Swithing between workbooks VBA


Board Regular
Oct 6, 2010
Hello, I have to put several excel files informations dispersed in many files into one single excel file.

The problem im facing is that I have one open workbook that is the one running the macro, and i have to tell it to OPEN a specific workbook and retrieve the information saving it in variables and then closing the newly open workbook.
ALL of this i'm being able to do, but when I close the workbook to go back to the one running the macro and i'm having issues...

Here is the part of the code, so you can understand what I mean:
Set wbd = ActiveWorkbook 'this is the workbook running the macro
Set wsd = ActiveSheet 'this is the activesheet on the running macro
Do While ActiveCell <> Empty
FiletoOpen = "C:\Users\Luis\Desktop\Carols\Pedidos\" & ActiveCell.Value
Application.Workbooks.Open (FiletoOpen) 'Abrir workbook cliente
Set wbt = ActiveWorkbook 'this is the TEMPORARY workbook which I extract information from.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For i = 1 To wbt.Worksheets.Count
    Sheets(i).Unprotect Password:="AABBAAAAABBT"
'there are several manipulations here to extract the desired info which I believe aren't relevant to my issu.
ActiveWindow.Close 'Close TEMPORARY workbook after it's been used.
wbd.Sheets(1).Range("A1048576").Select 'ERROR OCCURS here, basically i'm trying to go back to the workbook that is running the macro to PASTE the information I too from the other workbook.

I guess im not writting the code properly to tell the macro to GO BACK to the MAIN workbook that is running the macro to paste the desired information. Could someone please help me out, I'm pretty stuck on this...

Thanks for your attention
Final <!-- / message -->

Excel Facts

Select all contiguous cells
Pressing Ctrl+* (asterisk) will select the "current region" - all contiguous cells in all directions.
Is Sheets(1) the active sheet in wbd? If not you need to select it before you can select a range on it. By the way there is rarely any need to select an object to use its properties or methods.
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Set wbd = ThisWorkbook 'this is the workbook running the macro
Set wsd = ActiveSheet 'this is the activesheet on the running macro
Do While ActiveCell <> Empty
FiletoOpen = "C:\Users\Luis\Desktop\Carols\Pedidos\" & ActiveCell.Value
Application.Workbooks.Open (FiletoOpen) 'Abrir workbook cliente
Set wbt = ActiveWorkbook 'this is the TEMPORARY workbook which I extract information from.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 1 To wbt.Worksheets.Count
Sheets(i).Unprotect Password:="AABBAAAAABBT"
'there are several manipulations here to extract the desired info which I believe aren't relevant to my issu.

wbt.Close False 'Close TEMPORARY workbook after it's been used, without saving.

With wbd.Sheets(1)
End With

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Set wbd = ThisWorkbook 'this is the workbook running the macro
Set wsd = ActiveSheet 'this is the activesheet on the running macro
Do While ActiveCell <> Empty
FiletoOpen = "C:\Users\Luis\Desktop\Carols\Pedidos\" & ActiveCell.Value
Application.Workbooks.Open (FiletoOpen) 'Abrir workbook cliente
Set wbt = ActiveWorkbook 'this is the TEMPORARY workbook which I extract information from.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For i = 1 To wbt.Worksheets.Count
Sheets(i).Unprotect Password:="AABBAAAAABBT"
'there are several manipulations here to extract the desired info which I believe aren't relevant to my issu.

wbt.Close False 'Close TEMPORARY workbook after it's been used, without saving.

With wbd.Sheets(1)
End With

Hi, sorry for taking so long but I was only able to work on this today.
I made the alterations you said, but I still get an error (I'll be translating this since I use office in portuguese):
"Error in exectution time error '1004:

The selected class range method failed"

The error occurs on the same place, after closing the workbook and going back, right on the line "With wbd.sheets(1).Range("A1048576").Select

