Sending template email from a name in a listbox


New Member
Mar 15, 2022
Office Version
  1. 365
  1. Windows
Hi All,
I am a bit stuck with making my first VBA program.
The idea is to have a form with a Listbox containing names and once a name is selected and a button (called something like 'Send Email') is clicked the program will send a pre-saved email template to that person. The email address and body are all saved and ready to send in the template.
I have been able to send a template and create a Listbox but not the 2 together.
Any help is greatly appreciated, I would have loved to learn programming at school but I was born too soon.

Send Email script

'Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Sub SendBasicEmail()

Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olemail As Outlook.MailItem

Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\ZIP Templates\TEST.msg")



End Sub

Create a Listbox

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
ListBox1.AddItem "TEST"
ListBox1.AddItem "MCA"
ListBox1.AddItem "MSC"
ListBox1.AddItem "MECS"
ListBox1.AddItem "CA"

End Sub

Excel Facts

What did Pito Salas invent?
Pito Salas, working for Lotus, popularized what would become to be pivot tables. It was released as Lotus Improv in 1989.
I have been working on the below but I am still stuck
VBA Code:
'Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Sub SendBasicEmail()
    Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
    Dim olemail As Outlook.MailItem
    Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
    Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\ZIP Templates\TEST.msg")
End Sub

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

   'Creates and assigns the Array to the ListBox when the form loads.
   Dim mylist As Variant

   mylist = Array("TEST", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", _
      "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday")
   ListBox1.List = mylist

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
   'First Method: Displays individual selections one at a time.
   For x = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1

      If ListBox1.Selected(x) = True Then
         MsgBox ListBox1.List(x)
      End If

   Next x
   Unload Me

End Sub
Upvote 0
So far I have the below
VBA Code:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

   'Creates and assigns the Array to the ListBox when the form loads.
   Dim mylist As Variant

   mylist = Array("AARDS", "NGAARDA", "LARRAKIA", _
   ListBox1.List = mylist

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
   'First Method: Displays individual selections one at a time.
   For x = 0 To ListBox1.ListCount - 1

      If ListBox1.Selected(x) = True Then
         MsgBox ListBox1.List(x)
      End If

   Next x
   Unload Me

End Sub
Upvote 0
The current code is below and it works great.
Any idea how I can run this from Outlook not Excel?

VBA Code:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()

   'Creates and assigns the Array to the ListBox when the form loads.
   Dim mylist As Variant

   mylist = Array("TEST", "AARDS", "NGAARDA", "LARRAKIA", _
   ListBox1.List = mylist

End Sub

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

    Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
    Dim olemail As Outlook.MailItem
        If ListBox1.Selected(0) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\0.TEST.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(0)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(1) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\1.AARDS.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(1)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(2) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\2.NGAARDA.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(2)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(3) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\3.LARRAKIA.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(3)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(4) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\4.2CUZ.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(4)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(5) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\5.NG MEDIA.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(5)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(6) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\6.PAKAM.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(6)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(7) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\7.PAW MEDIA.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(7)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(8) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\8.PY MEDIA.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(8)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(9) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\9.QRAM.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(9)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(10) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\10.TEABBA.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(10)
        End If

    ' 6WR
        If ListBox1.Selected(11) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\11.6WR.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(11)
        End If
        If ListBox1.Selected(12) = True Then
            Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
            Set olemail = olApp.CreateItemFromTemplate("O:\MIS\1 ZIP Templates\12.TSIMA.msg")
        MsgBox ListBox1.List(12)
        End If

End Sub
Upvote 0
I have been trying to convert it to VBS but are finding it way harder than I thought.
Any help is greatly appreciated
Upvote 0
so far I have the below but I cant get the listbox selection to trigger email templates. I have been able to run the script to create the listbox and I have been able to get VBS to send a email.
However not the 2 together and help is greatly appreciated
VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Dim aItems, i

' Array containing items for ListBox
aItems = Array("TEST", "AARDS", "NGAARDA", "LARRAKIA", "2CUZ", "NG MEDIA", "PAKAM", "PAW", "PY MEDIA", "QRAM", "TEABBA", "6WR", "TSIMA")

