
        With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions(1).Interior
            .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
            .Color = 13561798
            .TintAndShade = 0
        End With
        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlLess, _
        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions(Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions.count).SetFirstPriority
        With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions(1).Font
            .Color = -16383844
            .TintAndShade = 0
        End With
        With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions(1).Interior
            .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
            .Color = 13551615
            .TintAndShade = 0
        End With
        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
    Next counter3

    counter2 = counter2 + 3

    If counter2 > lastrow Then
        For counter3 = 3 To lastcol
            Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlGreater, _
            Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions(Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions.count).SetFirstPriority
            With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions(1).Font
                .Color = -16752384
                .TintAndShade = 0
            End With
            With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions(1).Interior
                .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                .Color = 13561798
                .TintAndShade = 0
            End With
            Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
            Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions.Add Type:=xlCellValue, Operator:=xlLess, _
            Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions(Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions.count).SetFirstPriority
            With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions(1).Font
                .Color = -16383844
                .TintAndShade = 0
            End With
            With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions(1).Interior
                .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
                .Color = 13551615
                .TintAndShade = 0
            End With
            Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(lastrow, counter3).FormatConditions(1).StopIfTrue = False
        Next counter3
    End If

    counter2 = counter2 - 1

Next counter2

For counter2 = 1 To lastcol + 2
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Interior
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent5
        .TintAndShade = 0.599993896298105
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlInsideVertical)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
Next counter2

For counter2 = 5 To lastrow
    For counter3 = 1 To lastcol
        With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
            .LineStyle = xlContinuous
            .ColorIndex = 0
            .TintAndShade = 0
            .Weight = 2
        End With
    Next counter3
    counter2 = counter2 + 2
Next counter2

For counter2 = 3 To lastrow
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, 2).Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
Next counter2

For counter2 = 2 To lastrow
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, lastcol).Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, lastcol).Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
Next counter2

For counter2 = 1 To lastrow
    For counter3 = 1 To lastcol + 2
            With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3)
                .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
                .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
                .WrapText = False
                .Orientation = 0
                .AddIndent = False
                .IndentLevel = 0
                .ShrinkToFit = False
                .ReadingOrder = xlContext
                .MergeCells = False
            End With
    Next counter3
Next counter2

Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, 1).ColumnWidth = 12
Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, 2).ColumnWidth = 12

Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, lastcol).Insert
Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).PivotTables(1).PivotFields("Date").PivotItems( _
        "Formula1").Caption = ""

For counter2 = 2 To lastrow
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, lastcol + 1).Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, lastcol).Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
Next counter2

Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, lastcol + 2).Value = "CPI"
For counter2 = 5 To lastrow
    math1 = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 1).Value
    math2 = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 1, lastcol + 1).Value
    If math1 = 0 Or math2 = 0 Then
        math3 = 0
        math3 = math2 / math1
    End If

    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 2).Value = math3
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 2).Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 2).Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 2).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 1).Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    counter2 = counter2 + 2
Next counter2

Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, lastcol).ColumnWidth = 2.29
'Pivot table formatting for awhile

pctCompl = 100
progress pctCompl

'Show done button
UserForm1.Finish.Visible = True
'Show done button

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub
Sub progress(pctCompl As Single)

UserForm1.Text.Caption = pctCompl & "% Completed"
UserForm1.Bar.Width = pctCompl * 2


End Sub

The macro is called by a button with this code:
Option Explicit

Sub CommandButton1_Click()


End Sub

UserForm1 has the following code:
Option Explicit

Private Sub UserForm_Activate()


End Sub
Private Sub Finish_Click()

Unload Me

End Sub

I'm moderately confident that the error stems from my use of the extensibility library. When I create my pivot table in the main module I need to add an event macro to the new worksheet it is created on. I've posted the bit of code that does that from the main module below:
'This inserts an event macro into the newly created pivot table worksheet
 Dim wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
    Dim VBP As Object, VBC As Object, CM As Object
    Dim strProcName As String

    Set wb = Workbooks(GetBook)
    Set ws = wb.Sheets(2)

    Set Ctrl = Application.VBE.CommandBars.FindControl(ID:=578)
    If Ctrl.Enabled = True Then Ctrl.Execute
    Set VBP = wb.VBProject
    Set VBC = VBP.VBComponents(ws.CodeName)
    Set CM = VBC.CodeModule

    strProcName = "Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate"

    With wb.VBProject.VBComponents( _
        .InsertLines Line:=.CreateEventProc("PivotTableUpdate", "Worksheet") + 1, _
        String:=vbCrLf & _
        "    Application.Run GetBook & ""Format"""
    End With
    Application.VBE.MainWindow.Visible = False
'This inserts an event macro into the newly created pivot table worksheet

Here's the module that the worksheet macro references:
Sub Format()

Dim lastrow As Integer, lastcol As Integer, counter2 As Integer, counter3 As Integer, GetBook As String, math1 As Double, math2 As Double, math3 As Double

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsNone

GetBook = ActiveWorkbook.Name

lastrow = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
lastcol = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column

If Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, lastcol).Value = "CPI" Then
    lastrow = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByRows, xlPrevious).Row
    lastcol = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells.Find("*", [A1], , , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column
End If

For counter2 = 1 To lastrow
    For counter3 = 1 To lastcol + 2
        Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3).NumberFormat = "?#,###,###,###.00;?#,###,###,###.00"
    Next counter3
Next counter2

For counter2 = 1 To lastcol + 1
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Interior
        .Pattern = xlSolid
        .PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
        .ThemeColor = xlThemeColorAccent5
        .TintAndShade = 0.599993896298105
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlDiagonalDown).LineStyle = xlNone
    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlDiagonalUp).LineStyle = xlNone
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlInsideVertical)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, counter2).Borders(xlInsideHorizontal)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
Next counter2

For counter2 = 1 To lastrow
    For counter3 = 1 To lastcol + 2
            With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, counter3)
                .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
                .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom
                .WrapText = False
                .Orientation = 0
                .AddIndent = False
                .IndentLevel = 0
                .ShrinkToFit = False
                .ReadingOrder = xlContext
                .MergeCells = False
            End With
    Next counter3
Next counter2

Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, 1).ColumnWidth = 12
Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, 2).ColumnWidth = 12

For counter2 = 3 To lastcol + 1
    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, counter2).ColumnWidth = 9
Next counter2

Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(2, lastcol + 1).Value = "CPI"
For counter2 = 5 To lastrow
    math1 = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol).Value
    math2 = Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 1, lastcol).Value
    If math1 = 0 Or math2 = 0 Then
        math3 = 0
        math3 = math2 / math1
    End If
    Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 1).Value = math3
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 1).Borders(xlEdgeRight)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 1).Borders(xlEdgeTop)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol + 1).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2 - 2, lastcol).Borders(xlEdgeLeft)
        .LineStyle = xlContinuous
        .ColorIndex = 0
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .Weight = 2
    End With
    counter2 = counter2 + 2
Next counter2

For counter2 = 1 To lastrow
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, lastcol - 1).Borders(xlEdgeBottom)
        .LineStyle = xlNone
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, lastcol - 1).Interior
        .Pattern = xlNone
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
    With Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(counter2, lastcol - 1).Interior
        .Pattern = xlNone
        .TintAndShade = 0
        .PatternTintAndShade = 0
    End With
Next counter2
Workbooks(GetBook).Worksheets(2).Cells(1, lastcol - 1).ColumnWidth = 2.29

Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = wdAlertsAll

End Sub

Thank you for the help.
Last edited:

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