Set the number of rows for the FormulaArray


Banned for repeated rules violations
Mar 26, 2020
Office Version
  1. 2019
  1. Windows
Hello guys,
I want a few lines in the already existing code. Since I want to avoid, dragging the formula in cell F6 each time, I was hoping to write a code for the same.
With the help of a code, I want to replace the formula in cell F6 and get the same with a code added to the existing code. If there is data in column E and then I want the code to resize the cells in column F with column E. If the column E is blank I want the code to end and display MsgBox "All Ledgers available.". The formula to be inserted in F6 is ‘=VLOOKUP(E6,$A$6:$A$10000,1,0).
I am herewith sharing the link to my workbook.
formula array to resize cells.xlsm
Rich (BB code):
 If Not .Exists(DataDictionary(DictionaryRow, 1)) And IsError(List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray(DictionaryRow, 1)) Then ' If uniue value found &  ...
I was just matching the code. I found that the 1 after LedgersFormulasColumnArray(DictionaryRow, is missing in your code.?
Upvote 0

Excel Facts

Select a hidden cell
Somehide hide payroll data in column G? Press F5. Type G1. Enter. Look in formula bar while you arrow down through G.
Original code writing to file is maybe missing. You have changed the definition of most of the variables, so it is getting tough to match and find what is missing.
Rich (BB code):
 x = Sheets("MasterData").Range("B2:B" & Sheets("MasterData").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Rows.Count  ' Get count of rows to write to file
Upvote 0
Sorry. I forgot one line of code that replaces the array of formulas with formula results.

