Hi guys,
I'm beginner with VB and i'm doing a code to save a plan with a specific name that will be in "D7" cell, "D8" cell and so on. Each cell should save a different file.
The problem is: when it try to save the erros "Subscript out of range (Error 9)" appears.
Sub HONEY4008()
' Macro1 Macro
Dim ABA As String, CELULA As String, DIRETORIO As String
Dim a As Integer, j As String
j = Clear
a = Str(a)
For a = 7 To Cells(2, 4).Value
Cells(3, 26) = Cells(a, 4).Text 'Cell Z3 receive D7 values e.g
Windows("DM4008_PLANILHA CONTROLE .xlsm").Activate
DIRETORIO = "C:\Documents and Settings\JhouwaS\My Documents\amanda\MACRO\"
savename = Sheets(ABA).Range(CELULA).Text 'STOP Here
If Directory = "" Then Directory = CurDir & "\"
On Error GoTo errorsub:
Cells(a, 4).Select
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Directory & savename & ".xls"
' MsgBox "fim do codigo", vbCritical
Next a
Exit Sub
End Sub
What should I do to solve?
I'm beginner with VB and i'm doing a code to save a plan with a specific name that will be in "D7" cell, "D8" cell and so on. Each cell should save a different file.
The problem is: when it try to save the erros "Subscript out of range (Error 9)" appears.
Sub HONEY4008()
' Macro1 Macro
Dim ABA As String, CELULA As String, DIRETORIO As String
Dim a As Integer, j As String
j = Clear
a = Str(a)
For a = 7 To Cells(2, 4).Value
Cells(3, 26) = Cells(a, 4).Text 'Cell Z3 receive D7 values e.g
Windows("DM4008_PLANILHA CONTROLE .xlsm").Activate
DIRETORIO = "C:\Documents and Settings\JhouwaS\My Documents\amanda\MACRO\"
savename = Sheets(ABA).Range(CELULA).Text 'STOP Here
If Directory = "" Then Directory = CurDir & "\"
On Error GoTo errorsub:
Cells(a, 4).Select
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Directory & savename & ".xls"
' MsgBox "fim do codigo", vbCritical
Next a
Exit Sub
End Sub
What should I do to solve?