Smartening up of VBA


Well-known Member
Mar 2, 2009

I have managed to put together code from this site, and added in some extra bits that I needed.

Basically what the macro should be doing:
1) Open the Workbook to sheet MACROS if Macros are not enabled - keeping all other sheets hidden.
2) If Macros enabled, show the Discontinued and ALL LIVE. sheets - not MACROS sheet
3) Before saving/closing - unfilter all columns on Discontinued sheet
4) Reset to MACROS sheet

This works, but I'm not anywhere near a genius on VBA yet so I don't know if this can be neatened/cleaned up any, and if so how?

Can anyone offer me advice?

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    With Application
        .EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        Call HideSheets
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
    End With
    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim WS As Worksheet
    For Each WS In Worksheets
         WS.AutoFilterMode = False
    Next WS
    With Application
        .EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
        .ScreenUpdating = False
        Call HideSheets
        .ScreenUpdating = True
        .EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
    End With
    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
    'Unhide all worksheets
            With Application
                .EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
                .ScreenUpdating = False
                Call UnhideSheets
                .ScreenUpdating = True
                .EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
            End With
End Sub
Private Sub HideSheets()
Dim Sheet As Object
    With Sheets("MACROS")
        .Visible = xlSheetVisible
            For Each Sheet In Sheets
                If Not Sheet.Name = "MACROS" Then
                    Sheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
                End If
        Set Sheet = Nothing
    End With
End Sub
Private Sub UnhideSheets()
    Sheets("Discontinued").Visible = xlSheetVisible
    Sheets("MACROS").Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
    Sheets("ALL LIVE.").Visible = xlSheetVisible
End Sub

Excel Facts

Did you know Excel offers Filter by Selection?
Add the AutoFilter icon to the Quick Access Toolbar. Select a cell containing Apple, click AutoFilter, and you will get all rows with Apple
Hi SuperFerret,

I did not test, but some general observations:

In BeforeClose, you are forcing a Save. This means that after the user accidently goobers things to all hell and trys and bail out, we just saved the mind-numbing mistakes.

In BeforeSave, you should be cancelling the user-induced saved, shutting off events and performing a Save after everything is hiddden. Then after the Save, re-display everything and mark the wb as saved.

I hope that's of help,

Upvote 0
Thanks for the reply GTO,

I did think about the problem with the save in the before close, but I wasn't sure how to restore to the previous state without saving (I'm not that good with VBA yet) ;)

In BeforeSave, you should be cancelling the user-induced saved, shutting off events and performing a Save after everything is hiddden. Then after the Save, re-display everything and mark the wb as saved.

Do you have any tips on how I would do that? I pretty much just took the code as was and just added in the unfilter etc.:-(
Upvote 0
2) If Macros enabled, show the Discontinued and ALL LIVE. sheets - not MACROS sheet

Are these the only three sheets in the workbook, or are there other sheets that stay hidden?
Upvote 0
Hi again,

Here is an older example I wrote; it should handle saves as well as saveas'es (yea, terrible English...)

I did not happen to seperate the hideallsheets and showallsheets as in the example you found, but I believe I commented it well enough that you can re-write if you prefer.

Please note that you will need to change the CodeName of the "macro warning" sheet to 'shtForceEnable'. I find it better to use the codenames, as this will prevent the macro from falling apart with the goofy user who 'helps' by renaming a sheet.