Try the following:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Sub GenerateMasterXML()
'Working finally solved by Johnnyl 12:10 hrs 14.03.2022
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                  ' Turn ScreenUpdating off
    Dim DictionaryRow                               As Long
    Dim FormulaNumber                               As Long
    Dim ImportMastersFormulaStartRow                As Long, List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow     As Long
    Dim ListOfLedgersFormulaStartRow                As Long
    Dim ParticularsMergedColumnCorrectionNumber     As Long
    Dim OriginalHeaderColumnNumber                  As Long, OriginalHeaderRow                  As Long, OriginalLastRow        As Long
    Dim ParticularsFooterLinesToExclude             As Long, ParticularsHeaderLinesToExclude    As Long
    Dim cell                                        As Range
    Dim AvoidText                                   As String
    Dim ImportMastersFormulaStartAddress            As String, MasterDataLedgersStartAddress    As String, VlookupStartAddress  As String
    Dim ImportMastersFormulaStartColumn             As String
    Dim ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn                  As String
    Dim ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn                   As String
    Dim MastersDataParticularsColumnLetter          As String
    Dim OriginalLastColumnLetter                    As String
    Dim ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress   As String
    Dim TextToAvoid                                 As String
    Dim XML_FileName                                As String
    Dim DataDictionary                              As Variant
    Dim List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray          As Variant, OriginalParticularsDataArray    As Variant
    Dim wsImportMasters                             As Worksheet, wsListOfLedgers               As Worksheet
    Dim wsMasterData                                As Worksheet, wsOriginal                    As Worksheet
    Set wsImportMasters = Sheets("ImportMasters")
    Set wsListOfLedgers = Sheets("List of Ledgers")
       Set wsMasterData = Sheets("MasterData")
         Set wsOriginal = Sheets("Original")
    ImportMastersFormulaStartAddress = "A2"                                             ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ImportMastersFormulaStartColumn = "A"                                               ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ImportMastersFormulaStartRow = 2                                                    ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow = wsListOfLedgers.Range("A" & _
                wsListOfLedgers.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                               ' Get last row used of column A in List of Ledgers sheet
'Or /\ /\ Comment out above line and uncomment \/ \/ to hard code the List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow
''    List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow = 10000                                              ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn = "F"                                                    ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ListOfLedgersFormulaStartRow = 6                                                    ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn = "E"                                                     ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    MasterDataLedgersStartAddress = "B2"                                                ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    MastersDataParticularsColumnLetter = "B"                                            ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ParticularsFooterLinesToExclude = 3                                                 ' <--- Set this to # of rows to exclude from Bottom of Particulars
    ParticularsHeaderLinesToExclude = 1                                                 ' <--- Set this to # of rows to exclude from top of Particulars
    ParticularsMergedColumnCorrectionNumber = 1                                         ' <--- Set this to # of columns to correct for merged cells
    ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress = "E6"                                    ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    TextToAvoid = "Opening Balance, (as per details), Closing Balance"                  ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    VlookupStartAddress = "$A$6"                                                        ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    XML_FileName = "C:\Users\" & Environ("username") & "\Desktop\Master.xml"            ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    With wsOriginal
        OriginalLastColumnLetter = Split(Cells(1, (.Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , _
                xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)                              '   Get last column letter used in the Original sheet
        OriginalLastRow = .Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, _
                xlPrevious).Row - ParticularsFooterLinesToExclude                               '   Get correct last row of data on the Original sheet
        With .Range("A1:" & OriginalLastColumnLetter & OriginalLastRow)                         '   Look through the Original sheet for the header row
            Set cell = .Find("Particulars", LookIn:=xlValues)                                   '       Find the header called 'Particulars'
            If Not cell Is Nothing Then                                                         '       If 'Particulars' is found then ...
                OriginalHeaderRow = cell.Row + ParticularsHeaderLinesToExclude                  '           Save the row # into OriginalHeaderRow
                OriginalHeaderColumnNumber = cell.Column + ParticularsMergedColumnCorrectionNumber  '       Save corrected Column # into OriginalHeaderColumnNumber
'                                                                                               '               to correct for the merged B&C columns
            End If
        End With
        OriginalParticularsDataArray = .Range(.Cells(OriginalHeaderRow + 1, OriginalHeaderColumnNumber), _
                .Cells(OriginalLastRow, OriginalHeaderColumnNumber))                    ' Save Data to be pasted into 2D 1 Based OriginalParticularsDataArray
    End With
    With wsListOfLedgers
        .Columns(ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn & ":" & ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn).ClearContents    '   Erase ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn &
'                                                                                               '       ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn in List of Ledgers sheet
        .Range(ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress).Resize(UBound(OriginalParticularsDataArray, 1)) = _
                OriginalParticularsDataArray                                                    ' Display OriginalParticularsDataArray to List of Ledgers
        ReDim List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray(1 To UBound(OriginalParticularsDataArray, 1))  '   Set # of rows for the List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray
