Can someone tell me what's wrong with this formula? I kept on getting #N/A.
=SUMPRODUCT(('[FY03 Budget.xls]Summary'!$L$37:$L$64=B65)*('[FY03 Budget.xls]Summary'!$M$9:$X$9=C4)*'[FY03 Budget.xls]Summary'!$M$37:$Y$64)
$L$37:$L$64 are the departments
$M$9:$X$9 are the months
$M$37:$Y$64 are the budget numbers
They are all on a differnt workbook.
Thanks in advance.
=SUMPRODUCT(('[FY03 Budget.xls]Summary'!$L$37:$L$64=B65)*('[FY03 Budget.xls]Summary'!$M$9:$X$9=C4)*'[FY03 Budget.xls]Summary'!$M$37:$Y$64)
$L$37:$L$64 are the departments
$M$9:$X$9 are the months
$M$37:$Y$64 are the budget numbers
They are all on a differnt workbook.
Thanks in advance.