Rich (BB code):
Option Explicit
Dim bolInProcess                    As Boolean, _
    bolClosing                      As Boolean
'//                                                                                     //
'// NOTE1:                                                                              //
'//     I have seen several different examples of how to force the user into having     //
'//     macros enabled.                                                                 //
'//     Unfortunately, these seem to either:                                            //
'//                                                                                     //
'//     1.  Force the user to save upon exiting, as BeforeClose has a Save in it.       //
'//         While this does more insist that the wb ends up closed with the desired     //
'//         sheets hidden (and the file is saved, thus opening w/macs disabled should   //
'//         always result in these sheets being hidden) - there is a price to pay,      //
'//         in that the user cannot open the wb in a usable state (macros enabled),     //
'//         make a change, and then decide that he errored and close the wb w/o saving. //
'//         Thus - the bad data entered is saved... (Booo!)                             //
'//                                                                                     //
'//     2.  The other manner I've seen this worked out is use the BeforeClose event,    //
'//         and IF the file is in a saved state when closing, hide the sheets and       //
'//         resave the wb.  This works if the user opens wb, makes changes, saves, then //
'//         closes wb.  It also works if user opens wb, does or doesn't make changes,   //
'//         and closes w/o savong.  But... If user opens wb, makes changes, saves,      //
'//         then makes more changes and exits w/o saving... well, the last save         //
'//         occurred with all the sheets exposed, so you can re-open w/macs disabled    //
'//         and there's the sheets (eeks!) you were trying to keep hidden.  Nuts, eh?   //
'//                                                                                     //
'//     3.  The only method that I have seen work reliably is to create an              //
'//         "Workbook_AfterSave" event by using the BeforeSave event.  In this manner,  //
'//         the file is never saved with the sheets displayed.  Rather, at every Save,  //
'//         we first hide all sheets except a warning sheet, then we Save, then we      //
'//         redisplay the sheets the user is allowed to view and/or edit IF the user    //
'//         has enabled macros.
'//                                                                                     //
'//     While the basis for this solution was primarily developed by Scott Dennison     //
'//     (Demosthine @ vbaexpress) along with some 'glitch-catching' by me; as the Bible //
'//     says (Song of Solomon I believe), there is nothing new under the sun - and I    //
'//     later found very nice/same concept examples by Ken Puls:                        //
'//                                                                                     //
'//                           //
'//                                                 //
'//                                                                                     //
'//     NOTE:   For this example, we are making a three-sheet workbook.  One sheet will //
'//             be the warning sheet (shtForceEnable), which the user will only see if  //
'//             he opens the wb w/macros disabled.  The other two sheets will only be   //
'//             seen if macros are enabled and will not be editable.                    //
'// ************************************************************************************//
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim intResponse                 As Integer
    '// First, we'll kill alerts to prevent the application asking if we want to save   //
    '// (if wb not saved).  We want to replace this with out own 'alert', so that we    //
    '// can control the save.                                                           //
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    '// bolClosing will be false by default, so we will initially pass this test.       //
    If Not bolClosing Then
        '// IF the workbook is saved, it will close without further ado.  ELSE, we will //
        '// see what the user wants to do and control the results.                      //
        If Not ThisWorkbook.Saved Then
            intResponse = MsgBox("Do you want to save the changes you made to '" & _
            Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4) & "'?", _
            vbExclamation + vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton1, _
            "My Custom Project")
            Select Case intResponse
                Case vbYes
                    '// bolClosing used in BeforeSave//
                    bolClosing = True
                    '// See function.  We don't need to execute the save here, and in   //
                    '// fact, due to a weird glitch in Excel (least 2000/2003), this is //
                    '// better.                                                         //
                    Call Workbook_BeforeSave(False, False)
                    '//This is required, as even though the file saved while in         //
                    '// BeforeSave, changes occurred post save.                         //
                    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
                Case vbNo
                    bolClosing = True
                    '// User doesn't want to save changes, so just mark file saved.     //
                    '// This allows us to turn alerts back on and the file to close w/o //
                    '// alerting.                                                       //
                    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
                Case vbCancel
                    '// User cancelled closing, and least in Excel 2000, I found it     //
                    '// necessary to reactivate stuff if I wanted the focus returned.   //