        For FormulaNumber = 1 To UBound(OriginalParticularsDataArray, 1)                        ' Loop to put formulas into List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray
            List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray(FormulaNumber) = "=VLOOKUP(E" & 5 + FormulaNumber & _
                    "," & VlookupStartAddress & ":$A$" & List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow & ",1,0)"   '   Save Formula into List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray
        Next                                                                                    ' Loop back
        .Range(ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn & ListOfLedgersFormulaStartRow).Resize(UBound(List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray, 1)) = _
                List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray                                              '   Display List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray ...
        List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray = .Range(ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn & _
                ListOfLedgersFormulaStartRow & ":" & ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn & _
                .Range(ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)                  ' Load formula column results from
'                                                                                               '   List of Ledgers sheet to array
        Application.Goto .Range(ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress)                      '   Select ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress on  List of Ledgers sheet
        DataDictionary = .Range(ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress, _
                .Cells(Rows.Count, ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn).End(xlUp))                       '   Create DataDictionary
    End With
'   solved by gravanoc 17:12 hrs 13.03.2022
    AvoidText = TextToAvoid                                                                     ' Text to avoid
    With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For DictionaryRow = 1 To UBound(DataDictionary)                                         '   Loop through each row of DataDictionary
            If Not .Exists(DataDictionary(DictionaryRow, 1)) And _
                    IsError(List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray(DictionaryRow, 1)) Then            '       If unique value found &  ...
'                                                                                               '           Error found in column to the right then ...
                If InStr(1, AvoidText, DataDictionary(DictionaryRow, 1)) = 0 Then
                    .Add DataDictionary(DictionaryRow, 1), Array(DataDictionary(DictionaryRow, 2))  '               add unique value to DataDictionary
                End If
            End If
        Next                                                                                    '   Loop back
        wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress, _
                wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress).End(xlDown)).ClearContents    '   Erase column B data in MasterData sheet
        If .Count > 0 Then                                                                      '   Handle Error 13 when all match
            wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress).Resize(.Count) = _
                    Application.Transpose(.keys)                                                '       Display unique values on wsMasterData
        End If
        If wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress) = "" Then                          '   If all ledgers match then ...
            MsgBox "All Ledgers available."                                                     '       Display message to user
            Exit Sub                                                                            '       Exit sub
        End If
    End With
    Application.Goto wsMasterData.Range("B1")                                                   ' Select B1 on MasterData sheet
    Dim LastColumnNumberInRow               As Long
    Dim LastRowInSheetImportMasters         As Long
    Dim LedgerCount                         As Long
    Dim xmlFile                             As Object
    Dim LastColumnLetterSheetImportMasters  As String
    Dim strData                             As String
    Dim strTempFile                         As String
    With wsImportMasters
        LastColumnLetterSheetImportMasters = Split(Cells(1, (.Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, _
                , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)                            '   Get last column letter used in ImportMasters sheet
        LastRowInSheetImportMasters = .Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, _
                xlPrevious).Row                                                                 '   Get last row used in ImportMasters sheet
        .Range(ImportMastersFormulaStartColumn & ImportMastersFormulaStartRow + 1 & ":" & _
                LastColumnLetterSheetImportMasters & LastRowInSheetImportMasters).ClearContents '   Erase all but one row of formulas on ImportMasters sheet
        LedgerCount = wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress & ":" & _
                MastersDataParticularsColumnLetter & wsMasterData.Range(MastersDataParticularsColumnLetter & _
                Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Rows.Count                                           '   Get count of ledgers
        If LedgerCount > 1 Then .Range(ImportMastersFormulaStartAddress & ":" & _
                LastColumnLetterSheetImportMasters & LedgerCount + 1).FillDown                  '   If LedgerCount > 1 Then Create range of formulas
        LastColumnNumberInRow = .Cells(ImportMastersFormulaStartRow, _
                .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column                                            '  Get last column # used in row ImportMastersFormulaStartRow
        .Range(ImportMastersFormulaStartAddress).Resize(LedgerCount, LastColumnNumberInRow).Copy    '   Copy ImportMasters Formula results
    End With
    strData = CreateObject("htmlfile").ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData("Text")               ' Save contents into strData
    strTempFile = XML_FileName                                                                  ' Set File name to copy to
    CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(strTempFile, True).Write strData  ' Write the data to file
    MsgBox ("File saved on Desktop as Master.XML.")                                             ' Display message to user
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                                           ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on
End Sub
Upvote 0
Original code writing to file is maybe missing. You have changed the definition of most of the variables, so it is getting tough to match and find what is missing.
Rich (BB code):
 x = Sheets("MasterData").Range("B2:B" & Sheets("MasterData").Range("B" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Rows.Count  ' Get count of rows to write to file

