Switch between active workbooks


Well-known Member
Jul 2, 2004
I am working with Excel for Mac. This has presented a number of challenges but I have successfully handled them. I am having a problem though and would love some input. I have a workbook that contains a pivot table. The pivot table is based on "Sheet1" of my workbook. The user will hit a button on the pivot table spreadsheet and the first operation is to select a file from their computer. I am using a function called ±MacScript to open the finder window and select the file. The file name (with full path) is stored in a variable called filepath. The file consists of a single sheet - Sheet1 and I select all and copy the cells. I then go back to the original workbook, select my worksheet with the source data for the pivot and I again select all and paste the new information over the old data. I have a named range called pivotsource that references the 9 columns that are required for the pivot table. What I would like to do now is go back to the original workbook and close it, do not save anything, just close it like nothing happened. I have tried to close it by using:

/* Workbooks(filepath).Activate


Since I had a large amount of data that is in the clipboard, I will also have to deal with the message coming up asking what I want to do with the clipboard. My bigger problem is that the activation of the filepath workbook doesn't work. How can I get back to the original workbook? I thought about the index of the workbooks but I don't know if the users will have other workbooks open at the same time. If they did, I could not reference it.

Thoughts anyone.

BTW I like the new look.

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I've never used Excel on a mac, but with Windows the syntax for opening a file and activating a file is not the same.

To open, you use the full file path: Workbooks.Open("C:\someFolder\someFile.xlsx")
To activate, you use the file name: Workbooks("someFile.xlsx").Activate

I would assume that is the case here - so just adjust your code for activating the workbook to use the workbook's name, not the whole filepath.

Actually, you don't even need to activate a workbook to close it, so simply (using an error handler to avoid an error if the user has closed it already by hand):
On Error Resume Next
Workbooks("someFile.xlsx").Close SaveChanges:=False
On Error GoTo 0

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