Could you please help me figure this out cuz I have a deadline and im getting desperate...
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Here is my entire code:
Sub GeradorBancoDeDados()
Dim FiletoOpen As String
Dim wbd As Workbook 'workbook da base de dados (where info needs to go)
Dim wsd As Worksheet 'worksheet da base de dados
Dim wbt As Workbook 'workbook temporario para extração de informação (where info comes from)
Dim wst As Worksheet 'worksheet temporario para extração da informação
Dim i As Integer
'these are just variables (the simplest way I thought of taking the info from the workbook)
Dim nomecliente As String
Dim cpfcliente As String
Dim datacliente As String
Dim endcliente As String
Dim bairrocliente As String
Dim cepcliente As String
Dim cidadufcliente As String
Dim telecliente As String
Dim emailcliente As String
Dim obscliente As String
Dim endentrega As String
Dim bairroentrega As String
Dim cepentrega As String
Dim cidadufentrega As String
Dim telentrega As String
Dim emailentrega As String
Dim obsentrega As String
Dim obsgercliente As String
Dim boletoemailcliente As String
Dim boletoimpcliente As String
Dim lacradocliente As String
Dim numpedido As String
Dim RSpj As String
Dim Datapj As String
Dim NFpj As String
Dim CNPJpj As String
Dim Contatopj As String
Dim InsSocpj As String
Dim Endpj As String
Dim bairropj As String
Dim ceppj As String
Dim cidufpj As String
Dim telspj As String
Dim emailpj As String
Dim obspj As String
Dim Endentregapj As String
Dim bairroentregapj As String
Dim cepentregapj As String
Dim cidufentregapj As String
Dim telentregapj As String
Dim emailentregapj As String
Dim obsentregapj As String
Dim obsgeralentregapj As String
Dim boletemailpj As String
Dim boletoimpressopj As String
Dim enveloplacradopj As String
Dim numpedidopj As String
Set wbd = ThisWorkbook
Set wsd = ActiveSheet
    Do While ActiveCell <> Empty
        FiletoOpen = "C:\Users\Luis\Desktop\Carols\Pedidos\" & ActiveCell.Value
        Application.Workbooks.Open (FiletoOpen) 'Abrir workbook cliente
        Set wbt = ActiveWorkbook
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
            For i = 1 To wbt.Worksheets.Count
            Sheets(i).Unprotect Password:="AABBAAAAABBT"
            'extração da informção do sheet Pessoa Fisica (Extract info from sheet 1)
            i = 1
            nomecliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A1"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A1"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A1")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A1"), ":") + 1))
            cpfcliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D1"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D1"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D1")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D1"), ":") + 1))
            datacliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F1"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F1"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F1")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F1"), ":") + 1))
            endcliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A2"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A2"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A2")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A2"), ":") + 1))
            bairrocliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A3"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A3"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A3")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A3"), ":") + 1))
            cepcliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D3"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D3"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D3")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D3"), ":") + 1))
            cidadufcliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F3"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F3"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F3")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F3"), ":") + 1))
            telecliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A4"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A4"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A4")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A4"), ":") + 1))
            emailcliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D4"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D4"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D4")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D4"), ":") + 1))
            obscliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A5"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A5"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A5")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A5"), ":") + 1))
            endentrega = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A7"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A7"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A7")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A7"), ":") + 1))
            bairroentrega = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A8"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A8"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A8")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A8"), ":") + 1))
            cepentrega = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D8"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D8"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D8")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D8"), ":") + 1))
            cidadufentrega = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F8"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F8"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F8")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F8"), ":") + 1))
            telentrega = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A9"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A9"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A9")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A9"), ":") + 1))
            emailentrega = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D9"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D9"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D9")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D9"), ":") + 1))
            obsentrega = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A10"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A10"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A10")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A10"), ":") + 1))
            obsgercliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A12"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A12"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A12")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A12"), ":") + 1))
            boletoemailcliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A15"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A15"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A15")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A15"), ":") + 1))
            boletoimpcliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A16"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A16"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A16")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A16"), ":") + 1))
            lacradocliente = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D16"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D16"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D16")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D16"), ":") + 1))
            'extração da informação do sheet Pessoa Juridica (extract info from sheet 2)
            i = 2
            RSpj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A1"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A1"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A1")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A1"), ":") + 1))
            Datapj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F1"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F1"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F1")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F1"), ":") + 1))
            NFpj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A2"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A2"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A2")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A2"), ":") + 1))
            CNPJpj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F2"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F2"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F2")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F2"), ":") + 1))
            Contatopj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A3"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A3"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A3")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A3"), ":") + 1))
            InsSocpj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F3"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F3"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F3")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F3"), ":") + 1))
            Endpj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A4"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A4"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A4")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A4"), ":") + 1))
            bairropj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A5"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A5"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A5")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A5"), ":") + 1))
            ceppj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D5"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D5"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D5")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D5"), ":") + 1))
            cidufpj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F5"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F5"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F5")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F5"), ":") + 1))
            telspj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A6"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A6"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A6")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A6"), ":") + 1))
            emailpj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D6"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D6"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D6")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D6"), ":") + 1))
            obspj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A7"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A7"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A7")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A7"), ":") + 1))
            Endentregapj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A9"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A9"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A9")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A9"), ":") + 1))
            bairroentregapj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A10"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A10"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A1")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A10"), ":") + 1))
            cepentregapj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D10"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D10"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D10")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D10"), ":") + 1))
            cidufentregapj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F10"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F10"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F10")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("F10"), ":") + 1))
            telentregapj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A11"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A11"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A11")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A11"), ":") + 1))
            emailentregapj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D11"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D11"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D11")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D11"), ":") + 1))
            obsentregapj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A12"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A12"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A12")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A12"), ":") + 1))
            obsgeralentregapj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A14"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A14"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A14")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A14"), ":") + 1))
            boletemailpj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A17"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A17"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A17")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A17"), ":") + 1))
            boletoimpressopj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A18"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A18"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A18")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("A18"), ":") + 1))
            enveloplacradopj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D18"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D18"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D18")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("D18"), ":") + 1))
            numpedidopj = Trim(Mid(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("C20"), InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("C20"), ":") + 1, Len(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("C20")) - InStr(wbt.Sheets(i).Range("C20"), ":") + 1))
            wbt.Close False
            'works perfectly until this point, here I wish to go back to the main workbook running the macro to start pasting the variables.
            With wbd.Sheets(1)
            End With
            ActiveCell.End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select
            ActiveCell = nomecliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1) = cpfcliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2) = datacliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3) = endcliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 4) = bairrocliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 5) = cepcliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 6) = cidadufcliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 7) = telecliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 8) = emailcliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 9) = obscliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10) = endentrega
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 11) = bairroentrega
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 12) = cepentrega
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 13) = cidadufentrega
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 14) = telentrega
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 15) = emailentrega
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 16) = obsentrega
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 17) = obsgercliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 18) = boletoemailcliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 19) = boletoimpcliente
            ActiveCell.Offset(0, 20) = lacradocliente
        ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Select
End Sub

