First thing is to fix your table structure. You should NOT have repeating fields (ingredient1, ingredient2, etc.). Those should be ROWS in a table not columns. Your current structure is not normalized and if properly normalized you should be able to handle ANY number of ingredients. So typically the table structure would be something like:
IngredientID - Autonumber (PK)
IngredientName - Text
IngredientTypeID - Long Integer (FK from IngredientTypes table)
IngredientTypeID - Autonumber (PK)
IngredientType - Text
RecipeHeaderID - Autonumber (PK)
RecipeTitle - Text
CookingTypeID - Long Integer (FK from CookingTypes table)
CookingTime - Long Integer (for storing cooking time in minutes)
CookingTemp - Integer (for storing cooking temperature)
CookingTypeID - Autonumber (PK)
CookingType - Text ' things like Wet, Baked, Roasted, Raw, Broiled, etc.
RecipeDetailID - Autonumber (PK)
RecipeID - Long Integer (FK)
IngredientID - Long Integer (FK)
Quantity - Integer
UnitOfMeasureID - Long Integer (FK from tblUOM)
UnitOfMeasureID - Autonumber (PK)
UnitOfMeasure - Text (like Tablespoons, Teaspoons, Cups, etc.)
UnitOfMeasureAbbrev - Text (like tbsp, tsp, cup, etc.)
So the recipe details is where you would store all of the ingredients and it would not be limited to 10.