Hello Everyone
A problem I am sure only you gurus here can solve.
I have a sheet with three columns.
Studentid, Billing Amount Payment Amount
There are about 15-20 rows. As an example consider these as the rows.
Jim 100 50
John 100 80
Sam 100 100
Jill 100 100
Jim 100 50
John 100 20
The two rows with name Jim belong to one person. I need to add a new column with an if condition in the cells of that column. The condition is if(B2=B3,1,0) Now B2 and B3 will not be the same for Jim and John as they have not paid the full amount. But in reality they have as their rows are at the end where they have paid the balance amount. So I need to make sure that Jim and John are also assigned the flag with value 1 because they have totally paid the amount in two installments.
Thanks so much in advance for the help
A problem I am sure only you gurus here can solve.
I have a sheet with three columns.
Studentid, Billing Amount Payment Amount
There are about 15-20 rows. As an example consider these as the rows.
Jim 100 50
John 100 80
Sam 100 100
Jill 100 100
Jim 100 50
John 100 20
The two rows with name Jim belong to one person. I need to add a new column with an if condition in the cells of that column. The condition is if(B2=B3,1,0) Now B2 and B3 will not be the same for Jim and John as they have not paid the full amount. But in reality they have as their rows are at the end where they have paid the balance amount. So I need to make sure that Jim and John are also assigned the flag with value 1 because they have totally paid the amount in two installments.
Thanks so much in advance for the help