                    bolClosing = False
                    Cancel = True
                    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                    Exit Sub
            End Select
        End If
    End If
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting      As Boolean, _
    intCalculationSetting               As Integer, _
    wksWorksheet                        As Worksheet, _
    wksLastActive                       As Worksheet, _
    strSaveAs_Filename                  As String
    If Not (bolInProcess _
            And Not Cancel) Then
        '// Set bolProcess to True, which will later prevent a recurse to this IF.      //
        bolInProcess = True
        '// Let's see what the user's choices were, as to a few settings that we wish   //
        '// to temporarily control.                                                     //
        bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting = Application.DisplayStatusBar
        intCalculationSetting = Application.Calculation
        '// Now we'll get rid of StatusBar (as on slower machines it seems to flicker   //
        '// even w/SreenUpdating False), and we'll stop screen updates and uneccessary  //
        '// calculations, which will give a better appearance and increase run speed.   //
        'Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        '// Find the ActiveSheet, so we can redisplay it later.                         //
        Set wksLastActive = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
        '// Display the prompt (the warning) sheet BEFORE hidng remaining sheets.       //
        shtForceEnable.Visible = xlSheetVisible
        '// In this example, I only have three sheets.  A 'macwarn' sheet that          //
        '// should only display if user opens wb w/macs disabled, and two user          //
        '// sheets that should only show if macs are enabled.                           //
        For Each wksWorksheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            If Not wksWorksheet.CodeName = "shtForceEnable" Then
                wksWorksheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
            End If
        '// Note:  For above - in larger projects, I would think of prefacing ea        //
        '// sheet's codename w/ 'shtV' and 'shtH' for visible/hidden sheets and         //
        '// using LIKE in the loop to determine whether to hide or unhide as the        //
        '// case may be.                                                                //
        '// Set Cancel to True!  If the user executed a "normal" save (clicking Save    //
        '// button or Ctrl+s...), then only the user called Save is cancelled.  A       //
        '// couple of lines down, we'll execute a Save that will not be cancelled.      //
        '// If on the other hand, BeforeSave is called programatically, the Cancel does //
        '// nothing, and the .Save (or SaveAs) executes under our control.              //
        '// I would also note that excluding the Cancel results in Saving the file      //
        '// twice.                                                                      //
        Cancel = True
        '// Now, Save workbook.  If you step-thru this, you'll see that it immedietely  //
        '// recurses to Workbook_BeforeSave, but as bolInProcess is currently True,     //
        '// there is no true recurse.  Thus - the statements below the .Save execute,   //
        '// and the user sheets are redisplayed.                                        //
        '//                                                                             //
        '// The critical point here is that the workbook is never in a saved state with //
        '// the user sheets visible!                                                    //
        '//                                                                             //
        '// OK - let's determine whether the user is attempting a saveas.  Depending    //
        '// upon the level of protection desired (file replication, etc), we could      //
        '// simply cancel the operation - or - if we want to allow a SaveAs, we want    //
        '// to do the following.                                                        //
        If SaveAsUI Then
            ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
            strSaveAs_Filename = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=ThisWorkbook.FullName, _
                                            FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", _
                                            Title:="Are you sure you want to SaveAs?")
            '// Check to see if user cancelled; in which case reset bolInProcess and    //
            '// allow sheets to be redisplayed.  Nothing is saved, so no harm, no foul. //
            If strSaveAs_Filename = "False" Then
                bolInProcess = False
                '// If user chose a filename and committed to the saveas, I strip the   //
                '// proposed name from the proposed fullname, so that we can saveas to  //
                '// the same folder we opened this workbook in.                         //
                strSaveAs_Filename = "\" & Right(strSaveAs_Filename, _
                                                 Len(strSaveAs_Filename) _
                                                 - InStrRev(strSaveAs_Filename, "\", -1, _
                '// One last check.  If user selects same name as current, then cancels //
                '// the app alert msg (are your sure?  there's already a workbook with  //
                '// this name...), an error ensues.  Just skip past this error, and     //
                '// file will not be saved.                                             //
                On Error Resume Next
                ThisWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & strSaveAs_Filename
                On Error GoTo 0
            End If
        End If
        '// IF we were closing the workbook when we decided to save, we'll leave        //
        '// everything hidden, reset settings, turn screen updating back on,            //
        '// and let the workbook close.                                                 //
