I have a table in an excel worksheetsheet that contains data from columns A to Q. In an access database, i have a table that is setup with the exact same fields as in the excel table. The the number of rows in the data sheet is variable. The 1st column in the worksheet contains the unique ID#. It's a 7 digit number.
Here's what i need to do.
Loop through the table in excel and identify the Unique ID# in column "A" and seach the access database to see if that unique ID# already exists. If it exists, then update that record with the data from the excel table. If it doesn't exist, add the new record to the database. then go on to the next row......
I'm using Excel and access 2003.
The database name and location is //S11EC111\Project\db1.mdb and is not in the same location as the excel table.
I've activated the ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 library to use ADO.
Your help would be appreciated.
I have a table in an excel worksheetsheet that contains data from columns A to Q. In an access database, i have a table that is setup with the exact same fields as in the excel table. The the number of rows in the data sheet is variable. The 1st column in the worksheet contains the unique ID#. It's a 7 digit number.
Here's what i need to do.
Loop through the table in excel and identify the Unique ID# in column "A" and seach the access database to see if that unique ID# already exists. If it exists, then update that record with the data from the excel table. If it doesn't exist, add the new record to the database. then go on to the next row......
I'm using Excel and access 2003.
The database name and location is //S11EC111\Project\db1.mdb and is not in the same location as the excel table.
I've activated the ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 library to use ADO.
Your help would be appreciated.