I have a long range in my VBA, and I want to split the line onto multiple rows within VBA but am struggling, as a sample I have;
I need to add quite a few more range references, but am struggling to break the code down, I know that I need to use (Space & Underscore) but cant figure out in what order...
Ive tried the search function to no avail!
Thanks in advance
I have a long range in my VBA, and I want to split the line onto multiple rows within VBA but am struggling, as a sample I have;
Range("c4:i16,c10i:17,c21:i28,c31:i56,c59:i59,c62:i62,c65:i65,c68:i68,c71:i71,c74:i75,c78:i79,c82:i83,"c86:i355" etc etc).Select
I need to add quite a few more range references, but am struggling to break the code down, I know that I need to use (Space & Underscore) but cant figure out in what order...
Ive tried the search function to no avail!
Thanks in advance