' Create HTA window wrapper
With New clsSmallWrapperForm
    ' Setup window
    .ShowInTaskbar = "yes"
    .Title = "Test HTA UserForm"
    .Width = 354
    .Height = 118
    .Visible = False
    ' Create window
    ' Assign handlers
    Set .Handlers = New clsSmallWrapperHandlers
    ' Add ListBox
    With .AddElement("ListBox1", "SELECT")
        .size = 6
        .multiple = True
        .style.left = "15px" = "10px"
        .style.width = "250px"
    End With
    .AppendTo "Form"
    ' Add ListBox items
    For i = 0 To UBound(aItems)
        .AddElement , "OPTION"
        .AddText aItems(i)
        .AppendTo "ListBox1"
    ' Add OK Button
    With .AddElement("Button1", "INPUT")
        .type = "button"
        .value = "OK"
        .style.left = "285px" = "10px"
        .style.width = "50px"
        .style.height = "20px"
    End With
    .AppendTo "Form"
    ' Add Cancel Button
    With .AddElement("Button2", "INPUT")
        .type = "button"
        .value = "Cancel"
        .style.left = "285px" = "40px"
        .style.width = "50px"
        .style.height = "20px"
    End With
    .AppendTo "Form"
    ' Add Label
    With .AddElement("Label1", "SPAN")
        .style.left = "15px" = "98px"
        .style.width = "350px"
    End With
    .AddText "Choose items"
    .AppendTo "Form"
    ' Show window
    .Visible = True
    ' Wait window closing or user choise
    Do While .ChkDoc And Not .Handlers.Selected
        WScript.Sleep 100
    ' Read results from array .Handlers.SelectedItems
    If .Handlers.Selected Then
        MsgBox "Selected " & (UBound(.Handlers.SelectedItems) + 1) & " Item(s)" & vbCrLf & Join(.Handlers.SelectedItems, vbCrLf)
        MsgBox "Window closed"
    End If
    ' The rest part of code ...

End With

Class clsSmallWrapperHandlers

    ' Handlers class implements events processing
    ' Edit code to provide the necessary behavior
    ' Keep conventional VB handlers names: Public Sub <ElementID>_<EventName>()

    Public oswForm ' mandatory property

    Public Selected
    Public SelectedItems

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Selected = False
        SelectedItems = Array()
    End Sub

    Public Sub ListBox1_Click()
        Dim vItem
        With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
            For Each vItem In oswForm.Window.ListBox1.childNodes
                If vItem.Selected Then .Item(vItem.innerText) = ""
            SelectedItems = .Keys()
        End With = "buttontext"
        oswForm.Window.Label1.innerText = (UBound(SelectedItems) + 1) & " selected"
    End Sub

    Public Sub Button1_Click()
        Selected = UBound(SelectedItems) >= 0
        If Selected Then
   = "darkred"
            oswForm.Window.Label1.innerText = "Choose at least 1 item"
        End If
    End Sub

    Public Sub Button2_Click()
    End Sub

End Class

Class clsSmallWrapperForm

    ' Utility class for HTA window functionality
    ' Do not modify

    ' HTA tag properties
    Public Border ' thick | dialog | none | thin
    Public BorderStyle ' normal | complex | raised | static | sunken
    Public Caption ' yes | no
    Public ContextMenu ' yes | no
    Public Icon ' path
    Public InnerBorder ' yes | no
    Public MinimizeButton ' yes | no
    Public MaximizeButton ' yes | no
    Public Scroll ' yes | no | auto
    Public Selection ' yes | no
    Public ShowInTaskbar ' yes | no
    Public SysMenu ' yes | no
    Public WindowState ' normal | minimize | maximize

    ' Form properties
    Public Title
    Public BackgroundImage
    Public Width
    Public Height
    Public Left
    Public Top
    Public Self

    Dim oWnd
    Dim oDoc
    Dim bVisible
    Dim oswHandlers
    Dim oLastCreated

    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Set Self = Me
        Set oswHandlers = Nothing
        Border = "thin"
        ContextMenu = "no"
        InnerBorder = "no"
        MaximizeButton = "no"
        Scroll = "no"
        Selection = "no"
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        On Error Resume Next
    End Sub

