Subtracting Time in VBA


New Member
Jan 12, 2006
Okay, so this one is stumping me and I can't seem to find what I need through Search.

I have a worksheet where users input times in the format of:
"8:30-17:00" (All times are military)

I then need to have VBA take that entry, and find out how many hours have elapsed. All times will be in 15 min increments, so I'd like to get number of hours (ie: 3.25 or 8.5, etc)

I've used the following code to get the start and end times, but they don't appear to be in a format where I can subtract.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated!

For t = 3 to 416 step 7
        StartTime = Left(Worksheets("Training Schedule").Range("d" & t + 4).Value, _
            InStr(1, Worksheets("Training Schedule").Range("d" & t + 4).Value, "-", vbTextCompare) - 1)
        EndTime = Right(Worksheets("Training Schedule").Range("d" & t + 4).Value, _
            Len(Worksheets("Training Schedule").Range("d" & t + 4).Value) - _
            InStr(1, Worksheets("Training Schedule").Range("d" & t + 4).Value, "-", vbTextCompare))
Next t

Excel Facts

How to calculate loan payments in Excel?
Use the PMT function: =PMT(5%/12,60,-25000) is for a $25,000 loan, 5% annual interest, 60 month loan.
Here are a couple of UDFs. They both will take a string as you described. One returns a serial time the other a string. I hope they help.
Function timeDiffString(inputString As String) As String
   timeDiffString = Format(timeDifference(inputString), "h:mm")
   End Function

Function timeDifference(inputString As String) As Double
   Dim breakpoint As Integer
   Dim beginTime As Double, endTime As Double
   breakpoint = InStr(inputString, "-")
   beginTime = TimeValue(Left(inputString, breakpoint - 1))
   endTime = TimeValue(Mid(inputString, breakpoint + 1))
   If endTime < beginTime Then endTime = 1 + endTime
   timeDifference = endTime - beginTime
   timeDifference = Application.Round((4 * 24 * timeDifference), 0) / 4 / 24
   End Function
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