Sheet not protecting


Board Regular
Aug 9, 2011

The macro below will insert a comment through pop-up box, the problem is when you click OK without entering any comments or click cancel it will not protect the sheet. Can someone please fix the macro, still learning to code.


' Double-click on a cell, a pop-up box will appear allowing the user to add a comment to the cell.' This new comment would be added to whatever comments were already in that cell.
' In addition, the date, time, Excel registration name, etc. are all appended to the new comment.
Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Excel.Range, Cancel As Boolean)

    On Error Resume Next
    Dim cmtText As String
    Dim strCommentName As String
    Dim inputText As String
    Const maxLineLength As Long = 65
    Sheets("Shift 1").Unprotect Password:="xxx"
    Set Target = Target.Cells(1, 1)
    If Target.Comment Is Nothing Then
        cmtText = InputBox("Please enter Comment:", "Comment Text")
        If cmtText = "" Then Exit Sub
        cmtText = Now & "-" & Application.UserName & "-" & cmtText
        cmtText = Word_Wrap(cmtText, maxLineLength)
        strCommentName = cmtText & vbLf & Now
        Target.AddComment text:=cmtText
        'Target.Comment.Visible = True
        Target.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True
        If Target.Comment.text <> "" Then
            inputText = InputBox("Please enter Comment:", "Comment Text")
            If inputText = "" Then Exit Sub
            inputText = Now & "-" & Application.UserName & "-" & inputText
            inputText = Word_Wrap(inputText, maxLineLength)
            cmtText = Target.Comment.text & Chr(10) & inputText
            cmtText = InputBox("Please enter Comment:", "Comment Text")
        End If
        cmtText = cmtText
        Target.AddComment text:=cmtText
        ' Target.Comment.Visible = True
        Target.Comment.Shape.Width = 300
        Target.Comment.Shape.Height = 100
    End If
    Sheets("Shift 1").Protect Password:="xxx"
    Cancel = True
End Sub

Function Word_Wrap(text As String, maxLineLength As Integer) As String

Dim words() As String
Dim line As String
Dim word As Variant

Word_Wrap = ""

words = Split(text, " ")
line = ""

For Each word In words
    If Len(line & word) > maxLineLength Then
        If Word_Wrap = "" Then
            Word_Wrap = line
            Word_Wrap = Word_Wrap & vbLf & line
        End If
        line = word
        If line = "" Then
            line = word
            line = line & " " & word
        End If
    End If

If line <> "" Then
    If Word_Wrap = "" Then
        Word_Wrap = line
        Word_Wrap = Word_Wrap & vbLf & line
    End If
End If

End Function


Excel Facts

Move date out one month or year
Use =EDATE(A2,1) for one month later. Use EDATE(A2,12) for one year later.
Just replace this line: Sheets("Shift 1").Unprotect Password:="xxx" by that one: Sheets("Shift 1").Protect Password:="xxx", UserInterfaceOnly:=True
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*** deleted because of TAGs issue ***
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