    Public Sub Create()
        ' source
        Dim sName, sAttrs, sSignature, oShellWnd, oProc
        sAttrs = ""
        For Each sName In Array("Border", "Caption", "ContextMenu", "MaximizeButton", "Scroll", "Selection", "ShowInTaskbar", "Icon", "InnerBorder", "BorderStyle", "SysMenu", "WindowState", "MinimizeButton")
            If Eval(sName) <> "" Then sAttrs = sAttrs & " " & sName & "=" & Eval(sName)
        If Len(sAttrs) >= 240 Then Err.Raise 450, "<HTA:APPLICATION" & sAttrs & " />"
        sSignature = Mid(Replace(CreateObject("Scriptlet.TypeLib").Guid, "-", ""), 2, 16)
        Set oProc = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("mshta ""about:<script>moveTo(-32000,-32000);document.title='*'</script><hta:application" & sAttrs & " /><object id='s' classid='clsid:8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2'><param name=RegisterAsBrowser value=1></object><script>s.putProperty('" & sSignature & "',document.parentWindow);</script>""")
            If oProc.Status > 0 Then Err.Raise 507, "mshta.exe"
            For Each oShellWnd In CreateObject("Shell.Application").Windows
                On Error Resume Next
                Set oWnd = oShellWnd.GetProperty(sSignature)
                If Err.Number = 0 Then
                    On Error Goto 0
                    With oWnd
                        Set oDoc = .document
                        With .document
                            .title = Title
                            .getElementsByTagName("head")(0).appendChild .createElement("style")
                            .styleSheets(0).cssText = "* {font:8pt tahoma;position:absolute;}"
                            .getElementsByTagName("body")(0).id = "Form"
                        End With
               = "buttonface"
                        If BackgroundImage <> "" Then
                   = "no-repeat"
                   = "url(" & BackgroundImage & ")"
                        End If
                        If IsEmpty(Width) Then Width = .Form.offsetWidth
                        If IsEmpty(Height) Then Height = .Form.offsetHeight
                        .resizeTo .screen.availWidth, .screen.availHeight
                        .resizeTo Width + .screen.availWidth - .Form.offsetWidth, Height + .screen.availHeight - .Form.offsetHeight
                        If IsEmpty(Left) Then Left = CInt((.screen.availWidth - Width) / 2)
                        If IsEmpty(Top) Then Top = CInt((.screen.availHeight - Height) / 2)
                        bVisible = IsEmpty(bVisible) Or bVisible
                        Visible = bVisible
                        .execScript "var smallWrapperThunks = (function(){" &_
                            "var thunks,elements={};return {" &_
                                "parseHandlers:function(h){" &_
                                    "thunks=h;for(var key in thunks){var p=key.toLowerCase().split('_');if(p.length==2){elements[p[0]]=elements[p[0]]||{};elements[p[0]][p[1]]=key;}}}," &_
                                "forwardEvents:function(e){" &_
                                    "if(elements[]){for(var key in e){if('on')==0){var q=elements[][key.slice(2)];if(q){eval('.'+key+'=function(){thunks.'+q+'()}')}}}}}}})()"
                        If Not oswHandlers Is Nothing Then
                            .smallWrapperThunks.parseHandlers oswHandlers
                            .smallWrapperThunks.forwardEvents .Form
                        End If
                    End With
                    Exit Sub
                End If
                On Error Goto 0
            WScript.Sleep 100
    End Sub

    Public Property Get Handlers()
        Set Handlers = oswHandlers
    End Property

    Public Property Set Handlers(oHandlers)
        Dim oElement
        If Not oswHandlers Is Nothing Then Set oswHandlers.oswForm = Nothing
        Set oswHandlers = oHandlers
        Set oswHandlers.oswForm = Me
        If ChkDoc Then
            oWnd.smallWrapperThunks.parseHandlers oswHandlers
            For Each oElement In oDoc.all
                If <> "" Then oWnd.smallWrapperThunks.forwardEvents oElement
        End If
    End Property

    Public Sub ForwardEvents(oElement)
        If ChkDoc Then oWnd.smallWrapperThunks.forwardEvents oElement
    End Sub

    Public Function AddElement(sId, sTagName)
        Set oLastCreated = oDoc.createElement(sTagName)
        If VarType(sId) <> vbError Then
            If Not(IsNull(sId) Or IsEmpty(sId)) Then = sId
        End If = "absolute"
        Set AddElement = oLastCreated
    End Function

    Public Function AppendTo(vNode)
        If Not IsObject(vNode) Then Set vNode = oDoc.getElementById(vNode)
        vNode.appendChild oLastCreated
        ForwardEvents oLastCreated
        Set AppendTo = oLastCreated
    End Function

    Public Function AddText(sText)
        oLastCreated.appendChild oDoc.createTextNode(sText)
    End Function

    Public Property Get Window()
        Set Window = oWnd
    End Property

    Public Property Get Document()
        Set Document = oDoc
    End Property

    Public Property Get Visible()
        Visible = bVisible
    End Property

    Public Property Let Visible(bWindowVisible)
        bVisible = bWindowVisible
        If ChkDoc Then
            If bVisible Then
                oWnd.moveTo Left, Top
                oWnd.moveTo -32000, -32000
            End If
        End If
    End Property

    Public Function ChkDoc()
        On Error Resume Next
        ChkDoc = CBool(TypeName(oDoc) = "HTMLDocument")
    End Function

End Class
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