Sorry for any confusion caused. I told you I did an overhaul to the code. :)
Upvote 0
Sorry for any confusion caused. I told you I did an overhaul to the code. :)
If you look at the file I shared, there is only one problem to solve which may not be so big for you. I need to copy the formula from cell F6 with the help of a code, resizes with the cells, with values, in column E. That is all. The second issue is where to post that new code in the already existing code.
Upvote 0
Sorry. I forgot one line of code that replaces the array of formulas with formula results.

Try the following:

VBA Code:
Option Explicit

Sub GenerateMasterXML()
'Working finally solved by Johnnyl 12:10 hrs 14.03.2022
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False                                                  ' Turn ScreenUpdating off
    Dim DictionaryRow                               As Long
    Dim FormulaNumber                               As Long
    Dim ImportMastersFormulaStartRow                As Long, List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow     As Long
    Dim ListOfLedgersFormulaStartRow                As Long
    Dim ParticularsMergedColumnCorrectionNumber     As Long
    Dim OriginalHeaderColumnNumber                  As Long, OriginalHeaderRow                  As Long, OriginalLastRow        As Long
    Dim ParticularsFooterLinesToExclude             As Long, ParticularsHeaderLinesToExclude    As Long
    Dim cell                                        As Range
    Dim AvoidText                                   As String
    Dim ImportMastersFormulaStartAddress            As String, MasterDataLedgersStartAddress    As String, VlookupStartAddress  As String
    Dim ImportMastersFormulaStartColumn             As String
    Dim ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn                  As String
    Dim ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn                   As String
    Dim MastersDataParticularsColumnLetter          As String
    Dim OriginalLastColumnLetter                    As String
    Dim ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress   As String
    Dim TextToAvoid                                 As String
    Dim XML_FileName                                As String
    Dim DataDictionary                              As Variant
    Dim List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray          As Variant, OriginalParticularsDataArray    As Variant
    Dim wsImportMasters                             As Worksheet, wsListOfLedgers               As Worksheet
    Dim wsMasterData                                As Worksheet, wsOriginal                    As Worksheet
    Set wsImportMasters = Sheets("ImportMasters")
    Set wsListOfLedgers = Sheets("List of Ledgers")
       Set wsMasterData = Sheets("MasterData")
         Set wsOriginal = Sheets("Original")
    ImportMastersFormulaStartAddress = "A2"                                             ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ImportMastersFormulaStartColumn = "A"                                               ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ImportMastersFormulaStartRow = 2                                                    ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow = wsListOfLedgers.Range("A" & _
                wsListOfLedgers.Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row                               ' Get last row used of column A in List of Ledgers sheet
'Or /\ /\ Comment out above line and uncomment \/ \/ to hard code the List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow
''    List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow = 10000                                              ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn = "F"                                                    ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ListOfLedgersFormulaStartRow = 6                                                    ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn = "E"                                                     ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    MasterDataLedgersStartAddress = "B2"                                                ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    MastersDataParticularsColumnLetter = "B"                                            ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    ParticularsFooterLinesToExclude = 3                                                 ' <--- Set this to # of rows to exclude from Bottom of Particulars
    ParticularsHeaderLinesToExclude = 1                                                 ' <--- Set this to # of rows to exclude from top of Particulars
    ParticularsMergedColumnCorrectionNumber = 1                                         ' <--- Set this to # of columns to correct for merged cells
    ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress = "E6"                                    ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    TextToAvoid = "Opening Balance, (as per details), Closing Balance"                  ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    VlookupStartAddress = "$A$6"                                                        ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    XML_FileName = "C:\Users\" & Environ("username") & "\Desktop\Master.xml"            ' <--- Adjust this if needed
    With wsOriginal
        OriginalLastColumnLetter = Split(Cells(1, (.Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , _
                xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)                              '   Get last column letter used in the Original sheet
        OriginalLastRow = .Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, _
                xlPrevious).Row - ParticularsFooterLinesToExclude                               '   Get correct last row of data on the Original sheet
        With .Range("A1:" & OriginalLastColumnLetter & OriginalLastRow)                         '   Look through the Original sheet for the header row
            Set cell = .Find("Particulars", LookIn:=xlValues)                                   '       Find the header called 'Particulars'
            If Not cell Is Nothing Then                                                         '       If 'Particulars' is found then ...
                OriginalHeaderRow = cell.Row + ParticularsHeaderLinesToExclude                  '           Save the row # into OriginalHeaderRow
                OriginalHeaderColumnNumber = cell.Column + ParticularsMergedColumnCorrectionNumber  '       Save corrected Column # into OriginalHeaderColumnNumber
'                                                                                               '               to correct for the merged B&C columns
            End If
        End With
        OriginalParticularsDataArray = .Range(.Cells(OriginalHeaderRow + 1, OriginalHeaderColumnNumber), _
                .Cells(OriginalLastRow, OriginalHeaderColumnNumber))                    ' Save Data to be pasted into 2D 1 Based OriginalParticularsDataArray
    End With
    With wsListOfLedgers
        .Columns(ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn & ":" & ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn).ClearContents    '   Erase ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn &
'                                                                                               '       ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn in List of Ledgers sheet
