Legacy 93538
I have created this loop, which loops through a cell range and for cell it takes the value of the cell and uses it to place a vlookup in the cell in the columns 6, 10, 21, 22, 23.
However when i run the code it produces an error saying "unable to get the vlookup property of the worksheetfunction class"
Does anyone know why its doing this and how to solve it? as i have never come across this error before.
I have created this loop, which loops through a cell range and for cell it takes the value of the cell and uses it to place a vlookup in the cell in the columns 6, 10, 21, 22, 23.
However when i run the code it produces an error saying "unable to get the vlookup property of the worksheetfunction class"
Nrow = 2If bImport = vbYes Then 'if the user selected yes to the question at the start
'Opens perious version doc entered and copy data into temp sheet and closes it
Application.StatusBar = "Importing previous version data"
Set PPOld = Workbooks.Open(StrFldr & "\" & "HDE_PPIII_MONTH_Input_Reference_Form_V" & bVImport & ".xlsx")
PPNew.Sheets.Add.Name = "ConvertManual"
PPOld.Sheets("InputRefapd").cells.Copy Destination:=PPNew.Sheets("ConvertManual").Range("A1")
'Loops through column in
For Each cell In PPNewIR.Range("A2:A3000")
If cell.Value <> "" Then
PPNewIR.cells(Nrow, 6).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(cell.Value, PPNew.Sheets("ConvertManual").Range("A2:Y3000"), 10, False)
PPNewIR.cells(Nrow, 10).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(cell.Value, PPNew.Sheets("ConvertManual").Range("A2:Y3000"), 10, False)
PPNewIR.cells(Nrow, 21).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(cell.Value, PPNew.Sheets("ConvertManual").Range("A2:Y3000"), 21, False)
PPNewIR.cells(Nrow, 22).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(cell.Value, PPNew.Sheets("ConvertManual").Range("A2:Y3000"), 22, False)
PPNewIR.cells(Nrow, 23).Value = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(cell.Value, PPNew.Sheets("ConvertManual").Range("A2:Y3000"), 23, False)
End If
Application.StatusBar = cell.Address
Next cell
Application.StatusBar = "Formatting and deleteing temporary Sheet"
PPNewIR.Select: PPNewIR.cells.Copy: PPNewIR.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues
End If
Does anyone know why its doing this and how to solve it? as i have never come across this error before.