Streamline stepwise regression algorithm


Active Member
Sep 9, 2008
Hi everyone,
I have the following stepwise regression routine that enters and deletes explanatory variables on the basis of partial F-values and correlation. I also wrote a multiple regression routine that allows for any number of input variables. The code itselft works fine but for larger databases it is a bit slow. I was wondering if any of you could have a brief glance at my source code and give me pointers as how to streamline some of it. You can ignore some of the function references like CHINOMRAL, SZROETER and DURBIN (they are simple macros that conduct different statistical tests). Thanks in advance
Option Explicit
Function MULTIREG(rangeY As Variant, rangeX As Variant)
'Input: at most one dependent variables, at least one range of explanatory variables
'Output: regression statistics
'Comment: data has to be arranged in cols
'Comment: no missing values allowed (within)
'Comment: series can be of different lenghts
'Comment: input range has to be the same number of rows for x and y
'Florian Boehlandt, December 2008
Dim df As Integer
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, countcol As Integer, countrow As Integer
Dim ny As Integer, nx As Integer, col As Integer, ncol As Integer
Dim alpha As Long
Dim frow As Integer, lRow As Integer, Obs As Integer
Dim ymean As Single, yvarp As Single, yvar As Single
Dim xt As Variant, xtx As Variant, yt As Variant, xty As Variant
Dim xtxinv As Variant, coeff As Variant
Dim yhat As Variant
Dim SSE As Single
Dim loglike As Single, akaike As Single, schwarz As Single, hannan As Single
Dim skewness As Single, kurtosis As Single, jarber As Single, jarberp As Single
Dim chisqd As Variant
Dim durwat As Single
Dim durlim As Variant
Dim MSE As Single, regsq As Single, adjregsq As Single, mreg As Single, SEE As Single
Dim totvar As Single, SSR As Single, MSR As Single, Fstat As Single, pvalueF As Single
Dim rngout As Integer
'Errorhandler for array data / range data
If TypeOf rangeX Is Excel.Range And TypeOf rangeY Is Excel.Range Then
ny = rangeY.Rows.count
nx = rangeX.Rows.count
col = rangeY.Columns.count
ncol = rangeX.Columns.count
ElseIf IsArray(rangeX) And IsArray(rangeY) Then
ny = UBound(rangeY, 1)
nx = UBound(rangeX, 1)
col = UBound(rangeY, 2)
ncol = UBound(rangeX, 2)
End If
'Error message: y-Range
If Not col = 1 Then
MsgBox "Y Range does not match specifications!"
End If
'Error message: identical row numbers
If Not (ny = nx) Then
MsgBox "Data ranges don't match!"
Exit Function
End If
alpha = 0.05
frow = WorksheetFunction.Max(FIRSTINCOLUMN(rangeY), FIRSTINCOLUMN(rangeX)) + 1
lRow = WorksheetFunction.Min(LASTINCOLUMN(rangeY), LASTINCOLUMN(rangeX))
Obs = lRow + 1 - frow
ReDim yfactor(1 To Obs)
ReDim yfactor2(1 To Obs, 1)
ReDim ydiff(1 To Obs)
ReDim ydiffsq(1 To Obs)
ReDim erry(1 To Obs)
ReDim errsq(1 To Obs)
ReDim xfactor(1 To Obs, 1 To 1)
ReDim contr(1 To ncol)
ReDim coeffnam(1 To 2)
countcol = 1
For j = 1 To ncol
contr(j) = rangeX(frow, j)
If contr(j) = "" Then GoTo Nextj
countcol = countcol + 1
ReDim Preserve xfactor(1 To Obs, 1 To countcol)
ReDim Preserve coeffnam(1 To countcol)
coeffnam(countcol) = rangeX(1, j)
countrow = 0
For i = frow To lRow
countrow = countrow + 1
yfactor(countrow) = rangeY(i, 1)
xfactor(countrow, countcol) = rangeX(i, j)
Next i
Next j
'Error message: too many regressors
If Not (nx - countcol) >= 3 Then
MsgBox "There are too many predictor variables for the number of datapoints for each series!"
Exit Function
End If
ymean = WorksheetFunction.Average(yfactor)
yvarp = WorksheetFunction.VarP(yfactor)
yvar = WorksheetFunction.var(yfactor)
coeffnam(1) = "Intercept"
For i = 1 To Obs
xfactor(i, 1) = 1
ydiff(i) = (yfactor(i) - ymean)
ydiffsq(i) = ydiff(i) ^ 2
Next i
'degrees of freedom (with intercept)
df = Obs - countcol
'matrix calculations
xt = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(xfactor)
xtx = WorksheetFunction.MMult(xt, xfactor)
xtxinv = WorksheetFunction.MInverse(xtx)
