Legacy 193704
Excel 2010: I am trying to update a master file (using VBA) with data sent from multiple users. I thought everything was going ok until recently when i found that i cannot turnoff the autofiltermode using VBA for the user's update file after opening, but I can turn it off manually by clicking the Filter funnel tool on the Data tab. The watch window shows autofiltermode is false and does not agree with the visual status of the filter arrows which I can see on the activesheet. I have both master and update Excel 2010 files open. I can see the activesheet is on the update file. The watch window agrees that the activeworkbook.path and .name are the update file. The activesheet.name is "Locations" which is correct. Directly after activating the Locations sheet, I try to turn autofiltermode to false like:
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
The Locations sheet is not protected and the watch window indicates autofiltermode is already false, but I can see the filtering arrows.
wbupdate is delcared as workbook before all subs in Thisworkbook which is where all this code resides and I refer to it using that name is several sub procedures. I also find that i cannot unhide columns for activesheet. I believe this is not a filtering issue but a disconnect between what the code thinks is the activesheet and what I am seeing as the activesheet both visually and using checks in the watch window. Anyone know what is causing my disconnect?
ActiveSheet.AutoFilterMode = False
The Locations sheet is not protected and the watch window indicates autofiltermode is already false, but I can see the filtering arrows.
wbupdate is delcared as workbook before all subs in Thisworkbook which is where all this code resides and I refer to it using that name is several sub procedures. I also find that i cannot unhide columns for activesheet. I believe this is not a filtering issue but a disconnect between what the code thinks is the activesheet and what I am seeing as the activesheet both visually and using checks in the watch window. Anyone know what is causing my disconnect?