Test for text instead of Date in UDF

Dave Patton

Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2002
Office Version
  1. 365
  2. 2010
  1. Windows
I have a UDF "AGE" that requires a test to ensure dates are in the SS for d1 and d2.

If a person enters an invalid date such
as Feb 30, it shows as Text on the ss but function defaults to Dec 31 1899.

Probably solution could put text such as
"Input error, Invalid Date" instead of incorrect date for result.

I tried
if application.worksheetfunction.istext(d1)

But I did not get it to work

Function Age(d1 As Date, d2 As Date, Optional Output As Variant = "T")
.... ...
.... output

Select Case UCase(Output)
Case "D": Age = d
Case "H": Age = Array(Y, M, d)
Case "M": Age = M
Case "V": Age = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Array(Y, M, d))
Case "Y": Age = Y
Case Else: Age = Y & "y " & M & "m " & d & "d"
End Select

End Function

Thanks for your help

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I hope I'm not teaching you to suck eggs, but have you considered doing another UDF that uses the ISDATE function to test for a date if it is true then the call is made to your Age function. If it returns false then a warning message appears.

Function isd(celref)
isd = IsDate(celref)
End Function

you then put in your function as

=IF(ISD(celref),AGE(celref),"Please Enter A Valid Date in Cell "&CELL("address",celref))

Failing this have you thought of using the SS function =TYPE(celref) this returns the value 2 when celref contains text.

Hope this helps

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This message was edited by s-o-s on 2002-09-15 14:30
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