Hi Everybody,
I'm running out of options in this one. I'm trying to upload a file to a SharePoint, thing is, the code works fine for smaller files, but for anything exceeding 5MB I'm getting a Time out error ("Run Time Error -2147012894(80072ee2): The Operation Timed Out")
The sharepoint itself works fine and I have no problem in uploading the same files manually, so I'm guessing there's something in the code that's causing this.
I imagine the solution would run along the lines of adding some sort of TimeOut setting within the code... but I haven't managed to get it working yet.
Here is the code I'm using:
I Appreciate any input, Thanks.
I'm running out of options in this one. I'm trying to upload a file to a SharePoint, thing is, the code works fine for smaller files, but for anything exceeding 5MB I'm getting a Time out error ("Run Time Error -2147012894(80072ee2): The Operation Timed Out")
The sharepoint itself works fine and I have no problem in uploading the same files manually, so I'm guessing there's something in the code that's causing this.
I imagine the solution would run along the lines of adding some sort of TimeOut setting within the code... but I haven't managed to get it working yet.
Here is the code I'm using:
Function WebUploadFile(File, url, user, pass)
'On Error GoTo Continue:
Dim objADOStream
Dim arrbuffer
Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream")
objADOStream.Type = 1
objADOStream.LoadFromFile File
arrbuffer = objADOStream.Read()
Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "PUT", url, False, user, pass
objXMLHTTP.send arrbuffer
Success = 1
End Function
I Appreciate any input, Thanks.