yt = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(yfactor)
xty = WorksheetFunction.MMult(xt, yt)
'coefficient estimates
coeff = WorksheetFunction.MMult(xtxinv, xty)
yhat = WorksheetFunction.MMult(xfactor, coeff)
'errors squared
For i = 1 To Obs
yfactor2(i, 1) = yfactor(i)
erry(i) = (yfactor2(i, 1) - yhat(i, 1))
errsq(i) = erry(i) ^ 2
Next i
SSE = WorksheetFunction.Sum(errsq)
loglike = Obs / 2 * (1 + WorksheetFunction.Ln(2 * WorksheetFunction.pi()) + WorksheetFunction.Ln(SSE / Obs))
akaike = 2 * loglike / Obs + 2 * countcol / Obs
schwarz = 2 * loglike / Obs + countcol * WorksheetFunction.Ln(Obs) / Obs
hannan = 2 * loglike / Obs + 2 * countcol * WorksheetFunction.Ln(WorksheetFunction.Ln(Obs)) / Obs
skewness = WorksheetFunction.Skew(erry)
kurtosis = WorksheetFunction.Kurt(erry)
jarber = (Obs / 6) * (skewness ^ 2 + kurtosis ^ 2 / 4)
jarberp = WorksheetFunction.ChiDist(jarber, 2)
chisqd = CHINORMAL(erry)
'durbin-watson statistic
ReDim corr(2 To Obs)
For i = 2 To Obs
corr(i) = (erry(i) - erry(i - 1)) ^ 2
Next i
durwat = WorksheetFunction.Sum(corr) / WorksheetFunction.Sum(errsq)
durlim = DURBIN(Obs, countcol)
ReDim xfactors(1 To Obs)
ReDim szroeterp(2 To countcol)
For i = 2 To countcol
For j = 1 To Obs
xfactors(j) = xfactor(j, i)
Next j
szroeterp(i) = SZROETER(yfactor, xfactors)
Next i
'goodness of fit
MSE = SSE / df
regsq = 1 - SSE / Obs / yvarp
adjregsq = 1 - MSE / yvar
mreg = (regsq) ^ (1 / 2)
SEE = MSE ^ (1 / 2)
totvar = yvar * (Obs - 1)
SSR = totvar - SSE
MSR = SSR / (countcol - 1)
Fstat = MSR / MSE
pvalueF = WorksheetFunction.FDist(Fstat, countcol - 1, df)
'error of coefficient estimates and confidence level estimator
ReDim covmat(1 To countcol, 1 To countcol)
ReDim coefferr(1 To countcol)
ReDim tstat(1 To countcol)
ReDim pvaluet(1 To countcol)
ReDim lowconf(1 To countcol)
ReDim uppconf(1 To countcol)
For i = 1 To countcol
For j = 1 To countcol
covmat(i, j) = xtxinv(i, j) * MSE
Next j
coefferr(i) = covmat(i, i) ^ (1 / 2)
tstat(i) = coeff(i, 1) / coefferr(i)
pvaluet(i) = WorksheetFunction.TDist(Abs(tstat(i)), df, 2)
lowconf(i) = coeff(i, 1) - WorksheetFunction.TInv(alpha, df) * coefferr(i)
uppconf(i) = coeff(i, 1) + WorksheetFunction.TInv(alpha, df) * coefferr(i)
Next i
'correlation matrix of coefficients
ReDim cormat(1 To countcol, 1 To countcol)
For i = 1 To countcol
For j = 1 To countcol
cormat(i, j) = covmat(i, j) / (coefferr(i) * coefferr(j))
Next j
Next i
'displaying the regression stats
' row *******Column 1******** ********Column 2******** *******Column 3******* *******Column 4******* *******Column 5******* *******Column 6******* *******Column 7******* *******Column 8*******
' (1) mreg = Multiple R rangeX(i,1) = coeff name coeff = coefficient est pvaluet = p value of t szroeterp = p v. szroeter durwat = durbin stat jarber = Jarque Bera stat akaike
' (2) regsq = R squared durlim = dL jarberp = p value JB schwarz
' (3) adjregsq = adj R squared dU chisqd = Chi stat normal hannan
' (4) SEE = se of estimate 4 - dL chisqdp = p value Chi Sq
' (5) Obs = number of observ. 4 - dU
' (6) Fstat = F statistic
' (7) pvalueF = p value of F
' (8) SSE
' (9) SSR
' (10) MSE
' (11) MSR
rngout = WorksheetFunction.Max(11, countcol)
ReDim result(1 To rngout, 1 To 8)
result(1, 1) = mreg
result(2, 1) = regsq
result(3, 1) = adjregsq
result(4, 1) = SEE
result(5, 1) = Obs
result(6, 1) = Fstat
result(7, 1) = pvalueF
result(8, 1) = SSE
result(9, 1) = SSR
result(10, 1) = MSE
result(11, 1) = MSR
For i = 1 To countcol
result(i, 2) = coeffnam(i)
result(i, 3) = coeff(i, 1)
result(i, 4) = pvaluet(i)
Next i
For i = 2 To countcol
result(i, 5) = szroeterp(i)
Next i
result(1, 6) = durwat
For i = 2 To 5
result(i, 6) = durlim(i - 1)
Next i
result(1, 7) = jarber
result(2, 7) = jarberp
For i = 3 To 4
result(i, 7) = chisqd(i - 2)
Next i
result(1, 8) = akaike
result(2, 8) = schwarz
result(3, 8) = hannan
MULTIREG = result
End Function
Function REGOUTPUT(rangeY As Variant, rangeX As Variant, row As Integer, col As Integer)
Dim result As Variant
result = MULTIREG(rangeY, rangeX)
REGOUTPUT = result(row, col)
End Function