I have haulted at the "Pasting" info at the main workbook since I can't go back to it. After pasting the info a new workbook shall be opened and the process repeated until it goes through the list i have of workbooks.
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What is that line of code meant to do?

If you just want to move the the last cell in column A you could try this.
Application.GoTo wbd.Sheets(1).Range("A"& Rows.Count)

You can add Scroll:=True if you want the sheet to scroll so that cell is in the top left.

By the way, it's rarely needed to use activate or select for this sort of thing.
Last edited:
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As I said before, a worksheet must be active to select a cell on it.

How do I activate a worksheet? Shouldn't it be "wbd.sheets(1).select?"

Sorry if I seem ignorant, but my skills with VBA are limited, I kinda go with what I know... and I've never done this switching thing between workbooks.

I've added my code here so you can have a better understanding of what i'm trying to do.

Thank you for your attention! Seriously! I really appreciate it!!!
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What is that lone of code meant to do?

If you just want to move the the last cell in column A you could try this.
Application.GoTo wbd.Sheets(1).Range("A"& Rows.Count)

You can add Scroll:=True if you want the sheet to scroll so that cell is in the top left.

By the way, it's rarely needed to use activate or select for this sort of thing.

Basically, what i'm trying to do is:

I have about 300 seperate excel file which contain clients info (one for each client). I want to compile everything into ONE single excel file with all the informations from all these excels. So there is a part of the code (which isn't there) which makes me a LIST of ALL the excel workbook files in a certain folder. Then this code should go down the list, open each workbook get the info and paste it in the workbook running the macro.

I thought it was going to be a piece of cake, but the score is:
excel vba 5 x me 0
thanks for the attention! I do appreciate your help!
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Did you try the code I posted for the problem in your last post?

I've only had a brief look at your code and I'm pretty sure it can be tidied up.

One thing I notice is that you seem to have quite a few variables.

Also, this section of code,
Set wbd = ThisWorkbook
Set wsd = ActiveSheet
    Do While ActiveCell <> Empty
        FiletoOpen = "C:\Users\Luis\Desktop\Carols\Pedidos\" & ActiveCell.Value
        Application.Workbooks.Open (FiletoOpen) 'Abrir workbook cliente
        Set wbt = ActiveWorkbook
can be replaced with this:
Set wbd = ThisWorkbook
Set wsd = wbd.Sheets("Files")
Set rng = wsd.Range("C9")

    Do While rng <> Empty

        FiletoOpen = "C:\Users\Luis\Desktop\Carols\Pedidos\" & rng.Value
       Set wbt= Application.Workbooks.Open (FiletoOpen) 'Abrir workbook cliente

   ... loads of other code

        Set rng = rng.Offset(1)
You would then have a reference to the cell which holds the filename of the workbook to open.

With that you don't need to use ActiveCell for this part of the code.

I know you use ActiveCell later in the code but I've not had a close enough look to see what exactly its been used for.

Actually I can see how it's used and I'm pretty sure it can be replaced.

Perhaps with something like this.
Set rngNew =wsd.Range("A" & Rows.Count)
End(xlUp).Offset(1) ' reference to row to put data in

rngNew.Value = nomecliente
rngNew.Offset(, 1) = cpfcliente
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