Task, & I haven't touched VBA for 1 year


Active Member
Sep 3, 2002
I haven't done a thing in VBA for over a year, and now have to quickly come up with a solution to the following problem.

I have a bunch of data - names, addresses, etc, some with telephone numbers, some without. This is in 13 columns. After leaving a space, I have another bunch of data, which contains all the same names. Everything in this data is in uppercase. All these names have telephone numbers. There are more names in the first bunch than the second. Every name in the first bunch which ISN"T in the second bunch does have a telphone number.

Problem: I need to go down the first bunch of data, and, when I find a name with no tel number, then proceed to look up the information in the uppercase bunch of data to the right.

I think I could figure this out in 5 or 6 hours, but was wondering if anyone could give me a bit of quick code to speed things up. Any help appreciated.

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Difference between two dates
Secret function! Use =DATEDIF(A2,B2,"Y")&" years"&=DATEDIF(A2,B2,"YM")&" months"&=DATEDIF(A2,B2,"MD")&" days"

Do you really need code for this?

Wouldn't a combination of formulas suffice?

Perhaps an IF with a VLOOKUP?
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I don't know. there are over 4,000 rows of data, and there are in many cases more than one name with the same initals and last name, so I was planning to make sure that both the first name, last name, and street address all matched before plucking the phone number.
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If every person in the first bunch without a telephone number is listed in the second bunch with a telephone number, all you need is:

=vlookup(A3, O$3:O$999, 2, False) (in cell N3 and copied down)
assuming the telephone number in the first bunch is in column A and the names in the second bunch begin in column O and the phone numbers in the second bunch are in column P.

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I have found that I can't try to match addresses because, although they appear identical, one has a bunch of spaces at the end.How can I take a cell with this: : "123 HArvest Lane " an dconvert it to "123 Harvest lane" ?
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have you tried using proper which will capitalise all the first letters, or use upper and lower
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