Next the stepwise regression routine refering back to the formula above:

Option Explicit
Function STEPREG(rangeY As Range, rangeX As Range, Optional Fcrit1, Optional Fcrit2, Optional tolerance)
'This regression model selects predictor variables to enter (forward regression)
'The relevant statistics are F for X(1) and partial F for X(n)
'Variabels are tested for correlation
'Default F-to-enter = 3.84; F-to-leave = 2.71; tolerance = 0.01
'Note that fixed F-to-enter/F-to-leave limits have no probabilistic meaning
'They correspond roughly to a level of significance of .05
'Input: a one-dimensional range of y, at least one range of predictor variables
'Output: regression statistics
'Comment: all ranges must include a label in the first row
'Comment: ata must be arranged in columns
'Comment: the predictor variables have to be adjacent
'Florian Boehlandt, December 2008
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, counter As Integer, k As Integer
Dim nrow As Integer, ncol As Integer, iter As Integer
Dim SumSqReg As Single, SumSqErr As Single, MeanSqErr As Single, MeanSqReg As Single
Dim dfR As Integer, dfE As Integer, enter As Integer, leave As Integer, varnum As Integer
Dim result As Variant
nrow = rangeX.Rows.count
ncol = rangeX.Columns.count
ReDim dummyX(1 To nrow, 1 To ncol)
ReDim dummyY(1 To nrow, 1 To 1)
ReDim dummyXX(1 To nrow, 1 To ncol)
ReDim dummyXY(1 To nrow, 1 To 1)
ReDim cormat(1 To ncol)
ReDim Fstat(1 To ncol)
ReDim SSE(1 To ncol)
ReDim MSR(1 To ncol)
ReDim MSE(1 To ncol)
ReDim maxmse(1 To ncol)
ReDim Fenter(1 To ncol)
ReDim Fleave(1 To ncol)
ReDim reg(1 To 1)
ReDim mincor(2 To 2)
ReDim out(1 To 1)
ReDim maxFp(1 To 1)
ReDim minFp(1 To 1)
ReDim SSER(1 To 1)
'default critical values
If IsMissing(Fcrit1) Then
    Fcrit1 = 3.84
End If
If IsMissing(Fcrit2) Then
    Fcrit2 = 2.71
End If
If IsMissing(tolerance) Then
    tolerance = 0.01
End If
iter = 1000
'first variable to enter
For j = 1 To ncol
    For i = 1 To nrow
        dummyX(i, j) = rangeX(j).Rows(i).Value
        dummyY(i, 1) = rangeY.Rows(i).Value
    Next i
    Fstat(j) = REGOUTPUT(dummyY, dummyX, 6, 1)
    MSR(j) = REGOUTPUT(dummyY, dummyX, 11, 1)
    SSE(j) = REGOUTPUT(dummyY, dummyX, 8, 1)
    For i = 1 To nrow
        dummyX(i, j) = ""
    Next i
Next j
maxFp(1) = WorksheetFunction.Max(Fstat)
minFp(1) = 0
If maxFp(1) <= Fcrit1 Then
'    MsgBox "No parameter entered (F <= Fcrit)"
    Exit Function
    reg(1) = WorksheetFunction.Match(maxFp(1), Fstat, 0)
    SSER(1) = SSE(reg(1))
    For i = 1 To nrow
        dummyX(i, reg(1)) = rangeX.Cells(i, reg(1))
    Next i
End If
'number of variabels selected
enter = 1
leave = 0
varnum = enter - leave
k = 1
Do While k < iter And varnum < nrow
k = k + 1
    ReDim Preserve reg(1 To k)
    ReDim Preserve mincor(2 To k)
    ReDim Preserve out(1 To k)
    ReDim Preserve maxFp(1 To k)
    ReDim Preserve minFp(1 To k)
    ReDim Preserve SSER(1 To k)
    'variable entered
    For j = 1 To ncol
        If dummyX(1, j) = "" Then
            For i = 1 To nrow
                dummyX(i, j) = rangeX.Cells(i, j)
            Next i
            SSE(j) = REGOUTPUT(dummyY, dummyX, 8, 1)
            MSE(j) = SSE(j) / (nrow - varnum - 2)
            Fenter(j) = (SSER(k - 1) - SSE(j)) / MSE(j)
            For i = 1 To nrow
                dummyX(i, j) = ""
            Next i
        End If
    Next j
    maxFp(k) = WorksheetFunction.Large(Fenter, enter)
    reg(k) = WorksheetFunction.Match(maxFp(k), Fenter, 0)
    SSER(k) = SSE(reg(k))
    maxmse(k) = MSE(reg(k))
