ok so i need to look through an array to see if a value is in there. i dont think i can loop through the array though with the current structure of the code. is there anyway to see if a string is in an array without looping through it? here is my current code:
device_array is the array i need to search through in the ElseIf statements.
device_array is the array i need to search through in the ElseIf statements.
For y = 1 To last_row
For x = 1 To last_col
If Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet1").Cells(y, x) = "0" Then
Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet1").Cells(y, x) = ""
Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet2").Cells(y, x) = ""
ElseIf Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet1").Cells(y, x) = device_array(z) Then
'find coordinate
coordinate = (x - 1) & (y - 1)
'find start of column coordinate
coord_col = find_in_col((x - 1), 5)
'use start of column coordinate to find row coordinate
coord_row = find_in_col_start((y - 1), 6, coord_col)
'find 1kHz value in csv file and put into sheet 1 of map
Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet1").Cells(y, x) = Cells(coord_row, "L")
'find 2600Hz value in csv file and put into sheet 2 of map
Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet2").Cells(y, x) = Cells(coord_row, "Z")
ElseIf Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet1").Cells(y, x) <> "" And Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet1").Cells(y, x) <> device_array(z) And Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet1").Cells(y, x) <> "X" Then
'if die wasnt tested put an x
Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet1").Cells(y, x) = "Z"
Workbooks(device_map).Sheets("sheet2").Cells(y, x) = "Z"
End If
Next x
Next y