I was given (by the wonderful people on this board) a query that unfortunatly won't work for me because it crashes excel (no access, I wish. but no)
Here is the query that was given to me after I changed the field names
I'm looking for a way that base query only looks at Today's records. I'm thinking that might make it not crash so much.
Thanks again to Littleiitn and Norie.
Here is the query that was given to me after I changed the field names
SELECT OutputColumnC,TransTimestamp
FROM (Select OutputColumnC,TransTimestamp,
(select Count(TransTimestamp)
from (Select Distinct OutputColumnC,TransTimestamp from HistoryTable) as L1
where L1.TransTimestamp>=L2.TransTimestamp and L1.OutputColumnC=L2.OutputColumnC
and DeviceName='In') as Rank from HistoryTable as L2) as Tab1
WHERE Rank= 1
I'm looking for a way that base query only looks at Today's records. I'm thinking that might make it not crash so much.
Thanks again to Littleiitn and Norie.