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- Aug 10, 2011
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Hi All,
I am really jammed up here and cannot figure this out. Essentially, I want to run the advanced filter, not filtering for unique results, the criteria being a referenced date. However, only one result is being returned as opposed to 4. Thank you for any help! The code is near the bottom, it is the For Each loop referencing the variable lcat.
I am really jammed up here and cannot figure this out. Essentially, I want to run the advanced filter, not filtering for unique results, the criteria being a referenced date. However, only one result is being returned as opposed to 4. Thank you for any help! The code is near the bottom, it is the For Each loop referencing the variable lcat.
Sub CreateInvoice()
Dim NewInvoices As Workbook, cell As Range, last&
With Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation").Sheets("Source")
last = .Cells(.Cells(1, 8).End(xlDown).Row, 8).Row
.Range("H1:H" & last).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, _
For Each cell In .Range("H2:H" & last)
NewInvoice.cbxStartDate.AddItem cell.Value
Next cell
For Each cell In .Range("I2:I" & last)
NewInvoice.cbxEndDate.AddItem cell.Value
Next cell
End With
Set NewInvoices = Workbooks.Add
Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation").Sheets("Template").Range("A1:Z1000").Copy Destination _
End Sub
Sub NewInvoices()
Dim scnum As Range, lcat As Range, i@, j@, k@, l@, last&, inv As Workbook, sheet As Worksheet
i = 1
j = 2
k = 26
l = 2
With ActiveWorkbook.Sheets(1)
.Cells(12, 11) = NewInvoice.cbxStartDate
.Cells(12, 13) = NewInvoice.cbxEndDate
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "Invoice #" & _
Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation").Sheets("Source") _
.Cells(2, 12).Value & ".xlsx"
Set inv = ActiveWorkbook
End With
With Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation").Sheets("Source")
Unload NewInvoice
last = .Cells(.Cells(1, 8).End(xlDown).Row, 8).Row
Unload NewInvoice
.Range("H1:H" & last).AdvancedFilter Action:= _
xlFilterInPlace, Unique:=True
For Each scnum In .Range("A2:A" & last)
With inv.Sheets(i)
.Range("B1:N1").ColumnWidth = 10.71
.Range("L:L,A:A,O:O").ColumnWidth = 0.75
.Range("A1,A3,A7,A10,A13,A18,A19,A22,A25,A28,A30,A32,A34,A35,A38,A40").RowHeight = 7.5
.Name = Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation") _
.Sheets("Source").Cells(j, 1).Value
.Cells(21, 2).Value = Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation") _
.Sheets("Source").Cells(j, 1).Value
.Cells(21, 5).Value = Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation") _
.Sheets("Source").Cells(j, 2).Value
.Cells(21, 8).Value = Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation") _
.Sheets("Source").Cells(j, 3).Value
.Cells(9, 13) = Date
.Cells(9, 14) = Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation") _
.Sheets("Source").Cells(j, 12).Value
.Cells(14, 11) = Workbooks("SD Invoice Automation") _
.Sheets("Source").Cells(j, 11).Value
End With
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
Next scnum
.Range("H1:H" & last).AdvancedFilter Action:= _
xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=inv.Sheets(1).Range("K12")
For Each lcat In .Range("D2:D" & last)
i = 1
inv.Sheets(i).Cells(k, 2) = .Cells(l, 4).Value
inv.Sheets(i).Cells(k + 1, 2).EntireRow.Insert
k = k + 2
l = l + 1
Next lcat
End With
End Sub