        If bolClosing = True Then
            Application.DisplayStatusBar = bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting
            Application.Calculation = intCalculationSetting
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
        '// This is where we effectively created the "AfterSave" event/workaround.      //
        '// AFTER saving, we redisplay the sheet(s) that we want the user to be able to //
        '// access.                                                                     //
        '// Redisplay whichever sheets you want the user to be able to see.             //
        For Each wksWorksheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            wksWorksheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
        '// THEN hide Prompt sheet AFTER redisplaying desired Worksheets.               //
        shtForceEnable.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
        '// Oops!  When we redisplayed sheets, we ended up inadvertantly selecting      //
        '// whatever sheet became visible in the last rotation thru the loop; so,       //
        '// let's select the sheet the user was viewing prior to the save.              //
        If Not ActiveSheet.Name = wksLastActive.Name Then
        End If
    '// You could also scroll  to the last sheet, or where you want to be.  This does   //
    '// not effect which sheet is actually selected; it just puts which tabs you want   //
    '// in view.                                                                        //
        ActiveWindow.ScrollWorkbookTabs Position:=xlFirst
    '// Finally - we'll ensure that Excel controls the StatusBar text, updates/refreshs //
    '// the screen, and tells Excel that everything is saved.                           //
    '// Now, since we told Excel that it was saved, if the user then decides to close   //
    '// (and hasn't made any changes), the user will not be asked to save.  On the      //
    '// other hand, if the user makes more changes, then he will be asked if he wants   //
    '// to save.  If he...                                                              //
    '//     chooses yes:    this routine will again be run, so that the workbook is     //
    '//                     again saved while all the sheets (except the sheet that     //
    '//                     advises that macros must be enabled) are again hidden, and  //
    '//                     our faux "AfterSave" will again display the sheets you      //
    '//                     wanted to be accessable will redisplay.                     //
    '//                                                                                 //
    '//     chooses no:     The workbook will close w/o saving.                         //
    '//                     As every time the workbook is saved while macros are        //
    '//                     enabled, only the "MacWarn" sheet is left visible, AND,     //
    '//                     anytime that the workbook is opened with macros disabled    //
    '//                     and it is saved, it is saved with only the "MacroWarn"      //
    '//                     sheet displayed - there is now no easy way for the user     //
    '//                     to not allow the macros to run and use the workbook!        //
        Application.StatusBar = False
        Application.DisplayStatusBar = bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting
        Application.Calculation = intCalculationSetting
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
        '// Reset bolInProcess for the next time that user saves file.                  //
        bolInProcess = False
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim wksWorksheet                As Worksheet
    '// Redisplay whichever sheets you want the user to be able to see.             //
    For Each wksWorksheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        wksWorksheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    '// then hide Prompt sheet AFTER redisplaying desired Worksheets.               //
    shtForceEnable.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
    '// Mark workbook as saved, in case the user decides to close w/o making any        //
    '// changes.  This way, if the user opens and closes the workbook w/o making any    //
    '// changes, he isn't uneccessarily asked about saving changes.                     //
    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Public Sub Workbook_CallSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
    '// I have always noted a weird glitch, at least when                               //
    '// run in OS:XP / Excel: 2000/2003.                                                //
    '//                                                                                 //
    '// In short, the 'force enable' workaround functions correctly when the workbook   //
    '// is saved 'normally' by the user; that is - the user presses the save button or  //
    '// keys in the CTRL + s shortcut key combination.                                  //
    '//                                                                                 //
    '// However, if the running program initiates the save (let's say it runs into a    //
    '// ThisWorkbook.Save), then if you follow (step-through) the code, you will see    //
    '// that rather than immedietely jumping back to line 63 (the beginning of          //
    '// 'Workbook_BeforeSave') as it should, it just continues and doesn't              //
    '// actually save.  I have no explanation for this...                               //
    '//                                                                                 //
    '// Thus - either through changing 'Workbook_BeforeSave' to a public sub, or, by    //
    '// adding a procedure such as this, and then substituting a call such as:          //
    '// 'ThisWorkbook.Workbook_CallSave False, False' for ThisWorkbook.Save, I ensure   //
    '// that the workbook is actually saved.                                            //
    Call Workbook_BeforeSave(False, False)
End Sub
Upvote 0
Erm... real blonde/newbie question... codename of sheets? How do I change those?

