Test if a Specific workbook is open


Board Regular
Jul 4, 2006
Hi All,

Can someone provide me with some code that tests if a certain workbook is open, If it s open 'do something' if not, Msgbox "File not open..."

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this code will test if the file name TEST.XLS is open or not;
Sub test_if_open()
   Dim File As String
    File = "TEST.XLS"
        If IsWbOpen(File) Then
            MsgBox "Open"
                    MsgBox "File Not Open"
        End If
End Sub
Function IsWbOpen(wbName As String) As Boolean
    On Error Resume Next
    IsWbOpen = Len(Workbooks(wbName).Name)
End Function
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hi c.

here is an example which should help.

cheers. ben.

Sub GetWorkbook()

    Dim wbOpen As Workbook, strWorkbook As String

'   Suppress errors
    On Error Resume Next
    strWorkbook = "Book1" '<- change this to your workbook name
    Set wbOpen = Workbooks(strWorkbook)
'   Test if workbook is open
    If wbOpen Is Nothing Then
'       Workbook is not open
        MsgBox "Can't find it, sorry!"
'       Workbook is open
        MsgBox "I got it!  Here you go!"
    End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Set wbOpen = Nothing
End Sub
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