Hi all, I have below code which I use to copy/paste data within same workbook but different tabs.
I'm trying to modify this this because now the data is located in a different spreadsheet which I tell excel to open
1) I tell Excel to open my data spreadsheet.. (now is active spreadsheet)
2) Copy column 1 in data.xls
3) switch to spreadsheet summary.xls (tab summary_info) and paste into column 1
4) Now I need excel to go back to data spreadsheet and copy a different column and repeat the process..I need to copy 8 columns in total.. perhaps I can just just choose all columns at once so I don't have to go back and forth? the columns are not in order though..
Any help is very appreciated! thanks so much
'copy all names
With Sheets("data")
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
.Range(.Cells(3, 1), .Cells(LastRow, 1)).Copy Sheets("summary_info").Cells(3, 1)
End With
I'm trying to modify this this because now the data is located in a different spreadsheet which I tell excel to open
1) I tell Excel to open my data spreadsheet.. (now is active spreadsheet)
2) Copy column 1 in data.xls
3) switch to spreadsheet summary.xls (tab summary_info) and paste into column 1
4) Now I need excel to go back to data spreadsheet and copy a different column and repeat the process..I need to copy 8 columns in total.. perhaps I can just just choose all columns at once so I don't have to go back and forth? the columns are not in order though..
Any help is very appreciated! thanks so much