Found it!! :biggrin:

I'm sitting down and trying to wrap my head around the rest of this code on a Test Workbook as I may need to use this again for some other spreadsheets ;)

Thanks again GTO!
Upvote 0
Ok, thanks to GTO I managed to get this Marvellous BEAST of a macro to work:

Option Explicit
Dim bolInProcess                    As Boolean, _
    bolClosing                      As Boolean
'//                                                                                     //
'// NOTE1:                                                                              //
'//     I have seen several different examples of how to force the user into having     //
'//     macros enabled.                                                                 //
'//     Unfortunately, these seem to either:                                            //
'//                                                                                     //
'//     1.  Force the user to save upon exiting, as BeforeClose has a Save in it.       //
'//         While this does more insist that the wb ends up closed with the desired     //
'//         sheets hidden (and the file is saved, thus opening w/macs disabled should   //
'//         always result in these sheets being hidden) - there is a price to pay,      //
'//         in that the user cannot open the wb in a usable state (macros enabled),     //
'//         make a change, and then decide that he errored and close the wb w/o saving. //
'//         Thus - the bad data entered is saved... (Booo!)                             //
'//                                                                                     //
'//     2.  The other manner I've seen this worked out is use the BeforeClose event,    //
'//         and IF the file is in a saved state when closing, hide the sheets and       //
'//         resave the wb.  This works if the user opens wb, makes changes, saves, then //
'//         closes wb.  It also works if user opens wb, does or doesn't make changes,   //
'//         and closes w/o savong.  But... If user opens wb, makes changes, saves,      //
'//         then makes more changes and exits w/o saving... well, the last save         //
'//         occurred with all the sheets exposed, so you can re-open w/macs disabled    //
'//         and there's the sheets (eeks!) you were trying to keep hidden.  Nuts, eh?   //
'//                                                                                     //
'//     3.  The only method that I have seen work reliably is to create an              //
'//         "Workbook_AfterSave" event by using the BeforeSave event.  In this manner,  //
'//         the file is never saved with the sheets displayed.  Rather, at every Save,  //
'//         we first hide all sheets except a warning sheet, then we Save, then we      //
'//         redisplay the sheets the user is allowed to view and/or edit IF the user    //
'//         has enabled macros.
'//                                                                                     //
'//     While the basis for this solution was primarily developed by Scott Dennison     //
'//     (Demosthine @ vbaexpress) along with some 'glitch-catching' by me; as the Bible //
'//     says (Song of Solomon I believe), there is nothing new under the sun - and I    //
'//     later found very nice/same concept examples by Ken Puls:                        //
'//                                                                                     //
'//     [URL][/URL]                           //
'//     [URL][/URL]                                                 //
'//                                                                                     //
'//     NOTE:   For this example, we are making a three-sheet workbook.  One sheet will //
'//             be the warning sheet (shtForceEnable), which the user will only see if  //
'//             he opens the wb w/macros disabled.  The other two sheets will only be   //
'//             seen if macros are enabled and will not be editable.                    //
'// ************************************************************************************//
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Dim intResponse                 As Integer
    '// First, we'll kill alerts to prevent the application asking if we want to save   //
    '// (if wb not saved).  We want to replace this with out own 'alert', so that we    //
    '// can control the save.                                                           //
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    '// bolClosing will be false by default, so we will initially pass this test.       //
    If Not bolClosing Then
        '// IF the workbook is saved, it will close without further ado.  ELSE, we will //
        '// see what the user wants to do and control the results.                      //
        If Not ThisWorkbook.Saved Then
            intResponse = MsgBox("Do you want to save the changes you made to '" & _
            Left(ThisWorkbook.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 4) & "'?", _
            vbExclamation + vbYesNoCancel + vbDefaultButton1, _
            "Discontinued List")
            Select Case intResponse
                Case vbYes
                    '// bolClosing used in BeforeSave//
                    bolClosing = True
                    '// See function.  We don't need to execute the save here, and in   //
                    '// fact, due to a weird glitch in Excel (least 2000/2003), this is //
                    '// better.                                                         //
                    Call Workbook_BeforeSave(False, False)
                    '//This is required, as even though the file saved while in         //
                    '// BeforeSave, changes occurred post save.                         //
                    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
                Case vbNo
                    bolClosing = True
                    '// User doesn't want to save changes, so just mark file saved.     //
                    '// This allows us to turn alerts back on and the file to close w/o //
                    '// alerting.                                                       //
                    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
