sheet protection - Select Locked Cells


Well-known Member
Oct 16, 2002
Tools>>Options Edit Tab has a checkbox "Move Selection after Enter"
I have this disabled (Unchecked)

I have a sheet that I Sheet Protect, Select UnLocked Cells is Enabled, Select Locked Cells and All others are disabled.

A named range of Cells (E3:E122) named "PowerInput" are the only cells with Format Cell protection "not" locked.

With the above conditions, when I change a cell in the range "PowerInput" it moves the selection to the next cell even though the Tools>>Options Edit Tab checkbox "Move Selection after Enter" is disabled (Unchecked).

If, when protecting the sheet, Select Locked Cells is enabled, then this does not happen.

Is this by design or poor design? Is there a way to not move the selection after a cell in the "PowerInput" range is changed? I have code which runs based on the contents of a cell offset from the actice cell; if the selection moves then the wrong cell is input to code.
I could just leave Select Locked Cells disabled, but I like that paticular feature for this particular sheet.

my code for worksheet change:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

Dim vrange As Range, cell As Range
Dim chas As Range

Set vrange = Range("PowerInput")

For Each cell In Target
    If Union(cell, vrange).Address = vrange.Address Then
        Set chas = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4)
        If chas = Range("AlertViolation") Then
        ElseIf chas = Range("AlertHold") Then
        ElseIf chas = Range("AlertCaution") Then
        End If
    End If
Next cell

End Sub

Thanks, Chas

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Yep, it's a feature.

Why are you using ActiveCell when you already have Target, or more precisely Target.Cells(1, 1)?
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Not sure what you mean.

A user selects cell E20 and enters a number, I want to return the results of Cell I20 after the change. Thus the Set chas = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4)

How would you adjust code to use target?


Got it:
        'Set chas = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4)
        Set chas = Target.Cells(1, 5)

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Thank You

Set chas = Target.Offset(0, 4)

better than
Set chas = Target.Cells(1, 5)

or same, seems to work.

thank you again, had the blinders on...
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In your case they are equivalent, because Target is a single cell. If Target was multiple cells they would not be equivalent. The range returned by Offset would be the same size as Target, but the range returned by Cells would still be a single cell.
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