    If maxFp(k) >= Fcrit1 Then
        enter = enter + 1
        For i = 1 To nrow
            dummyX(i, reg(k)) = rangeX.Cells(i, reg(k))
        Next i
        Exit Do
    End If
    'correlation matrix (.01 tolerance)
    For j = 1 To ncol
        If dummyX(1, j) <> "" Then
            For i = 1 To nrow
                dummyXY(i, 1) = rangeX.Cells(i, j)
            Next i
            For counter = 1 To ncol
                For i = 1 To nrow
                    If dummyX(1, counter) <> "" And j <> counter Then
                        dummyXX(i, counter) = rangeX.Cells(i, counter)
                        dummyXX(i, counter) = ""
                    End If
                Next i
            Next counter
            cormat(j) = 1 - REGOUTPUT(dummyXY, dummyXX, 2, 1)
            cormat(j) = 1
        End If
    Next j
    mincor(k) = WorksheetFunction.Min(cormat)
    If mincor(k) <= tolerance Then
        leave = leave + 1
        SSER(k) = SSER(k - 1)
        For i = 1 To nrow
            dummyX(i, reg(k)) = ""
        Next i
        GoTo Endloop
    End If
    'variable left
    For j = 1 To ncol
        If j <> reg(k) And dummyX(1, j) <> "" Then
            For i = 1 To nrow
                dummyX(i, j) = ""
            Next i
            SSE(j) = REGOUTPUT(dummyY, dummyX, 8, 1)
            Fleave(j) = (SSE(j) - SSER(k)) / maxmse(k)
            For i = 1 To nrow
                dummyX(i, j) = rangeX.Cells(i, j)
            Next i
        End If
    Next j
    minFp(k) = WorksheetFunction.Small(Fleave, leave + 1)
    out(k) = WorksheetFunction.Match(minFp(k), Fleave, 0)
    If minFp(k) <= Fcrit2 Then
        leave = leave + 1
        SSER(k) = SSER(k - 1)
        For i = 1 To nrow
            dummyX(i, out(k)) = ""
        Next i
    End If
varnum = enter - leave
'regression statistics
result = MULTIREG(dummyY, dummyX)
STEPREG = result
End Function
Function STEPREGOUT(rangeY As Range, rangeX As Range, row As Integer, col As Integer, Optional Fcrit1, Optional Fcrit2, Optional tolerance)
Dim result As Variant
result = STEPREG(rangeY, rangeX) ', Fcrit1, Fcrit2, tolerance)
STEPREGOUT = result(row, col)
End Function

p.s. I realize the code may not be easy to follow but you will see that the single line operations are all quite simple
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Excel Facts

How can you turn a range sideways?
Copy the range. Select a blank cell. Right-click, Paste Special, then choose Transpose.

Other peoples codes are always a bit of a slog to sort one's way through.

If you're finding it a bit slow, one approach is to find are which part or parts are slowing it down.

I guess you know the Excel timer which you can put at various parts of the code to see how long each section takes to do its job. Like at start of code you can
Dim x As Single
x = Timer
'more code
'end of section of code
MsgBox Timer - x    'or put it into a cell to check later
x = Timer
'next section of code
Msgbox Timer - x
You shouldn't have much trouble finding which parts of the your code are slowing you down, and you seem to know enough about coding to take action on these, or at least to post back with the specific section or sections causing the most loss of speed.
Upvote 0
Could you also include the custom functions used, such as FIRSTINCOLUMN and LASTINCOLUMN?

Upvote 0
There appears to be no quick solution to this without changing the general approach. The speed of the code execution is not lightning-fast but it will do...
Upvote 0

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