                Case vbCancel
                    '// User cancelled closing, and least in Excel 2000, I found it     //
                    '// necessary to reactivate stuff if I wanted the focus returned.   //
                    bolClosing = False
                    Cancel = True
                    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                    Exit Sub
            End Select
        End If
    End If
    Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting      As Boolean, _
    intCalculationSetting               As Integer, _
    wksWorksheet                        As Worksheet, _
    wksLastActive                       As Worksheet, _
    strSaveAs_Filename                  As String
    If Not (bolInProcess _
            And Not Cancel) Then
        '// Set bolProcess to True, which will later prevent a recurse to this IF.      //
        bolInProcess = True
        '// Let's see what the user's choices were, as to a few settings that we wish   //
        '// to temporarily control.                                                     //
        bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting = Application.DisplayStatusBar
        intCalculationSetting = Application.Calculation
        '// Now we'll get rid of StatusBar (as on slower machines it seems to flicker   //
        '// even w/SreenUpdating False), and we'll stop screen updates and uneccessary  //
        '// calculations, which will give a better appearance and increase run speed.   //
        'Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        '// Find the ActiveSheet, so we can redisplay it later.                         //
        Set wksLastActive = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
        '// Display the prompt (the warning) sheet BEFORE hidng remaining sheets.       //
        shtForceEnable.Visible = xlSheetVisible
        '// In this example, I only have three sheets.  A 'macwarn' sheet that          //
        '// should only display if user opens wb w/macs disabled, and two user          //
        '// sheets that should only show if macs are enabled.                           //
        For Each wksWorksheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            If Not wksWorksheet.CodeName = "shtForceEnable" Then
                wksWorksheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
            End If
        '// Note:  For above - in larger projects, I would think of prefacing ea        //
        '// sheet's codename w/ 'shtV' and 'shtH' for visible/hidden sheets and         //
        '// using LIKE in the loop to determine whether to hide or unhide as the        //
        '// case may be.                                                                //
        '// Set Cancel to True!  If the user executed a "normal" save (clicking Save    //
        '// button or Ctrl+s...), then only the user called Save is cancelled.  A       //
        '// couple of lines down, we'll execute a Save that will not be cancelled.      //
        '// If on the other hand, BeforeSave is called programatically, the Cancel does //
        '// nothing, and the .Save (or SaveAs) executes under our control.              //
        '// I would also note that excluding the Cancel results in Saving the file      //
        '// twice.                                                                      //
        Cancel = True
        '// Now, Save workbook.  If you step-thru this, you'll see that it immedietely  //
        '// recurses to Workbook_BeforeSave, but as bolInProcess is currently True,     //
        '// there is no true recurse.  Thus - the statements below the .Save execute,   //
        '// and the user sheets are redisplayed.                                        //
        '//                                                                             //
        '// The critical point here is that the workbook is never in a saved state with //
        '// the user sheets visible!                                                    //
        '//                                                                             //
        '// OK - let's determine whether the user is attempting a saveas.  Depending    //
        '// upon the level of protection desired (file replication, etc), we could      //
        '// simply cancel the operation - or - if we want to allow a SaveAs, we want    //
        '// to do the following.                                                        //
        If SaveAsUI Then
            ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
            strSaveAs_Filename = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=ThisWorkbook.FullName, _
                                            FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xlsm), *.xlsm", _
                                            Title:="Are you sure you want to SaveAs?")
            '// Check to see if user cancelled; in which case reset bolInProcess and    //
            '// allow sheets to be redisplayed.  Nothing is saved, so no harm, no foul. //
            If strSaveAs_Filename = "False" Then
                bolInProcess = False
                '// If user chose a filename and committed to the saveas, I strip the   //
                '// proposed name from the proposed fullname, so that we can saveas to  //
                '// the same folder we opened this workbook in.                         //
                strSaveAs_Filename = "\" & Right(strSaveAs_Filename, _
                                                 Len(strSaveAs_Filename) _
                                                 - InStrRev(strSaveAs_Filename, "\", -1, _
                '// One last check.  If user selects same name as current, then cancels //
                '// the app alert msg (are your sure?  there's already a workbook with  //
                '// this name...), an error ensues.  Just skip past this error, and     //
                '// file will not be saved.                                             //
                On Error Resume Next
                ThisWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & strSaveAs_Filename
                On Error GoTo 0
            End If
        End If
        '// IF we were closing the workbook when we decided to save, we'll leave        //
