Two Workbooks-One Data..Comparing!


Board Regular
Apr 22, 2005
Been awhile since I last visited. I would appreciate a helping hand. I have the following situation:

I keep a spreadsheet (mainsheet) that lists all the pertinent Data for my inventory. It is sorted by make, Model, and year of the car. Each car has a stock number that is unique.

Every day the accounting department updates a proprietary accounting system and therefore my costs change daily. The accounting system has a function that I can manually export to an excel spreadsheet some very basic data. What I want to do is to write a macro in my spreadsheet that compares the stock# data in the "mainsheet" to the stock# data in the manual sheet and, if it is a match cut and paste the cost data to the mainsheet.

Excel Facts

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Use Data, What-If Analysis, Goal Seek to find the correct input cell value to reach a desired result
One other thing...

I have written a little bit, but I keep getting hung up on what I thinkl is a boolean deal. What i mean is that Excel has a built-in function exact(text1,text2) that returns true or false. I was trying to utlize this meathodolgy but don't know how. here is my concept:

Sub concept
Do until selction.value= ""
get first cell data in manual sheet
select mainsheet first cell
pastetest = false
Do until selection.value =""
If exact(manual sheet stock#, mainsheet stock#) = true then
copypaste data
pastetest = true
end if
if pastetest = false then
paste manualsheet data on last row
end if
move to next cell in manualsheet
end sub
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