        .Range(ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress).Resize(UBound(OriginalParticularsDataArray, 1)) = _
                OriginalParticularsDataArray                                                    ' Display OriginalParticularsDataArray to List of Ledgers
        ReDim List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray(1 To UBound(OriginalParticularsDataArray, 1))  '   Set # of rows for the List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray
        For FormulaNumber = 1 To UBound(OriginalParticularsDataArray, 1)                        ' Loop to put formulas into List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray
            List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray(FormulaNumber) = "=VLOOKUP(E" & 5 + FormulaNumber & _
                    "," & VlookupStartAddress & ":$A$" & List_of_LedgersColumnA_LastRow & ",1,0)"   '   Save Formula into List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray
        Next                                                                                    ' Loop back
        .Range(ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn & ListOfLedgersFormulaStartRow).Resize(UBound(List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray, 1)) = _
                List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray                                              '   Display List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray ...
        List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray = .Range(ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn & _
                ListOfLedgersFormulaStartRow & ":" & ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn & _
                .Range(ListOfLedgersLedgerColumn & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)                  ' Load formula column results from
'                                                                                               '   List of Ledgers sheet to array
        Application.Goto .Range(ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress)                      '   Select ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress on  List of Ledgers sheet
        DataDictionary = .Range(ParticularsPasteListOfLedgersStartAddress, _
                .Cells(Rows.Count, ListOfLedgersFormulaColumn).End(xlUp))                       '   Create DataDictionary
    End With
'   solved by gravanoc 17:12 hrs 13.03.2022
    AvoidText = TextToAvoid                                                                     ' Text to avoid
    With CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        For DictionaryRow = 1 To UBound(DataDictionary)                                         '   Loop through each row of DataDictionary
            If Not .Exists(DataDictionary(DictionaryRow, 1)) And _
                    IsError(List_of_LedgersFormulasColumnArray(DictionaryRow, 1)) Then            '       If unique value found &  ...
'                                                                                               '           Error found in column to the right then ...
                If InStr(1, AvoidText, DataDictionary(DictionaryRow, 1)) = 0 Then
                    .Add DataDictionary(DictionaryRow, 1), Array(DataDictionary(DictionaryRow, 2))  '               add unique value to DataDictionary
                End If
            End If
        Next                                                                                    '   Loop back
        wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress, _
                wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress).End(xlDown)).ClearContents    '   Erase column B data in MasterData sheet
        If .Count > 0 Then                                                                      '   Handle Error 13 when all match
            wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress).Resize(.Count) = _
                    Application.Transpose(.keys)                                                '       Display unique values on wsMasterData
        End If
        If wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress) = "" Then                          '   If all ledgers match then ...
            MsgBox "All Ledgers available."                                                     '       Display message to user
            Exit Sub                                                                            '       Exit sub
        End If
    End With
    Application.Goto wsMasterData.Range("B1")                                                   ' Select B1 on MasterData sheet
    Dim LastColumnNumberInRow               As Long
    Dim LastRowInSheetImportMasters         As Long
    Dim LedgerCount                         As Long
    Dim xmlFile                             As Object
    Dim LastColumnLetterSheetImportMasters  As String
    Dim strData                             As String
    Dim strTempFile                         As String
    With wsImportMasters
        LastColumnLetterSheetImportMasters = Split(Cells(1, (.Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, _
                , xlByColumns, xlPrevious).Column)).Address, "$")(1)                            '   Get last column letter used in ImportMasters sheet
        LastRowInSheetImportMasters = .Cells.Find("*", , xlFormulas, , xlByRows, _
                xlPrevious).Row                                                                 '   Get last row used in ImportMasters sheet
        .Range(ImportMastersFormulaStartColumn & ImportMastersFormulaStartRow + 1 & ":" & _
                LastColumnLetterSheetImportMasters & LastRowInSheetImportMasters).ClearContents '   Erase all but one row of formulas on ImportMasters sheet
        LedgerCount = wsMasterData.Range(MasterDataLedgersStartAddress & ":" & _
                MastersDataParticularsColumnLetter & wsMasterData.Range(MastersDataParticularsColumnLetter & _
                Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row).Rows.Count                                           '   Get count of ledgers
        If LedgerCount > 1 Then .Range(ImportMastersFormulaStartAddress & ":" & _
                LastColumnLetterSheetImportMasters & LedgerCount + 1).FillDown                  '   If LedgerCount > 1 Then Create range of formulas
        LastColumnNumberInRow = .Cells(ImportMastersFormulaStartRow, _
                .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column                                            '  Get last column # used in row ImportMastersFormulaStartRow
        .Range(ImportMastersFormulaStartAddress).Resize(LedgerCount, LastColumnNumberInRow).Copy    '   Copy ImportMasters Formula results
    End With
    strData = CreateObject("htmlfile").ParentWindow.ClipboardData.GetData("Text")               ' Save contents into strData
    strTempFile = XML_FileName                                                                  ' Set File name to copy to
    CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").CreateTextFile(strTempFile, True).Write strData  ' Write the data to file
    MsgBox ("File saved on Desktop as Master.XML.")                                             ' Display message to user
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True                                                           ' Turn ScreenUpdating back on
End Sub
You did it again. JohnnyL. Hats of to you man. Thanks a ton.??
Upvote 0
Glad to help.

