to many ifs


New Member
Jun 23, 2006
i need some help as i have too many if functions with the formula i need to write. this is what the complete formula should be:

it will cope until the last if but then it says theres to many i know abit about naming formulas but cant get that to work, and dumbed down help would be much appreciated


Excel Facts

Copy formula down without changing references
If you have =SUM(F2:F49) in F50; type Alt+' in F51 to copy =SUM(F2:F49) to F51, leaving the formula in edit mode. Change SUM to COUNT.

What do the curly braces do in this formula? (Stupid question I'm sure, but I'm not familiar with them). Also, and link (for beginners) to how special characters are used in Excel would be appreciated.
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Hello Aladin and Mamfa,

Another way to go using the match:


or it will be easier maybe and to have more flexibilty [to add letter or whatever ] to create a 2 columns list

A* 0
A 1
U 7

and then to use a vlookup so


May be?????
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What do the curly braces do in this formula? (Stupid question I'm sure, but I'm not familiar with them). Also, and link (for beginners) to how special characters are used in Excel would be appreciated.


is a 1-column table. Also called a vector.

It's equivalent of having a range housing the same values: for eaxample, A2:A9 filled with A, B, C,.. respectively.


would then become:


BTW, the formula omits your A* for it would be confused with A. If that's still relevant, try to clarify what values with A* are meant. If literal A*, modify the formula as Sunnyland suggests to:

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the match thin looks good but i need a bit more explanation i need each grade to equal a number ???

thank you for your help
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the match thin looks good but i need a bit more explanation i need each grade to equal a number ???

thank you for your help

You listed 0,1,2,... as numbers that are associated with the symbols you have. If the sequence 0,1,2,... is not really what you have in mind, try to post the real numbers which correspond to them.
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A* = 0
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
U = 8

i have the letters/grades and i need to convert them to numbers in order to be able to do calculations with them?
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A* = 0
A = 1
B = 2
C = 3
D = 4
E = 5
F = 6
G = 7
U = 8

i have the letters/grades and i need to convert them to numbers in order to be able to do calculations with them?


does exactly that.
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thankyou i will now give that a try no doubt i'll be back on here again soon for more help!
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