        '// everything hidden, reset settings, turn screen updating back on,            //
        '// and let the workbook close.                                                 //
        If bolClosing = True Then
            Application.DisplayStatusBar = bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting
            Application.Calculation = intCalculationSetting
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
        '// This is where we effectively created the "AfterSave" event/workaround.      //
        '// AFTER saving, we redisplay the sheet(s) that we want the user to be able to //
        '// access.                                                                     //
        '// Redisplay whichever sheets you want the user to be able to see.             //
        For Each wksWorksheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            wksWorksheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
        '// THEN hide Prompt sheet AFTER redisplaying desired Worksheets.               //
        shtForceEnable.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
        '// Oops!  When we redisplayed sheets, we ended up inadvertantly selecting      //
        '// whatever sheet became visible in the last rotation thru the loop; so,       //
        '// let's select the sheet the user was viewing prior to the save.              //
        If Not ActiveSheet.Name = wksLastActive.Name Then
        End If
    '// You could also scroll  to the last sheet, or where you want to be.  This does   //
    '// not effect which sheet is actually selected; it just puts which tabs you want   //
    '// in view.                                                                        //
        ActiveWindow.ScrollWorkbookTabs Position:=xlFirst
    '// Finally - we'll ensure that Excel controls the StatusBar text, updates/refreshs //
    '// the screen, and tells Excel that everything is saved.                           //
    '// Now, since we told Excel that it was saved, if the user then decides to close   //
    '// (and hasn't made any changes), the user will not be asked to save.  On the      //
    '// other hand, if the user makes more changes, then he will be asked if he wants   //
    '// to save.  If he...                                                              //
    '//     chooses yes:    this routine will again be run, so that the workbook is     //
    '//                     again saved while all the sheets (except the sheet that     //
    '//                     advises that macros must be enabled) are again hidden, and  //
    '//                     our faux "AfterSave" will again display the sheets you      //
    '//                     wanted to be accessable will redisplay.                     //
    '//                                                                                 //
    '//     chooses no:     The workbook will close w/o saving.                         //
    '//                     As every time the workbook is saved while macros are        //
    '//                     enabled, only the "MacWarn" sheet is left visible, AND,     //
    '//                     anytime that the workbook is opened with macros disabled    //
    '//                     and it is saved, it is saved with only the "MacroWarn"      //
    '//                     sheet displayed - there is now no easy way for the user     //
    '//                     to not allow the macros to run and use the workbook!        //
        Application.StatusBar = False
        Application.DisplayStatusBar = bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting
        Application.Calculation = intCalculationSetting
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
        '// Reset bolInProcess for the next time that user saves file.                  //
        bolInProcess = False
    End If
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim wksWorksheet                As Worksheet
    '// Redisplay whichever sheets you want the user to be able to see.             //
    For Each wksWorksheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
        wksWorksheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
    '// then hide Prompt sheet AFTER redisplaying desired Worksheets.               //
    shtForceEnable.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
    '// Mark workbook as saved, in case the user decides to close w/o making any        //
    '// changes.  This way, if the user opens and closes the workbook w/o making any    //
    '// changes, he isn't uneccessarily asked about saving changes.                     //
    ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
End Sub
Public Sub Workbook_CallSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
    '// I have always noted a weird glitch, at least when                               //
    '// run in OS:XP / Excel: 2000/2003.                                                //
    '//                                                                                 //
    '// In short, the 'force enable' workaround functions correctly when the workbook   //
    '// is saved 'normally' by the user; that is - the user presses the save button or  //
    '// keys in the CTRL + s shortcut key combination.                                  //
    '//                                                                                 //
    '// However, if the running program initiates the save (let's say it runs into a    //
    '// ThisWorkbook.Save), then if you follow (step-through) the code, you will see    //
    '// that rather than immedietely jumping back to line 63 (the beginning of          //
    '// 'Workbook_BeforeSave') as it should, it just continues and doesn't              //
    '// actually save.  I have no explanation for this...                               //
    '//                                                                                 //
    '// Thus - either through changing 'Workbook_BeforeSave' to a public sub, or, by    //
    '// adding a procedure such as this, and then substituting a call such as:          //
    '// 'ThisWorkbook.Workbook_CallSave False, False' for ThisWorkbook.Save, I ensure   //
    '// that the workbook is actually saved.                                            //
    Call Workbook_BeforeSave(False, False)
End Sub

