Can someone please help me with a formula to show the Top 5 customers in given query broken out by Product Family? For Example: I want to see the top 5 customer sales for X product, the top 5 customers for Z product and so forth. I think I am having trouble grouping because it returns the top 5 customers overall, but not broken out by product family. Thanks for your help in advance. See the formula I am currently using below.
In (Select Top 5 [Pricing Quantity] From [Sales by Buying Group] Where [Product Family]=[Sales by Buying Group].[Product Family] Order By [Pricing Quantity] Desc)
Can someone please help me with a formula to show the Top 5 customers in given query broken out by Product Family? For Example: I want to see the top 5 customer sales for X product, the top 5 customers for Z product and so forth. I think I am having trouble grouping because it returns the top 5 customers overall, but not broken out by product family. Thanks for your help in advance. See the formula I am currently using below.
In (Select Top 5 [Pricing Quantity] From [Sales by Buying Group] Where [Product Family]=[Sales by Buying Group].[Product Family] Order By [Pricing Quantity] Desc)