Any questions, please ask.

The overhaul I did consists of:
1) Changing some variable names to hopefully make it easier for you to understand/learn the code.
2) Created more variables to allow for easier code changes.
3) Placed changeable variables toward the top of the script so you don't have to hunt through the code for the ones you may want to change.
4) Some organization of the code so the code is not going back and forth between sheets ... Tried to group code for each sheet together.
5) Added the code to do what you asked for as far a copying the formulas down the column F for you. I know we have done this before and you said previously that you had to hard code the end address for the formula range. Well, I put the code in that calculates the end address, but I also left code right below that line that allows you to hard code the end address if you still think you need to do that. If you do, just comment out the upper line that calculates the end address & then uncomment the line below that to enable the hard coded address.
6) As normal, added comments on the right hand side of the code to give you an idea of what each line of code does. Some lines of code I think are self explanatory so no comments for those lines.

Read through the comments on the right side, it basically walks you through what the code is doing.
Upvote 0
Glad to help.

Any questions, please ask.

The overhaul I did consists of:
1) Changing some variable names to hopefully make it easier for you to understand/learn the code.
2) Created more variables to allow for easier code changes.
3) Placed changeable variables toward the top of the script so you don't have to hunt through the code for the ones you may want to change.
4) Some organization of the code so the code is not going back and forth between sheets ... Tried to group code for each sheet together.
5) Added the code to do what you asked for as far a copying the formulas down the column F for you. I know we have done this before and you said previously that you had to hard code the end address for the formula range. Well, I put the code in that calculates the end address, but I also left code right below that line that allows you to hard code the end address if you still think you need to do that. If you do, just comment out the upper line that calculates the end address & then uncomment the line below that to enable the hard coded address.
6) As normal, added comments on the right hand side of the code to give you an idea of what each line of code does. Some lines of code I think are self explanatory so no comments for those lines.

Read through the comments on the right side, it basically walks you through what the code is doing.
I am not so good at codes, only recorded macros. But your comments are self explanatory and they help me a lot. I can edit, modify and use them how ever needed. You inspire me a lot and motivate me to create something new every time.?
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