But I now need to add in a section to remove any filtering on the Page Discontinued and I have NO idea where to put it... I think it should be in the before_save section below, but I have no idea where abouts! :eeek:

Rich (BB code):
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
Dim bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting      As Boolean, _
    intCalculationSetting               As Integer, _
    wksWorksheet                        As Worksheet, _
    wksLastActive                       As Worksheet, _
    strSaveAs_Filename                  As String
    If Not (bolInProcess _
            And Not Cancel) Then
        '// Set bolProcess to True, which will later prevent a recurse to this IF.      //
        bolInProcess = True
        '// Let's see what the user's choices were, as to a few settings that we wish   //
        '// to temporarily control.                                                     //
        bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting = Application.DisplayStatusBar
        intCalculationSetting = Application.Calculation
        '// Now we'll get rid of StatusBar (as on slower machines it seems to flicker   //
        '// even w/SreenUpdating False), and we'll stop screen updates and uneccessary  //
        '// calculations, which will give a better appearance and increase run speed.   //
        'Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        '// Find the ActiveSheet, so we can redisplay it later.                         //
        Set wksLastActive = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
        '// Display the prompt (the warning) sheet BEFORE hidng remaining sheets.       //
        shtForceEnable.Visible = xlSheetVisible
        '// In this example, I only have three sheets.  A 'macwarn' sheet that          //
        '// should only display if user opens wb w/macs disabled, and two user          //
        '// sheets that should only show if macs are enabled.                           //
        For Each wksWorksheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            If Not wksWorksheet.CodeName = "shtForceEnable" Then
                wksWorksheet.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
            End If
        '// Note:  For above - in larger projects, I would think of prefacing ea        //
        '// sheet's codename w/ 'shtV' and 'shtH' for visible/hidden sheets and         //
        '// using LIKE in the loop to determine whether to hide or unhide as the        //
        '// case may be.                                                                //
        '// Set Cancel to True!  If the user executed a "normal" save (clicking Save    //
        '// button or Ctrl+s...), then only the user called Save is cancelled.  A       //
        '// couple of lines down, we'll execute a Save that will not be cancelled.      //
        '// If on the other hand, BeforeSave is called programatically, the Cancel does //
        '// nothing, and the .Save (or SaveAs) executes under our control.              //
        '// I would also note that excluding the Cancel results in Saving the file      //
        '// twice.                                                                      //
        Cancel = True
        '// Now, Save workbook.  If you step-thru this, you'll see that it immedietely  //
        '// recurses to Workbook_BeforeSave, but as bolInProcess is currently True,     //
        '// there is no true recurse.  Thus - the statements below the .Save execute,   //
        '// and the user sheets are redisplayed.                                        //
        '//                                                                             //
        '// The critical point here is that the workbook is never in a saved state with //
        '// the user sheets visible!                                                    //
        '//                                                                             //
        '// OK - let's determine whether the user is attempting a saveas.  Depending    //
        '// upon the level of protection desired (file replication, etc), we could      //
        '// simply cancel the operation - or - if we want to allow a SaveAs, we want    //
        '// to do the following.                                                        //
        If SaveAsUI Then
            ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path
            strSaveAs_Filename = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:=ThisWorkbook.FullName, _
                                            FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xlsm), *.xlsm", _
                                            Title:="Are you sure you want to SaveAs?")
            '// Check to see if user cancelled; in which case reset bolInProcess and    //
            '// allow sheets to be redisplayed.  Nothing is saved, so no harm, no foul. //
            If strSaveAs_Filename = "False" Then
                bolInProcess = False
                '// If user chose a filename and committed to the saveas, I strip the   //
                '// proposed name from the proposed fullname, so that we can saveas to  //
                '// the same folder we opened this workbook in.                         //
                strSaveAs_Filename = "\" & Right(strSaveAs_Filename, _
                                                 Len(strSaveAs_Filename) _
                                                 - InStrRev(strSaveAs_Filename, "\", -1, _
                '// One last check.  If user selects same name as current, then cancels //
                '// the app alert msg (are your sure?  there's already a workbook with  //
                '// this name...), an error ensues.  Just skip past this error, and     //
                '// file will not be saved.                                             //
                On Error Resume Next
                ThisWorkbook.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & strSaveAs_Filename
                On Error GoTo 0
            End If
        End If
        '// IF we were closing the workbook when we decided to save, we'll leave        //
        '// everything hidden, reset settings, turn screen updating back on,            //
        '// and let the workbook close.                                                 //
        If bolClosing = True Then
            Application.DisplayStatusBar = bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting
            Application.Calculation = intCalculationSetting
            Application.ScreenUpdating = True
            Exit Sub
        End If
        '// This is where we effectively created the "AfterSave" event/workaround.      //
        '// AFTER saving, we redisplay the sheet(s) that we want the user to be able to //
        '// access.                                                                     //
        '// Redisplay whichever sheets you want the user to be able to see.             //
        For Each wksWorksheet In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets
            wksWorksheet.Visible = xlSheetVisible
        '// THEN hide Prompt sheet AFTER redisplaying desired Worksheets.               //
        shtForceEnable.Visible = xlSheetVeryHidden
        '// Oops!  When we redisplayed sheets, we ended up inadvertantly selecting      //
        '// whatever sheet became visible in the last rotation thru the loop; so,       //
        '// let's select the sheet the user was viewing prior to the save.              //
        If Not ActiveSheet.Name = wksLastActive.Name Then
        End If
    '// You could also scroll  to the last sheet, or where you want to be.  This does   //
    '// not effect which sheet is actually selected; it just puts which tabs you want   //
    '// in view.                                                                        //
        ActiveWindow.ScrollWorkbookTabs Position:=xlFirst
    '// Finally - we'll ensure that Excel controls the StatusBar text, updates/refreshs //
    '// the screen, and tells Excel that everything is saved.                           //
    '// Now, since we told Excel that it was saved, if the user then decides to close   //
    '// (and hasn't made any changes), the user will not be asked to save.  On the      //
    '// other hand, if the user makes more changes, then he will be asked if he wants   //
    '// to save.  If he...                                                              //
    '//     chooses yes:    this routine will again be run, so that the workbook is     //
    '//                     again saved while all the sheets (except the sheet that     //
    '//                     advises that macros must be enabled) are again hidden, and  //
    '//                     our faux "AfterSave" will again display the sheets you      //
    '//                     wanted to be accessable will redisplay.                     //
    '//                                                                                 //
    '//     chooses no:     The workbook will close w/o saving.                         //
    '//                     As every time the workbook is saved while macros are        //
    '//                     enabled, only the "MacWarn" sheet is left visible, AND,     //
    '//                     anytime that the workbook is opened with macros disabled    //
    '//                     and it is saved, it is saved with only the "MacroWarn"      //
    '//                     sheet displayed - there is now no easy way for the user     //
    '//                     to not allow the macros to run and use the workbook!        //
        Application.StatusBar = False
        Application.DisplayStatusBar = bolStatusBarIsDisplayedSetting
        Application.Calculation = intCalculationSetting
        Application.ScreenUpdating = True
        ThisWorkbook.Saved = True
        '// Reset bolInProcess for the next time that user saves file.                  //
        bolInProcess = False
    End If
End Sub
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