Update text file with Excel


New Member
Apr 4, 2012
Hello All,

I need to copy cells B2:C8, open an already saved text file (Test.txt), highlight everything in there, paste in the info from excel, and then save the text file.

Thanks in advance

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What's the purpose of highlighting everything? Do you want to replace the exsiting contents?

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You will have to refer this thread for information on the object used:

The code you will have to adjust to suit your text file path.
Public Sub WriteDataToTxtFile()
Dim objDaOb As Object
Dim rngCOPY As Range
Dim strPath As String

Set objDaOb = CreateObject("New:{1C3B4210-F441-11CE-B9EA-00AA006B1A69}")
Set rngCOPY = Range("B2:C8")    'Set Range Reference
strPath = "C:\Test.txt"         'Set text file path

Open strPath For Output As #1
Print #1, objDaOb.GetText
Close #1
Application.CutCopyMode = False

End Sub
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Domski, yes i want to replace existing context.

taurean - that didn't seem to work. when i go to my txt file it is not updated with the same data that is in excel.
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taurean - that didn't seem to work. when i go to my txt file it is not updated with the same data that is in excel.
I had tested the code with false data and it did work so not sure what is different in your setup that fails it. Can you post the code as you have now?
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